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I heard you were back Çeviri Fransızca

115 parallel translation
- I heard you were back.
- J'ai entendu que vous étiez de retour.
I heard you were back.
J'ai appris ton retour.
You know how I wanted to see you ever since I heard you were back?
Je brûlais de te revoir.
When I heard you were back teaching, I cried
Quand j'ai su que vous reveniez à l'école, j'ai pleuré.
I came over as soon as I heard you were back.
Je suis venu dès que j'ai appris votre retour.
- I heard you were back.
- J'ai su pour ton retour.
I heard you were back.
J'ai su que tu étais revenu.
Hé, Sheba. On me dit que tu es revenue.
I heard you were back at Work this Morning, which I think is wonderful.
J'ai entendu dire que tu revenais ce matin, c'est magnifique.
Highway, I heard you were back.
Je viens d'apprendre.
I heard you were back on the bayou... selling worms and all that jazz.
On dit que t'es revenu dans le Bayou vendre des asticots.
I heard you were back in California, and the Queen speaks highly of you.
On m'a parlé de vous en Californie et la reine vous estime beaucoup.
I heard you were back on Tollana to meet with Chancellor Travell.
J'ai appris que vous reveniez voir le chancelier Travell.
Yeah, I heard you were back in town.
J'ai entendu dire que t'étais de retour.
When I heard you were back, I felt threatened.
Quand j'ai su que tu étais revenue, je me suis sentie menacée.
Luka, I heard you were back today.
Luka, ravie que tu sois de retour.
I heard you were back in town.
On est revenu pour la réunion?
I heard you were back on the team.
J'ai entendu que tu étais de retour dans l'équipe.
And when I heard you were back, I.... I started to hope.
Quand j'ai appris ton retour... je me suis prise à espérer.
I heard you were back.
J'ai appris que tu étais de retour.
I heard you were back in town
J'ai entendu que vous étiez de retour en ville.
I heard you were back.
J'ai appris que t'étais de retour.
You know, I heard you were back, but I didn't see you in the pit.
J'ai appris ton retour, mais je ne t'avais pas vu dans la fosse.
- I heard you were back, and
- On m'a dit que tu étais revenue, et
I heard you were back in town.
J'ai entendu que t'étais de retour en ville.
- I heard you were back.
- J'ai su que tu étais de retour.
You know, when I heard you were back in town, I ran the scenario of how this would work, you and me.
Tu sais, quand j'ai su que t'étais revenue, je me suis fait un film, sur toi et moi.
I hadn't heard you were back.
J'ignorais que vous étiez de retour.
I'm General Aggaby. When I heard you were on your way back to England,
Très aimable à vous.
Lovely little town... and I heard one of the natives humming a tune... and as I drove away, that melody kept haunting me... you know... so I turned around and went back... and there were these two amateur songwriters...
Charmante petite ville... et j'ai entendu quelqu'un du coin fredonner... et alors quand je suis parti cette mélodie m'est restée. Alors j'ai fait demi-tour et je suis revenu... et il y avait deux auteurs amateurs- -
I heard you were in hospital. - Nice to see you back, Miss Mayfield.
J'ai appris votre hospitalisation.
I heard you were insulted by him last night... and didn't dare fight back.
Hier, il t'a insulté. Et tu n'as pas bronché.
I heard you were back.
Ça a fonctionné, en fait.
I heard you were back.
J'ai appris que vous étiez revenu.
I heard mom yelling earlier, you were going back to jail.
J'ai entendu maman crier tout à l'heure, que t'allais retourner en prison.
Heard you were long gone back to the city. I thought you were all through here.
Je vous croyais parti.
When I heard you hand-carried it, I thought well, maybe you were back on the market.
Quand je vous ai vu l'apporter j'ai pensé que vous étiez de nouveau sur le marché.
Boax sometimes watched you in his crystal, back when you were in the castle. I heard him talk to Grovel so I know of your situation.
Boax vous observait parfois avec sa boule de cristal, avant que vous ne soyez ici.
I'd heard you were back from China.
J'ai entendu dire que vous retourniez en Chine.
I heard you were just a window display standing in some back alley
Je croyais que tu n'étais qu'un ornement, dans la vitrine d'un quelconque magasin.
I heard you were going back to Smallville tomorrow.
Je sais que vous rentrez à Smallville.
Well, I heard that you were doing back to back shifts, so I pulled a couple of strings so that we could get the old band back together!
Bien, j'ai appris que tu faisais deux gardes à la suite, alors j'ai tiré quelques ficelles pour qu'on puisse refaire notre duo!
I'd heard you were back.
J'ai appris ton retour.
I, uh, heard you were back from the hospital, so I brought you these.
J'ai appris que vous étiez sortie de l'hôpital, alors je vous amène ceci.
I heard you were flying back tonight.
J'ai entendu que vous rentriez ce soir.
I got over a dozen witnesses that heard you threaten to kill him going back to when you were in high school.
J'ai une douzaine de témoins qui t'a entendu le menacer de mort et qui remonte à l'époque où tu étais au lycée.
Hannah, I heard you were studying back east- - what are you doing here?
Hannah, je croyais que tu étudiais dans l'est. Qu'est-ce que tu fais là?
I heard a rumor that you were sleeping with her back then.
La rumeur dit que vous couchiez avec elle à cette époque.
Say, I heard you and Barbie were back together again.
J'ai entendu dire que Barbie et toi étiez de nouveau ensemble?
I was so happy when I heard you were coming back.
J'étais si contente d'apprendre que tu revenais.
Did - I was surprised when I heard that you were coming back.
Ça m'a surprise d'apprendre que tu revenais.

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