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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ I ] / I know you can do it

I know you can do it Çeviri Fransızca

854 parallel translation
- Get a hold of one, I know you can do it.
- Prends-en une, je sais que tu peux le faire.
I know you can do it.
Vous pouvez le faire.
But I know you can do it, Eddie.
Vous pouvez tout arranger.
Please, Father, I know you can do it.
Papa, tu vas y arriver!
- Oh, I know you can do it.
- Je sais que tu peux le faire.
- I know you can do it.
- Je sais que vous le pouvez.
If these lots don't double in value in a year, I don't know what you can do about it.
Si ces lots ne doublent pas en un an, je ne sais pas ce que vous ferez.
If you won't do something, I will. I know who can do it.
Si tu ne t'en occupes pas, je le ferai.Je sais qui peut nous aider.
Do you know where I can find Mrs. Ritchey? It's important.
Je cherche Mme Ritchey C'est important
I know you're a very busy man, but do you mind? I'm in the middle of a big murder story. But it can wait.
Je vous sais très occupé, mais si c'est possible... j'enquête sur un meurtre, en ce moment.
I know you can't wear the clothes you wear... and do the things you do, and not pay for it, one way or another.
Tu ne pourrais pas avoir ces vêtements et faire ce que tu fais sans le payer d'une façon ou d'une autre.
Of course, you know, I can't do much without the grill, so you will hurry it up, won't you?
Mais... Je ne peux rien faire sans grill, alors vous ferez vite, n'est-ce pas?
I'm not going back to Detroit before I have my vacation and if you don't like it, you can take my job and you know what you can do with it?
Et si ça ne vous plaît pas, vous savez ce que j'en pense.
Because if there's anything that I can do to help you... just let me know, and I'll do it.
Si je peux faire quelque chose pour vous aider, vous n'avez qu'à me le demander.
Well, you know perfectly well I can't give you permission to do it.
Vous savez pertinemment que je ne peux vous accorder d'autorisation.
This sort of life is new to me and I do want to make a success of it, and make Mr. De Winter happy, so I know I can leave all the household arrangements to you.
C'est une vie que je ne connais pas, mais j'y arriverai. Je veux rendre M. de Winter heureux. Je sais que je peux vous confier la maison.
I can't forget it. What do you know about law and trials and all those things. Please, Jane.
Je ne peux pas l'oublier!
I know what this means to you, Julia but there's no alternative, you are the only one who can do it.
Je sais ce que ça représente pour vous, Julia, mais il n'y a pas le choix, vous êtes la seule à pouvoir le faire.
What do you know? When can I hear it?
Quand puis-je l'entendre?
- I know one way you can do it.
- Je peux t'aider. - Comment?
Oh, I know what we can do. - You got it at a pet store, didn't you?
Vous l'avez eu chez un marchand?
- I can't help it. Do you know how?
- Sauriez-vous vous y prendre?
I've told you everything I know that can be of help. My friends have nothing to do with it.
Mes amis n'ont rien à voir là-dedans.
Yeah, I can easily see how it wouldn't take much courage... to get a notorious patriot off Devil's Island. But just for professional reasons, I'd like to know how you're gonna do it.
Il ne faut pas un grand courage pour tirer un patriote de l'île du Diable, mais... j'aimerais savoir comment vous comptez faire!
Well boys, I hate to break up a good party but you can't keep a woman waiting, can you? - You know how it is, boys. - Yes we do, Mr. Hogarth.
C'était une très bonne soirée, mais on ne fait pas attendre une femme.
I do know that I can't marry him, if it would mean his losing you.
Je sais que je ne peux pas l'épouser s'il doit alors vous perdre.
I know it's true that you do not love me... but if this other is also true... then you can never find anyone else to love.
Je sais que vous ne m'aimez pas. Mais si ce qu'il a dit est vrai, alors vous ne trouverez jamais quelqu'un d'autre à aimer, n'est-ce pas?
- How can I fix it so he won't know? - You can do it.
- Comment faire pour qu'il ne sache pas?
You can take a chance I know what I'm doing and let me do it!
Je vous fais confiance, faites-moi confiance aussi.
You know I can do it. It's getting stuffy in this joint.
Ça vous coûtera vos galons.
Can I lend you some money? Wouldn't know what to do with it.
- Je peux vous prêter de l'argent?
I know you were trying to needle me just now, but you can't do it.
Tu essaies de m'asticoter, mais tu n'y arriveras pas.
I can't speak with as much assurance as I usually do... because you've just called me a pompous know-it-all.
Je n'ai pas autant d'assurance que d'habitude parce que vous m'avez appelé prétentieux.
If I can do anything to make it any harder for you, let me know.
Si je peux faire quoi que ce soit pour te compliquer la tâche, dis-le.
Oh, you know I can't let you do that, dear. It's too risky.
Oh, je ne peux te laisser faire ça, c'est trop risqué.
You know I can do it.
- C'est possible?
We must warn them of the danger. If you have courage, I know how we can do it.
Nous devons les avertir, grâce à votre courage.
I can do it, you know.
J'ai le bras long!
If I can do it, I know you can.
Vous ferez pareil.
And you know I can do it too!
Et ca, vous savez que j'en suis capable!
I didn't know it was you. What can I do for you? I want you to pay attention to me.
Aprês réflexion, nous avons conclu que vous perturbez le programme Platon.
I found this photo roll. I do not know what it is but if you want you can take it.
J'ai trouvé ce rouleau de photo, j'ignore ce que c'est mais si vous le voulez prenez-le.
I don't blame you for a minute, but I don't know what I can do about it.
Je te comprends, mais qu'y puis-je?
You know it's not good for you. I'll not be told what I can or cannot do by you or anybody else.
Je peux avoir un Brandy quand je veux.
And you know I can do it.
Tu sais que j'en suis capable.
You know, morsel, it can be like that again. No offense, sweetie, but I don't want to do that kind of stuff with Bill.
L'ère du parent sans droit de garde a commencé.
I know what you expect, Mother, and I can do it!
Je sais ce que vous voulez. Je peux y arriver.
I know, but you can't do it alone.
Je sais, mais tu n'y arriveras pas tout seul.
And you know I can do it.
Vous m'en savez capable.
I don't like it I tell you. I don't know what these things can do.
Qui sait de quoi il est capable.
Do you know, I can still see the sun glinting on it.
Vous savez, je les revois encore Briller au soleil.

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