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I really don't know anything Çeviri Fransızca

214 parallel translation
Well, I don't really know. I can't help it, I can't find anything that fits.
- Je suis dépité... Je ne trouve rien qui m'aille.
I really don't know of anything much Fanny has got except her feeling about Eugene.
Fanny n'a jamais rien eu, je crois à part ce penchant pour Eugène
I don't know anything. Really, I don't.
Je ne sais rien, vraiment.
I don't really think there's anything we can add to what you already know, Dr. Velasco.
Nous ne pouvons rien ajouter à ce que vous connaissez.
I'm ashamed to say I really don't know anything about archaeology.
J'ai honte de l'avouer, je suis très ignorante en matière d'archéologie.
But I don't really know anything about birds.
Je ne sais vraiment rien des oiseaux.
I don't know who you are and we don't know anything at all about radar or jets or anything else but if you're really low on fuel we'll clear you to land here.
La Guardia, ceci est un jet. Nous avons quatre belles turbines, et elles sont assoiffées. Nous voulons un guidage radar pour Idlewild.
- I don't really know anything about it at all.
Je ne sais vraiment pas grand-chose.
Yes, I really don't know anything.
Je ne suis au courant de rien.
Well, I don't really know anything about it.
Je n'y connais pas grand-chose.
I really don't know anything about the advertising game itself.
Je ne connais absolument rien au monde de la publicité.
Only us two, but I really don't know anything about it.
Vraiment, je n'en sais rien. Il n'a pas disparu tout seul!
I don't know anything, really.
Je ne sais rien, moi!
No, I don't really know anything about it.
Non, pas vraiment.
I don't know anything... I really don't know anything!
Je ne sais vraiment rien.
I don't know much about it, really. I mean, anything.
Je n'y connais pas grand-chose.
Really... I don't know anything similar.
Vraiment, je ne connais rien qui s'en rapproche.
Really, I don't know what happened. I wasn't doing anything.
- Franchement, je ne sais pas ce qui s'est passé.
I really don't know when they'll be back. Now, if that were my honeymoon I wouldn't settle for anything less than Tahiti.
Comme ca tu aurais pu éloigner ton père et lui prendre son entreprise.
Think these have anything to do with those guys being killed, huh? I really don't know.
Vous croyez que c'est lié à la mort de ces types?
I don't really know anything about those parts of life.
Je connais pas grand-chose à cet aspect de la vie.
I mean, come on, Apollo, we don't know anything about this guy you're fighting, really.
en fait.
I have nothing to do with it I really don't know anything
Chef, j'e n'ai pas envie d'être mêlé à ces trucs.
You really blew O'Rourke away in there, you know? I know you really didn't need my test answers or anything, but I kinda got the feeling like, I don't know, like we were a team in there.
tu sais? { \ fs72 \ b0 \ cHFFFFFF } Mais le fait est que... { \ fs72 \ b0 \ cHFFFFFF } je ne sais plus où j'en suis.
I'm very sorry, but I really don't know anything about it.
Je suis navrée, mais je ne sais vraiment rien à propos de cet objet.
I really don't know anything myself.
Je ne sais pas moi-même.
And I really don't know anything.
Je ne suis vraiment au courant de rien.
I mean, we really don't know if there's anything left down there, do we?
On ne sait pas du tout s'il reste quelque chose là en bas, hein?
Look, I really don't know anything.
Je ne sais vraiment rien.
I don't know anything, really.
Je ne sais rien du tout, en fait.
I don't know anything about music, but I think you're really great.
Je ne suis pas musicien, mais j'aime beaucoup ce que vous faites.
Actually, I don't really know anything about you.
En fait, je ne te connais pas du tout.
You don't know who I really am! You don't know anything about me!
- Tu ne sais pas qui je suis, tu ne sais rien de moi.
I, I I know this is an ideal sort of kissing moment you know, night, moon, boat, water lapping you know, it's, um... i t's perfect and I'm I'm not feeling that it would be nice but I don't really know anything about you and I'm I'm still on the rebound
Je sais que c'est l'instant idéal pour un baiser. La lune, la barque, le clapotis de l'eau. C'est parfait.
I don't know anything. I really don't.
Je ne sais vraiment rien, rien.
I don't really know anything about birds.
Je ne connais rien aux oiseaux.
- No, really, it's true. I obviously don't know anything about you.
Je ne sais manifestement rien sur toi.
Well, all I know is that third trimester abortions are illegal, I don't really know anything about fortieth.
Au 3e trimestre, l'avortement est illégal, mais au 40e, je ne sais pas.
So I'm sorry what I said yesterday, I really don't know anything about her.
Je n'aurais pas dû l'insulter, je ne sais rien d'elle.
I was born there but... I don't really know anything about Chicago any more.
Je suis né là-bas mais je ne sais plus rien de Chicago.
I really don't know anything
Je ne sais vraiment rien d'une telle chose.
- I really don't know anything.
Je ne suis au courant de rien.
You're the one that I don't really know anything about anymore, Frank
C'est toi que je ne connais plus vraiment.
Oh, no, no, I really don't know anything about computers
Arrête , j'y connais rien en informatique.
I really don't know what to believe. Well, you can believe me when I tell you it doesn't change anything that Reggie's here.
Tu peux me croire quand je te dis que ça ne change rien que Reggie soit là.
I know I don't have the right to ask for a miracle... because I haven't really been much of a believer in anything.
Je sais que je ne peux pas demander un miracle, mais... En plus, je ne suis pas très croyante...
But, um, since I work in the TV business and I don't really know anything,
Je travaille pour la télé, je ne suis au courant de rien.
I don't really know anything about popular music.
Je ne connais rien à la musique populaire.
I really don't know anything. - Just that three people died. - Right.
Juste qu'il y a eu trois morts à Littleton dans un bowling.
Come to think of it, I don't really know anything about you at all.
Tu sais ce que je viens de réaliser? Je ne sais rien sur toi.
- I really do. I don't know anything.
Vraiment, je n'y connais rien.

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