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I thought you were leaving Çeviri Fransızca

112 parallel translation
I thought you were leaving.
Je pensais que vous partiez
I thought you were leaving right away.
Je pensais que vous partiez immédiatement.
I was angry, I thought you were leaving him the farm...
J'étais en colère, je croyais que tu allais lui laisser Ia ferme...
I thought you were leaving that's all, are you still going?
- Tu voulais t'embarquer. C'est ça? - Tu voulais
I thought you were leaving.
Je vous croyais partie.
- I thought you were leaving.
Je pensais que vous partiez. On ne peut tre ^ deux à partir.
- I thought you were leaving.
- J'ai cru que tu partais.
- I thought you were leaving. - I am.
- Je croyais que vous partiez.
- I thought you were leaving.
- Mais vous partiez.
I thought you were leaving town.
Tu devais quitter la ville.
- I thought you were leaving tomorrow.
- Tu ne pars pas demain? - Plus maintenant.
I thought you were leaving without...
Je croyais que vous partiez sans...
I thought you were leaving town.
Tu ne devais pas partir?
I thought you were leaving.
Vous partiez, non?
- So I thought you were leaving town.
Je croyais que vous quittiez la ville.
- I thought you were leaving town.
- Je croyais que vous quittiez la ville.
I thought you were leaving anyhow
Je pensais que tu partais, de toute façon.
I thought you were leaving.
Je croyais que tu partais.
- I thought you were leaving.
- Je croyais que tu partais.
- I thought you were leaving next week.
- Vous deviez partir la semaine prochaine.
I thought you were leaving so you could forget
Je pensais que tu allais partir et oublier.
I thought you were leaving.
Je pense à un départ.
I thought you were leaving.
Je pensais que vous partiez.
I thought you were leaving.
Je croyais que vous deviez partir.
Dr. Brennan. I thought you were leaving today?
Vous ne deviez pas partir aujourd'hui?
I thought you were leaving.
Je croyais que vous partiez.
Si je t'ai raconté ce truc entre moi et la femme d'Owen, c'est parce que tu quittais la ville.
What happened? I thought you were leaving tonight.
Je pensais que tu partais ce soir.
I thought you were leaving. ÎÒ ² " ÄÜÔç × ß I
Je croyais que vous partiez.
I thought you were leaving.
Je pensais que tu partais?
I Thought You Were Leaving Us For Bigger And Better Things.
Je pensais que nous allions les quitter pour de meilleurs et plus grandes choses.
I thought you were leaving right after the ceremony.
- Tu devais partir après la cérémonie.
I thought you were leaving me.
- Je pensais que tu me quitterais.
I thought you said you were leaving town.
Vous aviez dit que vous quittiez les lieux.
I thought you were leaving.
Je vous croyais parti.
I saw you leaving the house. And it seemed that you were hunting someone. I thought you might need some help.
Je vous ai vu quitter la maison comme si vous suiviez quelqu'un... alors j'ai pensé que vous auriez pu avoir besoin d'aide.
I thought there for a minute you people were leaving.
J'ai cru que vous partiez.
I thought you said you were leaving tomorrow. No.
Je croyais que tu partais demain.
I thought you said we were leaving.
Il me semble que tu avais dit qu'on partait.
You guys were leaving, so I just thought I'd hop the fence- -
Si t'avais réfléchi, t'aurais compris.
- I thought you were leaving.
- Je te croyais parti. - C'est mieux pour toi que je reste...
- Well, I was leaving the Body Shop - and there were a lot of bodies in there - and I thought I'd nip to the greengrocers and loot a few pounds of broccoli florets, and you'll never guess what.
Eh bien, je sortais tout juste de Body Shop d'ailleurs, il y avait beaucoup de corps là dedans et je pensais passer chez l'épicier pour voler quelques kilos de brocolis. Et tu ne devineras jamais!
But I thought you said you were leaving with your mom.
Mais je pensais que tu avais dit que tu partais avec ta mère?
I thought you were leaving.
- Je croyais que tu partais.
No, I thought you were leaving on the Daedalus.
Non, je pensais que vous partiez avec le Daedalus?
I saw you at the bus station and thought you were leaving again.
Je t'ai vue à la gare routière, j'ai cru que tu repartais.
I thought you said you were leaving.
- Vous partiez, je crois?
I thought? .. you were leaving.
Je croyais que tu devais partir.
I thought you were leaving town.
Are you leaving? I thought you two were working together this morning.
Je croyais que vous deux travaillez ensemble ce matin.
I thought you and Dan were leaving for the party.
- Je pensais que Dan et toi étiez à la fête.

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