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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ I ] / I told him the truth

I told him the truth Çeviri Fransızca

142 parallel translation
No, I didn't tell him that. I told him the truth. And, strangely enough, he believed me.
Non, je lui ai dit la vérité et il m'a crue.
I told him the truth coming in from the airfield.
J'ai appris la vérité à Gooper.
- No, I told him the truth.
- J'ai dit la vérité.
But I told him the truth that I didn't like it. Did he give the name? I do not remember.
Je ne savais pas exactement quoi répondre... alors j'ai dit la vérité, que ça me déplaisait.
I couldn't let a letter like that just go any place, so I told him the truth.
Alors, je lui ai dit la vérité.
Where are you going? Tell him I'm not a liar. I told him the truth.
Dites-lui que je lui ai dit la vérité.
I told him the truth.
Je lui ai dit la vérité.
- I told him the truth, sir. The truth?
- La vérité, mon adjudant.
Well, I told him the truth.
J'ai dit la vérité.
I told him the truth, finally.
J'ai fini par lui dire la vérité.
- I told him the truth.
- Je lui ai dit la vérité.
I told him the truth.
Je leur ai dit la vérité.
Mr. Kotaro, I told him the truth.
M. Kotaro, laissez.
I told him the truth.
La vérité.
But I told him the truth.
Mais je suis allé le voir! Je lui ai dit la vérité!
- I told him the truth.
- La vérité.
I told him the truth, "I'm here because I have no choice... but I am not..." "What do you mean?"
Jai dit la vérité : Je suis là car je nai pas le choix. - Je ne suis pas...
I was afraid if I told him the truth he wouldn't love us...
J'avais peur quand lui disant la vérité qu'il ne nous aimerait plus...
If I told him the truth, he'd try to get it, and I still would've owed him.
Il essaierait de le trouver, et je le lui devrais quand même.
I went to a priest, and I told him the truth and he didn't believe me.
Je suis allé voir un prêtre pour lui raconter la vérité et il ne m'a pas cru.
Nah, I told him the truth.
Non, je lui ai dit la vérité.
So, I went to his house, and I told him the truth.
Je suis allé chez lui pour lui dire la vérité.
I told him the truth.
Je lui disais la vérité.
It's time I told him the truth
Il est temps que je lui dise la vérité.
If I told him the truth, he wouldn't have taken the stuff.
Si j'avais pas menti, il aurait refusé.
I've told him the truth, Fuzzy.
Je lui ai dit la vérité.
I told him I was going straight back to you and tell the truth.
J'ai dit que je repartirais vous dire la vérité.
- Of course, of course. He told the truth and I cut him to pieces.
Il dit la vérité et moi je l'étripe.
He always told me I'd be afraid of him and of you until I told you the truth.
Il me disait toujours que j'aurais peur de lui et de toi jusqu'à ce que je t'avoue tout.
I told the truth. It's him!
J'ai dit la vérité, c'est lui.
What did you say to him? - I only told him the truth.
Seulement la vérité.
He knows what I've told him's the truth, and he'll hate you for your sympathy.
Il te détestera pour ta pitié.
Suppose I told the truth. What if I said : "Your son is suffering from jungle nausea and malaria and ordered to fly by a man who couldn't send him to sick bay"?
Si je disais la vérité... que leurs fils souffrait de malaria... et que je l'ai fait voler au lieu de l'envoyer à l'infirmerie!
Because I was vulgar and unlearned, and told him the truth.
Parce que moi, l'illettrée, je lui ai dit la vérité.
What I told him was the truth, so help me.
Et je lui ai dit la vérité, alors aide-moi.
Well, I'll release him as soon as I've told'em the truth about you - tomorrow morning.
Je le relâcherai dès que je leur aurai dit la vérité. Demain matin.
- I only told him the truth.
- Je lui ai dit la vérité.
And to think, I always told him to... to never hide anything from me, to tell me the truth... to not have any secrets.
Et dire que je lui ai demandé... de ne jamais rien me cacher, de me dire la vérité, de n'avoir aucun secret.
I told him the truth.
Sinon, il m'aurait tué.
If I told the truth, they'd send me to a lunatic asylum, not him.
Si je leur disais tout, c'est moi qu'on enfermerait chez les fous.
How Not To Be Truthful To Him, So I Just Told Him The Truth.
Je ne peux pas lui mentir, alors j'ai dit la vérité.
For what it's worth you should know that I've told Jake the truth about my visit to you, why I brought him here everything.
Je voulais que vous sachiez que j'ai dit la vérité à Jake. A propos de ma visite, de sa venue, et du reste.
What if I just told him the truth?
Et si je lui disais la vérité?
- I could have told him the truth.
- J'aurais pu lui dire la vérité.
I just told him the truth.
Je ne lui ai dit que la vérité.
The problem was, once I told the truth, I knew there'd be more questions. If you're not his natural father and you don't live with him, then how is he your son? I don't get it.
L'ennui, c'est qu'une fois la vérité connue, je savais qu'un flot de questions s'abattrait.
I told him to tell the truth to tell her that he loves her every time he looks at her.
Je lui ai dit de dire la vérité... de lui dire qu'il l'aime chaque fois qu'il la regarde.
Yussef left you something here with me I told him from the beginning he shouldn't hide the truth coz it won't help him
Youssef vous a laissé quelque chose avec moi Je lui ai dit dès le début qu'il ne doit pas cacher la vérité car? a ne va pas l'aider
My point is, everybody thought he stole it and I never told him the truth.
Tout le monde a cru qu'il l'avait volé. Je l'ai laissé croire.
I should have just told him the truth.
J'aurais dû lui dire toute la vérité.
Time keeps passing by and I haven't yet told him the truth
Le temps passe et je ne lui ai toujours pas dit la vérité.

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