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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ I ] / I won't be here

I won't be here Çeviri Fransızca

786 parallel translation
and I won't necessarily harvest that plant myself it might have a system function in terms of feeding another plant, or it might be here specifically for bees because if flowers are at a good time of year for bees
ou bien pour les abeilles car elle fleurit à un bon moment de l'année pour celles-ci etc.
Here the pharmacy won't be auctioned offto you just yet, now that I possess the mortgages.
Cette fois-ci, la pharmacie n'a pas encore été vendue aux enchères, mais dorénavant moi, je détiens les hypothèques.
Maybe I won't be after you tell me what you want here.
Peut-être pas, si tu me dis ce qui t'amène.
Say, I won't be here at dinner tonight.
Je ne reste pas pour dîner.Je suis de sortie.
I won't be here long.
Je ne resterai pas longtemps.
I won't be around here much longer.
- Je ne serai pas là longtemps.
- I won't be here, I'm afraid.
- Mais je ne serai plus là.
Say, look, you telephone my wife, and tell her to get $ 30 over here, and if she hasn't $ 30, not to wait up for me tonight because I won't be home for a month.
Appelez ma femme. Dites-lui d'apporter 30 $ ici, et si elle n'a pas 30 $, qu'elle ne m'attende pas ce soir. Je reviendrai dans un mois.
I won't be here.
Je ne serai pas ici.
- You know he won't be here. - I know nothing of the sort.
- Vous savez qu'il n'arrive pas.
The man I'll love won't be from here.
L'homme que je voudrais aimer, ne serait pas un homme d'ici!
She won't be in jail, and that's where I'll be if I stay here.
Pas en taule...
Oh, Mamie, you won't be here tonight when I come back to get my things and I want to give you a little remembrance I made for you - and to thank you for everything.
J'aimerais vous donner ce petit souvenir pour vous remercier de tout.
Sure. I guess you'll be safe. The exterminators won't be here till tomorrow.
Tu ne risques rien, ils ne désinfectent que demain.
Here I am, trying to help you find a leopard... so that your Aunt Elizabeth won't be angry at you.
Je vous aide à chercher un léopard pour que votre tante ne se fâche pas.
Well, I won't be here very long, and then you can sit in it.
Vous pourrez reprendre votre place dès que je serai partie.
Come to think of it, I won't be able to leave Here tomorrow, either.
Je ne crois pas que je pourrai sortir demain.
- Oh, I won't be here then. - Then we can call it all off.
- Alors, on peut tout annuler.
I won't be here long enough.
Je serai sorti avant.
I won't be here. I'm going on the boat.
- Je vais prendre le bateau.
Play hard to get. Just don't change your mind, I won't be here.
Mais ne va pas changer d'avis, je n'y serai plus.
- No, I'll hold it. I won't be here long.
- Non, je ne reste pas.
I won't be here after tonight.
Je ne serai plus là.
If he knows I'm here, who knows what he'll do. It won't be nothing human, I can tell you!
S'il apprend que je suis venue, Dieu sait ce qu'il me fera!
I've already told you I won't be here.
Je te l'ai dit, je ne serai pas ici.
Since I won't be here to collect a thousand pesos for my own head...
Comme je ne pourrai avoir la compensation pour ma tête, alors je la destinerai à Chaflan.
I won't be here.
Je ne serai plus là.
Well, Sam, maybe I won't be here long.
Je n'y resterai pas.
Wait here. I won't be gone 10 minutes.
J'en ai pour 10 minutes, pas plus.
- I won't be here.
- Je ne serai pas là.
- I won't be here that long.
- Je ne serai pas ici très longtemps. - Mais, Mac!
Said you were gonna let me work with you. Someday you'll come back and I won't be here.
Un jour tu rentreras et je ne serai plus là.
Maybe you'll be waiting here next time and I won't come back.
C'est peut-être moi qui ne rentrerai pas.
Still, it won't be that that's brought you, I don't suppose. It'll be these names on this grave here and the story that's buried along with them.
Mais vous n'êtes sûrement pas venu pour elle, mais pour les noms gravés sur cette tombe et l'histoire qu'elle garde ensevelie.
But I won't be able to carry on here. That's rubbish!
Mais moi, je ne peux plus rester ici, manger dans ses plats, coucher dans son lit.
Maybe I had Zachetti here so they won't get a chance to trip me up... so we can get the money and be together.
Et si Zachetti était notre alibi, à toi et moi?
Go any place you want but you be at that meeting or I won't be back here.
Va où tu voudras, mais sois là ce soir. Sinon, tu ne me reverras plus.
Father, I won't be here at Christmas.
Mon père, je ne serai pas ici pour Noël.
If this quack here, this ostopad touches Maria Candelaria, I won't be held responsible if she dies.
Si ce charlatan, cet ostéopathe touche Maria Candelaria, je ne pourrais être responsable de sa mort.
I won't be here for dinner.
Je ne dîne pas ici.
Only, I'll be all alone with her, and I'll sit here like a dope. I won't know what to say!
Sauf que je serai seul avec elle, je serai comme un idiot sans savoir quoi dire.
I won't be staying here for long.
Oui, et je ne le resterai pas longtemps, tu sais.
Maybe I won't be here.
Je ne serai peut-être plus lâ.
- I'm afraid I won't be here for it.
- Je ne serai plus là à ce moment-là.
Please don't make it more difficult. I know you've tried to be generous and kind, but it simply won't work, my living here.
J'apprécie votre sollicitude, mais je ne peux plus vivre ici.
- I know. She won't be here for breakfast.
Elle ne prendra pas le petit déjeuner.
You won't be here that long, I don't think there's much wrong with you.
Vous ne resterez pas longtemps. Je ne pense pas que vous ayez quelque chose de grave.
Don't trace the call, Candella. I won't be here.
Pas la peine de repérer l'appel, Candella.
I'm sorry I won't be here to see their faces.
J'aimerais voir leurs têtes!
I won't be here when you return.
Et je ne serai plus ici quand vous rentrerez!
I won't be here in the morning.
Je ne serai pas là demain matin.

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