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Isn't it always Çeviri Fransızca

513 parallel translation
Isn't it wonderful how the parrots always talk to your Grandma?
"N'est-ce pas merveilleux que les perroquets parlent toujours à votre Grand-mère?"
Isn't that true, Bobby? I've always said that no one who knows her could have thought it.
Tous ceux qui la connaissent savent que c'est absurde.
Isn't it marvelous to think that after tonight we should always be together?
Il est admirable de penser qu'après ce soir nous serons toujours ensemble.
It isn't always my fault.
Ce n'est pas toujours ma faute.
Look, Tommy, it isn't always gonna be like this.
Tommy, cela ne durera pas.
Isn't it marvelous to have some brains? I'm always so helpless.
Je n'y aurais pas pensé.
Isn't it always the way when you're in a hurry?
C " est toujours ainsi quand on est pressé, non?
That's what always happens, isn't it?
C'est ce qui arrive souvent.
- That's always flattering, isn't it?
- C'est toujours flatteur, n'est-ce pas?
Like I always said, everything's clear, isn't it?
Comme je disais, tout est clair, n'est-ce pas?
It's always that way, isn't it? You and Paul will get another truck and be back on the road.
Vous aurez un autre camion, et... vous roulerez encore.
Yeah, that's always such a bother, isn't it?
C'est bien là l'éternel problème.
- It isn't gonna be for always.
- Ce ne sera pas toujours ainsi.
It's what I've always wanted, isn't it?
C'est ce que j'ai toujours voulu.
- It's always you and Mother, isn't it?
- Vous pensez qu'à vous.
It isn't always pretty.
Et ce n'est pas toujours gai.
It's always somebody else, isn't it?
C'est toujours quelqu'un d'autre.
Isn't it always tough at the start, Phil?
Ce n'est pas toujours dur au début?
Isn't it a pity the wrong people always have money?
C'est toujours les mauvaises mains qui manient le plus d'argent.
It's always best to be straight with the police, isn't it?
C'est toujours mieux d'être en règle avec la police.
And that's what you always wanted, isn't it?
C'est ce que tu voulais, non?
It isn't always successful. But there is a doctor in Switzerland.
Je connais un chirurgien en Suisse.
No, really I shouldn't. Not all the time, because it isn't good for you to have your own way always.
Ce n'est pas bon de céder à tous tes caprices.
Still that's what he always wanted, isn't it?
Mais c'est ce qu'il désirait, n'est-ce pas?
It's always the group Commander. It's his job, isn't it?
C'est toujours la faute du chef.
Heart trouble is nearly always fatal, isn't it?
On en meurt souvent, non?
Isn't it true that Rocco would always follow you and compromised you in front of people?
Rocco ne vous avait-il pas compromis en public?
It isn't always easy to find out if they're rich or married. They look at you like you're prying.
Mais si on veut savoir ce qu'ils font et s'ils sont mariés... ils pensent qu'on veut fouiner dans leurs affaires.
It isn't always like a little spark that bursts into a great flame.
Ce n'est pas toujours une étincelle qui provoque une grande flamme.
That's what you'd want, Walt, isn't it? What you've always wanted?
N'est-ce pas ce que vous avez toujours voulu, Walt?
Maybe it isn't important to understand you like the other women you've always managed to keep around.
Ce n'est peut-être pas important de te comprendre comme les autres femmes que tu as gardées autour de toi.
But now it's too late. It's always too late, isn't it?
Comme toujours!
It's always the quiet ones, isn't it?
Ce sont toujours les plus réservées.
Isn't it always quiet before an earthquake?
Le calme avant la tempête!
Yes, isn't it? You always have beer for breakfast?
Vous prenez de la bière au petit déjeuner?
Isn't it the scientist who always calls what he can't explain otherwise... by the word "coincidence"?
Comment vous, les scientifiques appelez-vous l'inexplicable? "Coïncidence", non?
No, but it's always on your mind, isn't it?
Non, mais tu le penses toujours, non?
But the truth is always there in the morning, isn't it?
Mais la vérité est toujours là à ton réveil.
One should always look on the bright side, isn't it?
- Il faut prendre la vie du bon côté.
It isn't fitting for the proprietor's daughter always to be hanging round the kitchen.
Ce n'est pas convenable que la fille du patron traîne dans les cuisines.
Jamais comme ils sont vraiment!
It's what you've always wanted, isn't it?
Ce n'est pas ce que tu as toujours voulu?
It's the kind of thing you've always wanted, isn't it?
C'est une chose que tu as toujours voulue, n'est-ce pas?
That's what you've always wanted isn't it, Mr Voss?
C'est ce que vous avez toujours voulu, Mr Voss?
"Always get a kickback." That's your policy, isn't it?
Vous qui prenez des commissions sur tout.
Isn't it enough that you've always treated me like a squaw without subjecting dear, sweet Becky to this crude, vulgar...
Ça ne t'a pas suffi de me traiter comme une peau-rouge? Il faut aussi que tu exposes Becky à une pareille vulgarité!
I can't explain that kind of thing... but a woman always knows when it's good and when it isn't.
Je peux pas expliquer ce genre de choses... une femme sait toujours quand c'est bon ou pas.
At least, that's what you've always tried to tell me, isn't it?
Tu m'as toujours expliqué ça.
It's evident in all your amorous adventures that in order to conquer a woman and love her you have always needed the stimulus of danger. Isn't that the case?
Vous, pour conquérir les femmes, vous avez besoin du danger.
I'm always getting winked at these days. It used to be to you, isn't that, Paul?
Tout le monde me fait de l'œil en ce moment...
Listen, Piti Batchi... it isn't always good to know everything.
- Moi, messieurs, je sais tout. - Moins tu sais, mieux ça vaut.

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