It's all fine Çeviri Fransızca
666 parallel translation
I can make it even worse! Using your perfectly fine mother to cover up your DUI case, should I spill it all out that it's all fake? Leave if you can, and I will tell people everything in that press conference.
Je peux faire pire! Devrais-je raconter que tout était faux? Et je dirai tout pendant la conférence de presse.
- Oh, it's all right now. It's fine.
- Ça va, c'est guéri.
It's all right, come on in, it's fine.
Ça va, entrez, c'est bon.
Yes, it would have been fine if the audience had known what it was all about.
Le public ne s'en est pas rendu compte.
Oh, it's going to be a fine night after all.
Ça va être une bonne soirée finalement.
Well, it's a fine way to pay me back for all I've done for you.
Jolie façon de me remercier!
It's poor victuals for fine folks but it's all we've got, and you're welcome to it.
Nous vous l'offrons de grand cœur.
- All right, it's fine.
- Ouais, j'ai compris.
That's all very fine if it works out.
Tout ceci est bien si ça marche.
Not at all. It's a fine achievement.
Non, pas du tout, c'est un bel effort.
It's a fine house, all right. Not a nail in it.
Une maison splendide, construite sans un seul clou.
Bring them all against the wall. Put it down. That's fine.
Le gros contre le mur, le petit, là.
Fine time to be asking what it's all about.
En voilà une question!
Now don't worry about it, everything's going to be all right. Your Aunt Sissy's a fine woman, Francie.
Ne t'en fais pas pour ta tante, tout ira bien.
It's all right. It's fine,
Ça va, tout va bien,
Oh, we've had it here too. A fine time all the papers had when one of our boffins started pinching girls in the park.
Oh, nous avons eu ça ici aussi... quand l'un de nos experts s'est mis à pincer les femmes dans le parc.
It all went well? She's fine?
Tout va bien?
Though fine as it is the price is small With milk an'the cream alack There's nothin'to do but sell it all
Etje le vends trés bon marché ll faut le vendre avant le soir
That's fine coming from you, Mark. Her life wouldn't be in danger at all if it hadn't been for you.
Vous parlez, mais tout ça, c'est à cause de vous!
It's my pleasure to tell these fine sailors that Catherine, Empress of all the Russias, in celebration of the Franco-Russian alliance... has come to review the troops of the Moulin Rouge.
Eh bien j'ai le plaisir d'annoncer à ces braves marins que la Grande Catherine, impératrice de toutes les Russies, afin de célébrer l'alliance franco-russe. est venue passer en revue les troupes du Moulin Rouge!
No, not at all... it's fine.
Inutile de vous excuser.
It's fine, it's nothing at all
Tout va bien, ce n'est rien.
All right, the land owners go to the magistrate and they pay off the fella's fine. Then bring him back and let him work it off.
Le propriétaire du champ paye son amende et l'oblige à travailler pour rembourser.
It will make fine reading. Elspeth's flat... the naked bathing in Dorset and all the rest of it.
L'appartement d'Elspeth, vos baignades, nus, et le reste.
- It's all right, Mama. I'm just fine.
- Ne t'inquiète pas, j'y suis fort bien.
A poet's vocation rests on something as fine and thin as a spider's web. It's all that holds him out of destruction.
La vocation du poète tient à un fil... aussi ténu qu'une toile d'araignée... et qui l'attache à la vie.
It's fine to stand up for a friend and all.
Tu as le droit d'aider un ami.
- It's fine with me that it's all dark!
- Moi j'aime bien, c'est tout noir!
It's all right. I've seen the x-rays, and it's a fine specimen.
L'enfant que tu portes est normalement constitué.
Now it's all messed up and it's so fine.
- Maintenant, il est tout sale.
- So it's all yours. - Fine. Is there anything else you would like to know while you are here?
La Fédération fait le calcul pour toutes les pierres.
It's all gonna be fine now, honey.
Tout ira bien, ma chérie.
Are you all right? Yeah, yeah. It's fine.
Il a commis une faute.
She's coming through it fine. She's going to be all right.
Elle va s'en sortir.
It will be a fine thing for all Catholics when Charlie's on the throne and German George is off it.
Les catholiques se réjouiront de voir Charlie remplacer Georgie sur le trône.
If that's all, it's fine with me.
Pour moi, pas de problème. S'il n'y a que ça...
In the beginning, all's fine... then the man goes one way, and the woman another way... until the moment when it goes crack.
Au début, tout va bien. Puis, chacun suit son chemin, jusqu'au moment où ça craque.
Women like you are just like dogs, they know how to count, yet can't tell the difference between one and two, two less and it's over, but if there's only one less, all is fine.
Vous êtes comme des chiennes. Même si vous savez compter, vous ne faites pas la différence entre 1 et 2. Vous êtes désespérées s'il en manque 2.
Yeah, fine. It's all right.
Oui, ça va.
If that's the way you 2 want it, fine, but just get off my back, that's all.
Si c'est ce que vous voulez, d'accord. Mais fichez-moi la paix, c'est tout.
" Though it ain't all jolly pleasure outings It's a fine life!
Même si c'est pas toujours gai C'est la belle vie!
I'd hoped for something more, that's all. I think it's fine as it is.
- Ben, précisément, j'espérais un peu plus.
It's all right. Everything's fine.
Bon, tout va bien.
- All right. It's fine.
Ça va.
It's fine to be concerned with justice and conscience, or upholding principles yet, in the end, it's all nothing more than empty words, at least in this filthy hole.
C'est bien de se sentir concerné par la justice et la conscience, mais ce ne sont que des mots creux dans ce trou répugnant.
"It's a great shame, all your fine things gone up in smoke, Iike that."
"C'est vraiment dommage, vos œuvres d'art sont parties en fumée."
Not at all! It went fine!
Pas du tout, ça s'est très bien passé!
So, we're all just fine, but whatever was on that ship used our transporter beam to come aboard with us, and now it's here.
Donc, tout va bien. Mais ce qui était dans le vaisseau a utilisé le téléporteur pour monter à bord avec nous, et à présent, il est là.
Everything is all right now. It's fine.
Tout va bien, maintenant.
It's all fine with me.
Ça me va.
Fine, fine. It's just a draft, after all.
C'est bon, de toute manière ce ne sont que des notes, après on corrige.
it's all right 8832
it's all in your head 59
it's all good 878
it's all gone 158
it's all over 506
it's all my fault 457
it's all yours 403
it's all bullshit 56
it's all the same to me 49
it's all about you 62
it's all in your head 59
it's all good 878
it's all gone 158
it's all over 506
it's all my fault 457
it's all yours 403
it's all bullshit 56
it's all the same to me 49
it's all about you 62