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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ I ] / It's almost finished

It's almost finished Çeviri Fransızca

57 parallel translation
It's almost finished.
Comment me trouves-tu?
Hang on, it's almost finished!
- Tiens bon, c'est bientôt fini!
I almost seen it. I just finished looking out the window, and I went back into the kitchen to take a pill, and I heard this backfire, and I waited a minute and I thought to myself it's a funny kind of a backfire.
Je venais de regarder par la fenêtre et en retournant dans la cuisine, j'ai entendu un pot d'échappement, au bout d'une minute, j'ai pensé, drôle de bruit.
As you can see, it's almost finished. What good wind carries you here?
Alors, monsieur le curé, ça marche, ces réparations?
- Now it's almost finished.
- C'est presque terminé.
It's almost finished, huh?
C'est presque fini, non?
- It's almost finished.
- On a presque terminé.
It's almost finished.
J'ai presque fini.
My opera, it's almost finished and I think it's quite well done.
Mon opéra, je l'ai presque fini et je le trouve très réussi.
- I'm falling. Peppino, my foot. - It's almost finished.
Peppino, le pied d'abord.
There. It's almost finished.
Voilà, c'est presque terminé.
It's almost finished.
Il est presque terminé.
It's almost finished.
J'ai presque terminé.
Anyway, it's dirty work, and I'm almost finished.
- C'est très salissant et j'ai pratiquement terminé.
It's almost finished.
C'est presque fini.
Almost finished? Oh, without doubt he's completing it at this very moment.
Il doit être en train de l'achever en ce moment même.
- It's almost finished.
- Gardez-le, il est presque fini.
It's almost finished.
- Moi si. - Vraiment?
Well, it's almost finished.
Eh bien, elle... elle est presque terminée.
and it's almost finished.
C'est presque fini.
All right, so I'm gonna do the kit. It's almost finished. You can deal with the menu.
J'ai presque fini le dossier, tu t'occupes du menu?
Then it's almost finished.
Alors c'est presque fini.
How's it going, Kate? Almost finished.
- Comment ça va, Kate?
- It's almost finished!
- C'est bientôt cuit!
It's almost finished.
C'est bientôt fini.
Step two, close one eye so you only see the part of it that's almost finished.
Second étape..... hum.... Ferme un oeil, comme ça tu verras seulement la partie qui est... quasiement terminée
It's almost finished now.
- elle est presque finie!
Well, I only asked because sometimes you make a dish And it's not until we're almost finished eating That you remember it's still in the oven.
Je demande parce que parfois tu prépares un plat et c'est lorsqu'on a presque fini de manger que tu te souviens qu'il est toujours dans le four.
It's almost finished, the top- -
C'est presque terminé...
It's almost finished.
Elle est presque finie.
- It's almost finished. - Satisfied?
Il est presque terminé.
It's almost finished.
Il est presque fini.
- Mom, it's almost finished.
Et vite. - C'est presque fini.
Well, it's good thing I was almost finished.
Et bien, cela tombe bien, j'avais presque fini.
It's almost 9 : 00 and are finished with school.
Il est presque 9h00. J'ai fini les cours.
It's almost finished.
Elle est presque terminée.
It's almost finished!
Tu es bientôt prêt.
Oh, well, it took almost two hours, but it's finished.
Ça a pris presque deux heures, mais c'est prêt.
Well, it took almost 12 hours, but it's finished.
Ça a pris presque douze heures, mais c'est terminé.
Yeah, it's almost finished.
Presque fini, oui.
No, but it's almost finished.
Non, mais c'est bientôt terminé.
- How's it coming? - Almost finished.
- Comment ça se présente?
And here's the steam engine built by your father. It's almost finished.
Ici, la machine à vapeur construite par ton père.
It's just I'm tired and we're almost finished, and I just wanna go home.
Je sui juste fatiguée. et on a presque que fini, et je veux juste rentrer à la maison.
How's it going over there? I've finished connecting the hearing aid's microphone, and I've almost done the earpiece.
J'ai fini de connecter le micro de la prothèse et j'ai presque terminé l'écouteur.
It's almost finished.
Il l'est presque.
It's almost finished.
C'est pratiquement terminé.
It looks like the photographer's almost finished, so...
On dirait que le photographe a presque terminé, alors...
But it's almost Christmas. My favorite time of year. Which means they'll probably want to get the paperwork finished way before then.
Je suis chargé de vous informer qu'à moins de régler votre dette... nous allons devoir saisir votre maison.
He's already almost finished with it.
Il l'a pratiquement fini.
It's almost finished?
C'est bientôt fini?

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