It's not that Çeviri Fransızca
38,876 parallel translation
It's not like you did something, like, horrible that's gonna destroy our lives.
T'as pas fait un truc... horrible qui va détruire notre vie.
It's not full, but, um, the people that are here are here to see you,
La salle est pas pleine, mais les gens qui sont là veulent te voir, - sache-le.
And don't be mad at the people who are here because you're mad at the ones who didn't show up. Just remember that. It's not their fault the other people aren't here.
C'est pas leur faute si les autres sont pas là.
- That's not a man. It's incredible, the thing...
C'est incroyable...
It's not like that at all.
Ne t'inquiète pas.
It's not a bad thing that it's next to a mall.
C'est bien d'être à proximité.
It's not that simple.
Ce n'est pas si simple.
But I'm not going to just yet because I've shown you mine, and I think it's time that you show me yours.
Mais je ne vais pas le faire de suite car je vous ai montré le mien, maintenant, montrez le vôtre.
Well, clearly, it's not whatever I want, because what I want is for you to make this decision, and you refuse to do that.
Apparemment, on ne fait pas comme je veux, car ce que je veux c'est que tu choisisses, et tu refuses de le faire.
- Well, we both know that's not true, but if it helps you get more of this story out, then, yes, you are welcome to it.
- On sait tous les deux que ce n'est pas vrai, mais si ça t'aide à faire ressortir plus de cette histoire, alors oui, tu peux l'avoir.
I'm not going to say that it's like being attacked by a bear because it isn't.
Je ne dirai pas que c'est comme d'être attaqué par un ours, ce n'est pas le cas.
So it's not really the speed that's scary.
Donc ce n'est pas la vitesse qui est effrayante.
And what I love most of all is that it's not a test bed. It's not an example of what cars will be like in the future.
Et ce que j'aime le plus, c'est que ce n'est pas un coup d'essai, ce n'est pas un exemple de ce à quoi ressembleront les voitures dans le futur.
Well, that's not gonna happen either, is it?
Mais ça n'arrivera pas non plus!
Now there's no question it's gonna work. I would not steal a car that had that on the dashboard.
Alors c'est sûr, ça va marcher, je ne volerais jamais une auto avec ce truc sur le tableau de bord,
We're trying! It's not that easy.
On essaye, ce n'est pas si facile.
It's not that easy, Bec.
Ce n'est pas si facile, Bec.
I will not apologize for the fact that it's hard to explain to people.
Je ne m'excuserai pas pour le fait qu'il est difficile de l'expliquer aux gens.
And, uh, that's... uh, that's... that's not really apples to apples, is it?
Et, euh, c'est... euh, c'est... ça n'a rien à voir, c'est ça?
Well, it's not that I don't like seeing you in my car, or the motel, or the alley, but...
Ce n'est pas que je n'aime pas te voir dans ma voiture, ou au motel, ou dans l'allée, mais...
Yeah, we both know that's not how she put it.
Oui, on sait bien dans quel état elle se met.
There's something that you're hiding, and, you know, we're not going anywhere until you tell me what it is.
Tu caches quelque chose, et tu sais, on ira nul part tant que tu ne m'auras pas dit de quoi il s'agit.
But it's not a joke when a pregnant lady has to wait over an hour for someone to come over and confirm that she has cancer.
Mais ce n'est pas une blague quand une femme enceinte attend depuis plus d'une heure que quelqu'un vienne et confirme qu'elle a un cancer.
It's not always our actions, but their aftermath that haunt us.
Ce ne sont pas toujours nos actions, mais leurs conséquences qui nous hantent.
Now that you know that it's not a drill, re-evaluate the criteria and make the true call.
Maintenant que vous savez que ce n'est pas un exercice Réévaluer les critères et prenez la bonne decision.
It's not the spell that's gonna do it, Swan.
Ce n'est pas le sort qui le fera, Swan.
Well, that's not how it happened on D-Day.
C'était pas le cas lors du Débarquement.
Well, it's not so much her notebook as it is a notebook that she wrote in and left behind.
Enfin, ce n'est pas son carnet C'est plutôt un carnet dans lequel elle écrit et qu'elle a laissé.
It's... It's not all that great.
Ce n'est pas aussi bien que ça...
It's not that.
C'est pas ça.
That's not how it works.
Ce n'est pas comme ça que ça marche.
I mean, that's all you're trying to do, is to bring in something new and trying to bring me along with it, whether I like it or not.
Enfin, c'est ce que tu essayes de faire, d'apporter de nouvelles choses, et en essayant de m'y inclure, que je le veuille ou non.
That's not what I meant. Look, i-i mean, I meant it, but I was trying to be fun...
Je me suis mal exprimé.
You know, I am clearly not the man that needs to be talking to them about the intricacies of life and death. It's...
Je suis clairement pas la personne indiquée pour leur expliquer la vie et la mort.
And even though it's not very big, the painting, you sort of have to figure that it goes on forever, you know, in each direction. So, like, to infinity, you know? 'Cause that's kind of like life, right?
Même si le tableau n'est pas très grand, vous devez imaginer qu'il n'a pas de bords, qu'il se prolonge à l'infini.
I mean, it's kind of beautiful, right, if you think about it, the fact that just because someone dies, just because you can't see them or talk to them anymore, it doesn't mean they're not still in the painting.
C'est merveilleux de se dire que même si une personne meurt et qu'on ne peut plus lui parler, elle ne disparaît pas du tableau.
No, it's not that.
- C'est naturel.
I mean, when I look at our little caravan here, it's hard not to think about how Noah must have felt when he was loading up that ark.
Quand je regarde notre petite caravane, difficile de ne pas penser à ce qu'a dû ressentir Noé en remplissant l'arche.
I assume it's not the structural issue that you mentioned on the phone.
Je suppose que ce n'est pas le problème de structure dont vous avez parlé au téléphone.
But as it turns out, that space is not empty.
Or il s'avère que cet espace n'est pas vide.
Leonardo Da Vinci encoded this in his famous work the "Vitruvian man", showing that the Phi ratio exists in different proportions throughout our bodies, and it's not just in humans, it is in animals, in plants, and in art.
Léonard de Vinci encoda ceci dans son œuvre célèbre "L'homme de Vitruve" montrant que le nombre d'Or apparaît dans notre corps dans différentes proportions et que cela ne s'applique pas seulement chez l'être humain, mais aussi chez les animaux, les plantes, et dans l'art.
No, it's best you not say that.
Non, il est préférable que vous ne dites pas cela.
Now, I've heard the rumblings about how lucky we are, and it's true, but the truth is, it's what happens... When we're not on a case that has defined who we are.
J'entends des gens dire à quel point on est chanceux, et c'est vrai, mais la vérité, c'est que... c'est ce qui arrive... quand on n'est pas sur une affaire qui a vraiment défini qui on est.
- It's not that simple.
- Ce n'est pas aussi simple.
It's not just that we weren't compatible.
Ce n'est pas seulement la compatibilité.
And I know what it's like to think that you're not allowed to, but you don't get to just quit.
Et je sais ce que c'est de croire que tu n'y as pas droit, mais n'abandonne pas.
And while Winston views this as progress, he knows that it's not an accurate portrayal of... the world.
Et pendant que Winston voit ça comme un progrès, il sait que ce n'est pas une reproduction fidèle... du monde.
And that's not even the weirdest part of it all.
Et ce n'est pas la partie la plus étrange.
And there's not a day that goes by I don't think about him, so I understand how this must haunt you, knowing that your running away affected your dad the way it did and if you'd have just gone home, just gone home... your dad would probably still be alive right now.
Et pas un jour ne passe sans que je pense à lui, Je comprends que ça doit vous hanter, sachant que votre fugue a touché votre père comme elle l'a fait et si vous étiez rentré à la maison, juste rentré à la maison... votre père serait surement encore vivant aujourd'hui.
Well, Shinwell was close to him before he went to prison, so it's not a surprise that he'd want to see his old friend.
Shinwell était proche de lui avant d'aller en prison, ce n'est pas étonnant qu'il veuille revoir un vieil ami.
Wait, that's not the same turkey I fed, is it?
C'est pas le dindon à qui j'ai donné à manger, si?
it's not that difficult 19
it's not that good 18
it's not that bad 484
it's not that big 26
it's not that big of a deal 69
it's not that i don't like you 16
it's not that big a deal 107
it's not that simple 513
it's not that complicated 52
it's not that i don't want to 23
it's not that good 18
it's not that bad 484
it's not that big 26
it's not that big of a deal 69
it's not that i don't like you 16
it's not that big a deal 107
it's not that simple 513
it's not that complicated 52
it's not that i don't want to 23
it's not that serious 22
it's not that one 18
it's not that funny 39
it's not that hard 107
it's not that much 17
it's not that i don't trust you 24
it's not that weird 16
it's not that easy 272
it's not that important 27
it's not that far 44
it's not that one 18
it's not that funny 39
it's not that hard 107
it's not that much 17
it's not that i don't trust you 24
it's not that weird 16
it's not that easy 272
it's not that important 27
it's not that far 44
it's not that at all 24
it's not fair 795
it's not 5855
it's not bad 367
it's not your fault 1412
it's not funny 753
it's nothing 2788
it's nothing new 26
it's not mine 359
it's nothing i can't handle 24
it's not fair 795
it's not 5855
it's not bad 367
it's not your fault 1412
it's not funny 753
it's nothing 2788
it's nothing new 26
it's not mine 359
it's nothing i can't handle 24