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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ I ] / It took me a while

It took me a while Çeviri Fransızca

278 parallel translation
And it took me a while to discover just how insidious Amthor is... - because he did me a lot of good.
Et je me trompais sur Amthor, parce qu'il m'avait fait du bien.
It's wrong, all wrong. It took me a while to straighten him out.
J'ai eu du mal à tout rectifier.
You're right, it took me a while.
T'as raison, il était grand temps.
- It took me a while, but I traced you.
Ça m'a pris du temps.
It took me a while before I understood what Delphine wanted.
J'avais mis un certain temps à comprendre ce que voulait Delphine.
It took me a while to convince him... he forgives you... you're hired again
Il m'a fallu un certain temps pour le convaincre... il te pardonne... tu es embauché, à nouveau
It took me a while to figure out where you were and what you were doing.
J'ai mis du temps à trouver où vous pouviez être allée.
You know, it took me a while to perfect the basket trick.
Tu sais, Il m'a fallu des années pour perfectionner le coup du panier.
Tell her it took me a while to figure out... what a jerk I've been, but, um —
Dis-lui que j'ai mis longtemps à comprendre que j'avais été idiot
"It took me a while to work it out."
"J'ai fini par comprendre."
It took me a while, but I've been through the whole joint.
Ca m'a pris du temps, mais je connais la boutique.
It took me a while... to get used to this new body.
Excuse-moi, Kijuro, ça m'a pris du temps de m'habituer à mon nouveau corps.
It took me a while, but I got him back really good.
Il m'a fallu un peu de temps, mais je lui ai fait comprendre qui j'étais.
It took me a while to loosen up.
T'es compliqué.
One healer to another. It took me a while to notice the drop in patients. - This is...
Visite d'un guérisseur à un autre. J'ai mis du temps à remarquer la baisse du nombre de patients.
It took me a while, but I managed to patch through into Starfleet's comsystem.
J'ai pu me brancher sur le système de communication de Starfleet.
I admit it took me a while to recover from the wedding, but eventually life got back to normal, which is exactly the way I prefer life to be.
- Non, je ne sais rien. Mais je sais que ce n'est pas grave. - Je vous sers un verre?
But it took me a while to admit it.
Mais j'ai mis du temps à l'admettre.
It took me a while to realize it. Like a lot of people, I was too caught up in first impressions to see the truth that was right in front of me.
Longtemps, je suis resté sur mes 1 res impressions qui m'empêchaient de voir la vérité.
It took me a while to decode it, but it's very clean.
J'y ai mis du temps, mais il est clair.
It took me a while to figure it out, but when we slide from one dimension to another, we leave a trail, like, uh, quantum tire tracks.
Quand on glisse, on laisse une trace derrière nous. Comme des traces de pneus.
Unfortunately, it took me a while to access it and I sort of forgot to tell you that Claire was looking for you.
Mais j'ai mis du temps à y accéder et j'ai oublié de te dire que Claire te cherchait.
It took me a while.
Ça a mis le temps.
It took me a while to work up the courage.
J'arrivais pas à trouver le courage.
With all the traffic on your rooftop these days... it took me a while to get in here.
Il y a tant de passage sur ton toit, en ce moment... ça n'a pas été facile.
It took me a while, but I patched into their frequency.
J'ai mis du temps, mais j'ai trouvé leur fréquence.
It took me a while.
Ça m'a pris un moment.
It took me a while before I got a chance to actually play it... but once I heard that song, it was like -
Je l'ai pas écouté tout de suite, mais il y a une chanson...
- What? It took me a while to notice, too.
- ll m'a fallu un moment aussi.
It took me a while to set up a gang.
J'ai mis quelques années à reformer une bande.
It took me a while to realise it would have been your only adventure.
J'ai mis du temps à réaliser que ça aurait été ta seule aventure.
I sat him in the kitchen with me while I prepared dinner. I took crisp lettuce, romaine and crinkly endive from my own garden for my husband's favorite salad. And what a dinner it was.
Hier, il m'a regardée préparer le dîner.
It took me quite a while to decide.
J'ai mis du temps à me décider.
I kind of got used to being a commander so when I arrived here at the hospital I took a look at the enlisted men's ward and then the officer's ward and I said to myself, "Let's let it ride along for a while."
Je me suis habitué à être un commandant... et quand je suis arrivé à l'hôpital... j'ai comparé le service des simples soldats et celui des officiers... et je me suis dit : "Profitons-en tant que ça dure."
He took my place and waited while I did it. Then he locked me in.
il a attendu que je l'achève, puis il m'a renfermé.
It took me quite a while to settle down, at first I thought there was too much papal bul.
Au début, il a fallu s'habituer, il y a trop de messes basses.
It took Trapper and me a while to figure out what he was up to... until we did a fluoroscope of one of his packages... and found out he was mailing a jeep home, piece by piece.
Vous êtes en train de vous transformer en pantin militaire sous nos yeux. D'accord. Gardez-le tant que vous voudrez.
It took a little while for me and grandpa to get acquainted. But we are fine friends now.
On a dû s'habituer, moi et grand-père, maintenant on est bons amis.
It took me a little while to figure out Visitorese... but now it's like second nature handling their symbols and codes.
Au début, j'ai eu des difficultés à comprendre leur langage mais maintenant, je connais par coeur leurs symboles, tu sais.
It took a while, but the whisky caught up with me, I guess.
Ca a pris du temps, mais le whisky a fini par m'avoir.
It just took me a while.
Ça vient de me faire le tour.
It took me a little while to figure out exactly what to do with these.
J'ai mis du temps à comprendre comment mettre ce genre de choses.
Took me a while to see it.
Ça m'a pris un moment pour le voir.
It took me a little while, but I figure it out.
Ca m'a pris du temps, mais j'y suis arrivé.
It just took a while to process.
Il me faut un peu de temps pour l'assimiler.
It took a while to dawn on me, but, you know, at first I thought it was just local, and then...
J'ai mis du temps à m'en rendre compte. Au début, je pensais que c'était juste ici... Puis, j'ai réalisé que c'était partout.
Yes, it took quite a while for me to understand as well.
Si, il m'a fallu du temps pour découvrir la vérité.
Well, it means something to me, too... because I took it off a little pissant... who broke into my house... while I was trying to nail Miss September.
- Pour moi aussi. Je l'ai prise à un tocard qui m'a cambriolé pendant que j'essayais de sauter Miss Septembre.
It took me a little while to copy my mom's handwriting for this late note.
C'est long de copier l'écriture de ma mère pour ce mot de retard.
It just took me a while to figure things out... and it all came clear when I realized how much we could hurt Rory.
J'ai mis du temps à y voir clair et c'est devenu évident quand j'ai compris le mal qu'on pourrait faire à Rory.
It took me a little while to get control of the situation but when I did, I asked him where the money was, he kept saying he didn't know.
J'ai repris le contrôle de la situation et je lui ai demandé où était l'argent. Il répétait qu'il n'en savait rien.

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