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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ K ] / Kenton

Kenton Çeviri Fransızca

87 parallel translation
Time's up, Kenton.
- C'est fini, Kenton.
That is, I was looking for Sheriff Kenyon.
Je cherche le shérif Kenton.
Stan the man.
Ecoutez Stan Kenton!
- Very educated gentleman. - Yeah.
- Kenton est três calé...
I think Lady Kenton should be our next job.
Choisissons Lady Kenton.
- Well one morning he swam Kenton Reservoir in full battle kit.
Traverser le bassin de Canton à la nage en tenue de combat.
Most of them are going to the Kenton Club. It's a beer joint.
A mon avis, ils vont tous au Kenton Club.
They started playing a lot of Stan Kenton, and Woody Herman and then, uh, Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker.
Ils passaient beaucoup de Stan Kenton, Woody Herman, et aussi... Dizzy Gillespie et Charlie Parker.
You probably don't remember him, but he made one record of Come Back to Sorrento when he was with Stan Kenton.
Tu ne dois pas t'en souvenir, il a fait une version de Come Back to Sorrento, chez Stan Kenton.
The partner who spotted the lesion, Walter Kenton, worked forwalsh, Ulmer Brahm in D.C.
L'associé qui a remarqué la lésion, Walter Kenton. a travaillé pour Walsh, Ulmer et Brahm à Washington.
Ms. Benedict, you worked forwalsh, Ulmer Brahm. - At the same time as Walter Kenton?
Mme Benedict. vous avez travaillé Pour Walsh, Ulmer et Brahm à la même époque que Mr.
- That's correct.
Kenton? - C'est exact.
How did Walter Kenton treat you after that?
Quelle fut sa réaction quand il a su que vous aviez le SIDA?
Mr. Kenton kept saying, "You lost the Highline complaint!"
M. Kenton répétait "Auriez-vous égaré cette plainte?"
Miss Kenton, a young woman with excellent references.
MIIe Kenton, qui a d " excellentes références.
- Good day, Miss Kenton.
- Bonjour, MIIe Kenton.
So I would be most grateful to you, Miss Kenton.
Je vous en serais reconnaissant, MIIe Kenton.
Thank you, Miss Kenton.
Merci, MIIe Kenton.
Yes, Miss Kenton.
Oui, MIIe Kenton.
I'm busy in this room, Miss Kenton.
Je suis pris ici, MIIe Kenton.
Miss Kenton would like to see you concerning your father.
MIIe Kenton veut vous voir, pour votre père.
Miss Kenton will look after you.
MIIe Kenton va s " occuper de vous.
- Good night, Miss Kenton.
- Bonne nuit, MIIe Kenton.
You're responsible to Miss Kenton. She'll explain the house rules.
vous dépendez de Mlle Kenton, elle vous instruira.
It's a book, Miss Kenton.
Un livre, Mlle Kenton.
I read to further my education, Miss Kenton.
Je lis pour parfaire mon éducation.
Yes, Miss Kenton, I have.
Oui, Mlle Kenton.
If I don't like something, I want to say "stuff it" if you'll pardon the expression, Miss Kenton.
Moi, j'aime bien pouvoir dire "merde"... si vous me pardonnez l'expression.
Well, please excuse me, Miss Kenton.
Bon, bien... excusez-moi, Mlle Kenton.
Miss Kenton.
Mlle Kenton.
We still have problems, Miss Kenton.
Nous avons des problèmes, Mlle Kenton.
Dr Kenton wants us to...
Le Dr Kenton veut que...
Please leave me alone.
Laissez-moi, Miss Kenton.
Special Agent Jamie Kenton. Dr Brennan?
Agent spécial Jamie Kenton.
Kenton's worked in the Cugeni case. He's one of the original investigators.
Il est sur l'affaire Cugini depuis le début.
Because Agent Kenton is handling this.
Que faites-vous là? Kenton s'occupe de ça.
No, not the Cugeni case, Kenton will babysit him.
- Je ne parle pas de Cugini. - Kenton s'occupe du bébé.
Kenton is pulling all the files on the case and all mob activity 6 years ago.
Kenton cherche les dossiers sur l'affaire et les activités de la Mafia, il y a 6 ans.
He's calling it in to Kenton.
Il est en train d'appeler Kenton.
Kenton heard the Romanos were pissed that they reopened the investigation. When they get pissed, they shoot.
Kenton dit que les Romano sont agacés et qu'ils ont la gâchette facile.
What? Kenton is putting together everything he's got on Cugeni's disappearance.
Kenton rassemble les infos sur la disparitions de Cugini.
Kenton is on his way over.
- Kenton arrive.
Kenton was working organized crime at the same time that Cugeni was killed.
Kenton travaillait sur la Mafia au moment du meurtre de Cugini.
Kenton, he'd never call for backup or surveillance or anything.
- Kenton n'a pas demandé de renforts.
Kenton'd plant the lead so that we'd find her and go after Hollings, who we would never find.
Kenton s'arrange pour faire poursuivre Hollings qui est introuvable.
Kenton has told us everything.
Kenton a tout avoué.
Kenton, you have four heavily-armed SRU cops closing in.
Quatre membres du SRU se rapprochent.
Kenton, what the hell just happened?
Il s'est passé quoi?
SRU caught up. Kenton took Hollings hostage.
Le SRU les a rattrapés, Kenton a pris Hollings en otage.
You, Kenton and May- - you cover me.
Kenton et May, couvrez moi.
The Kenton jewels are famous.
Ses bijoux sont réputés...

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