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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ K ] / Kirkpatrick

Kirkpatrick Çeviri Fransızca

44 parallel translation
Mr. Kirkpatrick.!
M. Kirkpatrick!
Capt. Parrish, they tell me you served with Gen. Kirkpatrick in Georgia.
On m'a dit que vous aviez servi avec le général Kirkpatrick en Géorgie.
Back there, I was looking for Dwayne Kirkpatrick, trying to buy some of that third-generation homegrown he's got.
Je cherchais Dwayne Kirkpatrick pour lui acheter de son herbe troisième génération.
Berg, Kirkpatrick. Maybe Larry Levy.
Berg, Kirkpatrick.
Building owner James Kirkpatrick had little to say.
Le propriétaire du building James Kirkpatrick, a peu de choses à dire.
Kirkpatrick owns that building?
Kirkpatrick est le propriétaire de ce building?
Kirkpatrick is going to punch you in the stomach.
Kirkpatrick va vous frapper à l'estomac.
You'll sign this contract... that gives back ownership of 99 Franklin Street to Kirkpatrick.
Vous allez signer ce contrat... qui redonne la propriété du 99 Franklin Street à Kirkpatrick.
I mean, these people don't begin to know what, ontologically... freedom is, or human rights.
Jeane Kirkpatrick, pour l'amour de Dieu, Va continuer encore et encore à propos de la liberté. Qu'est ce que cela veut dire, le mot "Liberté" quand elle en parle?
Jesse Kirkpatrick.
Jesse Kirkpatrick.
I was out in the parking lot last night and I saw some flashlight bounce around in Kirkpatrick's office.
J'étais au parking et j'ai vu des éclairs de lumière dans le bureau du dirlo.
St. Donovan's, good morning. This is your principal, Mr. Kirkpatrick.
Bonjour, ici votre directeur, M. Kirkpatrick.
You know, I better go get Marlon before Kirkpatrick castrates him.
Je vais récupérer Marlon ou Fitzpatrick va le châtrer.
Rocky was on permanent lockdown for doing a custom paint job on Kirkpatrick's car.
Rocky était suspendu pour avoir tagué la voiture de Kirkpatrick.
Kirkpatrick's on some school-spirit rampage.
Kirkpatrick se déchaîne.
Merci, Kirkpatrick.
Merci, Kirkpatrick.
there it is... "kirkpatrick."
Voilà... "Kirkpatrick."
Have a good evening, mr. Kirkpatrick.
Passez une bonne soirée, M. Kirkpatrick.
Do either of you happen to know where Auggie Kirkpatrick might be?
L'un de vous sait où se trouve
M. Kirkpatrick?
Mr. Kirkpatrick's wanted for murder.
M. Kirkpatrick est recherché pour meurtre.
Do either of you happen to know where Auggie Kirkpatrick might be? Why?
L'un de vous sait-il où est Auggie Kirkpatrick?
Mr. Kirkpatrick's wanted for murder.
Il est recherché pour meurtre.
On Fridays he goes to the Avalon Theater for good bad movie night. A bunch of people sit around and watch a bad movie and make fun of it.
Je t'ai pas vu depuis ton arrestation pour être entré dans la chambre de Kelly Kirkpatrick!
You know David Kirkpatrick.
Tu connais David Kirkpatrick?
I'm a respected attorney at Kirkpatrick Young.
Je suis un avocat respectable de Kirkpatrick Young.
He's a client of Kirkpatrick Young.
Il est un client de Kirkpatrick Young.
Then I got Jeanne Kirkpatrick to introduce us.
Ensuite Jeanne Kirkpatrick nous a présentés.
CBS has hired the firm of Kirkpatrick Lockhart Nicholson Graham... to conduct a review panel.
CBS a engagé le cabinet Kirkpatrick Lockhart Nicholson Graham... pour mener une commission de révision.
Kirkpatrick won't make it through the fall, and Wallace is toast in two years...
Kirkpatrick ne passera pas l'automne et Wallace est fini dans deux ans.
My friend Annabelle up the road get $ 1.50 every week from Mr. Kirkpatrick, and that would do me, as well.
Mon amie Annabelle reçoit 1.50 $ chaque semaine de Mr. Kirkpatrick, et j'aimerai bien la même chose.
Hi, guys, Michael Kirkpatrick, New York.
Salut les gars, Micheal Kirkpatrick, New York.
Jay Kirkpatrick.
Jay Kirkpatrick.
Jay Kirkpatrick for the defense, your Honor.
Jay Kirkpatrick pour la défense.
The Kirkpatrick strategy is to try to manipulate the jurors and the gallery.
Kirkpatrick veut manipuler le jury et épater la galerie.
Mr Kirkpatrick's clients have exercised their 6th Amendment Right to a speedy trial.
Les clients de maître Kirkpatrick ont invoqué le principe de célérité.
Legal investigator. Works for Kirkpatrick.
Un détective agréé qui bosse pour Kirkpatrick.
Like why can't Kirkpatrick come and get this on his own, you know?
Pourquoi Kirkpatrick est pas venu lui-même?
Bitch, Kirkpatrick is an officer of the Court.
Parce que c'est un juriste.
Auggie Kirkpatrick's in custody.
On a fini. Auggie Kirkpatrick est en détention.

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