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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ K ] / Krakozhia

Krakozhia Çeviri Fransızca

21 parallel translation
The Republic of Krakozhia is under new leadership.
la République de Cracozie a un nouveau gouvernement.
- Krakozhia. - Right.
Je crois...
Look. Imagine that these potato chips are Krakozhia.
Imaginez que ces chips, c'est la Cracozie.
So the potato chips are Krakozhia.
Ces chips, donc... c'est la Cracozie.
No more Krakozhia. Okay?
Écrasée, la Cracozie!
In a symbolic gesture, the national flag of Krakozhia was torn down from the Presidential Palace and the parliament building.
Dans un geste symbolique, le drapeau cracozien a été arraché du palais présidentiel et du parlement.
Last night a military coup overthrew the government of Krakozhia.
Hier, un putsch a renversé le gouvernement de Cracozie.
Krakozhia has been involved in civil war throughout the late'80s and'90s as it has tried to transition from Communist rule.
Théâtre de violences civiles et séparatistes depuis 10-15 ans, la Cracozie tente de tourner la page du communisme...
Meanwhile, the people of Krakozhia suffer the consequences.
Les civils paient les conséquences...
- Krakozhia.
- De la Cracozie.
- You're afraid of Krakozhia.
La Cracozie vous fait peur.
- Krakozhia?
La Cracozie?
No, I am not afraid from Krakozhia.
Non... J'ai pas peur Cracozie.
Viktor, please don't be afraid to tell me you're afraid of Krakozhia.
N'ayez pas peur d'avouer votre peur de rentrer.
No. The... Krakozhia...
Cracozie, père souvent appelé
Come. See, the war, the war Krakozhia is over.
La guerre, la guerre Cracozie, finie.
Ladies and gentlemen, United Airlines Flight 865 from Krakozhia has landed and is now taxiing to the gate.
... Cracozie, départ prévu à l'heure...
Your attention, please. Flight 866 to Krakozhia will be delayed until further notice.
Vol retardé...
- Krakozhia.
- De Cracozie.
I am from Krakozhia.
J'arrive de Cracozie.
Krakozhia. " Now that heavy fighting has subsided and both sides have dug in for the long winter ahead, it's clear that the future of Krakozhia may be in doubt for some time to come.
Les combats se sont calmés et les 2 camps se sont retranchés pour l'hiver.

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