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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ L ] / Leonora

Leonora Çeviri Fransızca

140 parallel translation
Besides, I couldn't sing with a strange Leonora.
Et il me faudra une Leonora...
"For my adored Leonora with fond memories of.."
Rottlen Berrington. A mon Eleonora adorée, tout mon souvenir amoureux
"Leonora Fiske."
Léonora Fiske!
She signed it "Leonora Fiske".
Elle a signé Léonora Fiske
Oh, would you mind making that Leonora Eames?
Pourriez-vous inscrire Leonora? J'ai changé de prénom.
"Leonora." "Leonora," that's charming!
Leonora, c'est charmant.
My name is Leonora Eames, what's yours?
Je m'appelle Leonora Eames, et vous?
Uh, what's her name?
Leonora... comment déjà?
Good morning, Leonora.
Bonjour, Leonora.
What was so funny, Leonora?
Qu'y a-t-il de drôle?
Perhaps if you watched the picture, Leonora, you wouldn't be so bored.
Si tu regardais le film, tu t'ennuierais moins.
I can see now why they install love seats in movie balconies, Leonora.
Il y a des sièges pour amoureux au fond des cinémas.
Leonora, don't leave this room!
Ne sors pas de cette pièce!
They're well paid, and that's what you've got to learn, Leonora.
Il est payé pour. Tu dois apprendre ça.
Well, I'm afraid you've picked the wrong husband, Leonora.
Tu n'as pas le bon mari.
Leonora? MAN : This is the projectionist.
C'est le projectionniste.
Now, I don't want to irritate you by bringing up your personal standards again, but you're letting them slop over into your work, Leonora.
Je ne veux pas me mêler de vos opinions, mais elles influent sur votre travail.
I guess everything turned out as you predicted, Leonora.
Tout s'est passé comme tu l'avais dit.
Leonora. It's no good, Smith. I won't go back to the way it was.
On ne peut pas recommencer.
Please, Smith, no. It won't be that way anymore, Leonora. It won't.
Ce ne sera plus pareil...
Let's go and wander more, Leonora.
Partons demain.
Let's get out of here, Leonora.
Partons d'ici.
- Qui?
Miss Murray, this is Leonora Eames.
Ici Leonora Eames.
Don't be stupid, Leonora.
- Ne soyez pas sotte.
- Fatigué?
No news from Leonora.
Pas de nouvelles de Leonora.
"A Miss Leonora Eames?"
"Mlle Leonora Eames?"
Leonora was very impressed with you.
Vous avez conquis Leonora.
I'm glad you and Leonora are hitting it off so well together.
Je suis content que vous vous entendiez.
After all, Leonora was an employee of mine.
Leonora a été mon employée.
I always had a curious feeling that I'd seen Leonora before.
Je pensais bien que je l'avais déjà vue.
Well, make up your mind, Leonora.
Trying to recapture the feeling of the East Side, Leonora?
Tu te crois encore dans l'East Side?
Of course, Leonora doesn't surprise me.
Leonora, ça m'étonne moins.
The only one of us who can settle this is Leonora.
La seule qui puisse, c'est Leonora.
I told Leonora that I love her and I want to marry her.
Je lui ai demandé de m'épouser.
Nothing. I don't even want Leonora until she decides how important money really is to her.
Leonora doit savoir combien elle tient à l'argent.
Come down here, Leonora.
Viens ici.
You know, Leonora, you still walk like a model.
Tu marches toujours comme un mannequin.
Tell Leonora I wanna see her.
- Fais venir Leonora.
Tell Leonora I wanna see her!
Je veux la voir!
FRANZI : Leonora, I know you're awake.
Je sais que vous êtes éveillée.
Leonora, he's in a rage.
Il est furieux.
Leonora, please, he's terribly furious. I've never seen him so upset in my life.
Je ne l'ai jamais vu dans un tel état.
LEONORA : I killed him.
Je l'ai tué.
LEONORA : I wanted him to die.
Je voulais qu'il meure.
She will become Leonora in Il Trovatore.
Elle sera Leonora du Trouvère.
The troubadour of the title is imprisoned in a dungeon... and Leonora, outside, is prepared to do anything to save her lover.
Il y a des disparitions d'enfant, une femme qui entre au couvent... une gitane brûlée vive... le Trouvère est enfermé dans un donjon... et Leonora, au pied de la forteresse, veut tout faire pour sauver son amant.
Farewell, Leonora, farewell!
Adieu, adieu, Leonora, adieu!
We're taking a plane to Yuma as soon as you can get a hold of, uh, Leonora...

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