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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ M ] / Mook

Mook Çeviri Fransızca

116 parallel translation
We're not payin'because this guy this guy's a fuckin'mook.
On vous paiera pas parce que ce petit con est un'mook'.
A mook?
I'm a mook?
Je suis un'mook'?
What's a mook?
- C'est quoi?
- I don't know. - What's a mook?
- J'en sais rien.
You can't call me a mook.
Je suis pas'mook'!
Pralages ees mook ees moos.
Pralages ees mook ees moos.
Yo, Mook, what up?
- ça va, Mook?
You're fucking me up! I ain't trying to fuck you up, Mook.
Tu me fous dans la merde.
Mook, stay black.
Mook? Reste noir.
Wait up, Mook!
- Attends, Mook.
Whoa, hey, yo, Mook. I mean, I appreciate this concern and all, but I don't think it's any of your business.
J'apprécie tes conseils mais Je crois pas que ça te regarde.
Smiley! First of all, Mook, you don't got a brother like him.
D'abord, Mook, t'as pas un frère comme lui...
Please do me a favor, Mook? Remember that.
Rends-moi service : souviens-t'en.
Hey, yo, Mook. I'm gone.
Je me casse.
Stay black, Mook. So, Buggin Out, how you been?
Alors, Buggin Out, ça va?
Mook, that's the right address.
C'est la bonne adresse.
Mook, what are you doing? What are you doing?
Qu'est-ce que tu fais?
Hey, Mook! It's the Mook Man! I see you walking down the block.
Mook, Je te vois rentrer chez toi voir ton fils.
- What mook made that up?
- Quel nigaud a inventé ça?
He was a mook, but he was my mook.
C'était un pigeon, mais c'était mon pigeon.
Now, you either pay me 20,000 by Monday... or Auntie Mook is going to take... your little girls out for some ice cream.
Soit tu m'allonges 20 000 ce lundi, soit Tatie Mook va payer des glaces à tes filles.
So Mook stiffed you, right?
Mook t'a refait, pas vrai?
Look, I'll talk to Mook... but I'm not making any promises.
Ecoute, je parlerai à Mook. Je te promets rien.
Mook wants her money. You just got to get it to her. There's no getting around it.
Si Mook exige son fric, t'as intérêt à l'aligner.
I don't know. Kind of a mook.
Je ne sais pas, il a tout du beauf.
- l'm no mook, pal.
- Je ne suis pas une tête brûlée.
What, do I look like a mook to you?
Tu me prends pour un crétin?
Some mook, some punk back there gunning for you, I know.
Un clodo, un voyou prêt à vous tirer dessus.
Ya know what I'm talkin'about, ya big mook, with your 90-mile-an-hour hair?
tu piges, mon petit coco avec tes cheveux en pétard?
- Who's the mook?
- C'est qui, ce blaireau?
This mook Weems was street pizza last I heard from you.
Je croyais que Weems... Etait aplati comme une crêpe?
- Why don't you move in with the mook?
- T'as qu'à emménager avec ton nase.
- So now he's a mook?
- C'est un nase?
You're really not going to come and see the game, Mook?
Tu ne veux vraiment pas venir voir le match, Mook?
I had it with this mook.
Vous et moi, ça va chier. - ll me gonfle!
Franklin's on the 100. you mook.
Franklin est sur les billets de 100, sale moins que rien.
Plus, I had to kiss that greasy mook.
Et j'ai embrassé ce gros dégueulasse.
You promised that mook 300,000.
Tu lui a promis 300 000 dollars.
Well, at least I can read the labels, you illiterate mook!
Tu es une grosse tapette.
That's a designer lamp, you mook!
C'est une lampe de créateur!
The only reason that is, is the mook can't take Miami.
Miami, ca lui reussit pas.
A long time ago there was a monk named Jin-mook.
Autrefois, il y avait un moine qui s'appelait Jin-mook.
What's a mook?
- C'est quoi un'mook'?
I'll give you mook!
Voilà du'mook'!
It was the mook!
- C'est cette vermine!
Some Mook.
Un crétin.
Are you awake?
Si on m'avait dit que Mister Mook et l'Ange blanc se retrouveraient...
That fucking mook, D'Angelo?
Enculé de Rital!
They're filing a federal warrant this afternoon. This mook Weems...
Ils ont lancé un mandat d'arrêt.

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