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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ N ] / Neha

Neha Çeviri Fransızca

199 parallel translation
I've checked Mrs. Sinha's BP and also given her an injection
- Dites-moi, Neha J'ai vérifié le BP de Mme. Sinha et lui ai fait une injection.
Are you Neha?
Es-tu Neha?
Neha madam...?
Mlle Neha..?
They fear, who have malicious intentions I love you, Neha.
Ils craignent, ceux qui ont des intentions malveillantes! Je t'aime, Neha.
- Who? Neha
Neha, I've decided... I really love you, Neha.
Neha, j'ai décidé. Je t'aime vraiment, Neha. Oh Dieu!
Neha Mehra?
Neha Meh ra?
Ever since I met Neha, I've cared least for time
Dès que j'ai rencontré Neha, je me moque du temps!
Neha, what are you..
Neha, q u est-ce q ue tu fa is?
Have you gone mad, Neha?
Es-tu deven ue fol le, Neha?
Neha, everything is going to be fine.
Neha, tout ira bien.
Now listen to me, Neha I know what I'm doing is wrong.
Ecoute-moi ma i ntena nt, Neha. Je sa is q ue ce q ue je fa is, a tort.
Listen to me, Neha
Ecoute-moi, Neha.
Neha, just stop.
Neha, j uste a rrête-toi!
Seems I won't be required to break the promise made to Neha.
I I me sem ble q ue je ne devra i pl us rom pre.. .. Ia promesse q ue j'ai donnée à Neha!
It was six months ago that I saw Neha for the first time..
I I y a six mois q ue j'a i vu Neha pour la première fois.. et je me suis tombé amoureux d'elle tout de suite.
I love you, Neha.
Je t'aime, Neha.
Believe me, Neha.
Crois-moi, Neha.
I've never done such a thing, Neha. I can even die for you!
'Je n'a i ja ma is fa it u ne tel le chose, Neha. Je peux même mou ri r pou r toi! '
I love you, Neha. I really love you.
Je t'a i me, Neha. Je t'a i me vra i ment.
I was so surprised when I got to know.. .. that you had swallowed sleeping pills for Neha!
J'éta is si a éton né q ua nd j'a i a ppris q ue tu as avalé des somnifères pour Neha!
You wanted to die for Neha anyway
Tu as voulu mourir pour Neha de toute façon!
Hello! - Congratulations on a new life, Neha
Félicitations pour une nouvelle vie, Neha!
There's no one, Neha
Il n'y a personne, Neha
- What are you talking about, Neha?
- Qu'est-ce q ue tu d is, Neha?
I need 60 million rupees I desperately need 60 million.
J'a i besoi n de 60 m i I l ions rou pies. J'ai terriblement besoin de 60 millions. Neha a des problèmes graves, monsieur!
No, I don't want to listen to anything.
Non, je ne veux rien écouter. Je viens d'épargner ma Neha, monsieur.
Just save my Neha, sir i need 60 million, sir. When shall I come to collect the money?
J'ai besoin de 60 millions, monsieur.
Had I not seen Vikram and Neha at the mall... I wouldn't have informed Govind kaka
S je n'ava is pas vu Vi kra m et Neha a u centre com mercia le.. .. je n'a u ra is été pas i nformé oncle Govi nd!
Had I wished, you'd have found Neha's corpse
Si je l'avais souhaité, tu aurais trouvé le cadavre de Neha!
What if Neha dies?
Quoi si Neha, meurt-elle?
Congratulations on starting afresh, Neha
'Fél icitations pou r com mencer de nouvea u, Neha! '
Especially for Neha's health
Su rtout pou r la sa nté de Neha!
- When will you release Neha?
- Qua nd I i béreras-tu Neha?
Surrender, and I'll let Neha go
Rends et je libérerai Neha!
Let Neha go, and I'll surrender
Libère Neha et je me rendrai!
Neha and you ruined my life I will kill you.
T oi et Neha, vous avez ru i né ma vie! Je te tuera i.
No! Neha!
Non Neha non.
Where's Neha?
Où est Neha?
Neither I'll say anything to Neha..
Aucun l'll ne dit tout à Neha..
.. nor I'll say anything about Neha.
.. Ni l'll dit tout de Neha.
Look, I promised to Neha..
Le regard, l a promis à Neha..
- Yeah, yeah.. my wife, Neha.
- Ouais, ouais.. Ma femme, Neha.
Look.. what if Neha got to know about this?
Regard.. Que si Neha est arrivé Savoir de cela?
I didn't want to hurt Neha.
L n'a pas voulu blesser Neha.
.. if you tell all this to Neha as of now..
.. Si vous dites tout cela À Neha à partir de maintenant..
.. to the court not Neha
.. À la cour pas Neha
But the real work was done by Neha..
Mais le travail réel a été fait par Neha..
- Go on, Neha
C'est Neha docteur.

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