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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ O ] / Oyuki

Oyuki Çeviri Fransızca

95 parallel translation
Oyuki the Virgin
Oyuki, we should follow them.
Oyuki, filons, nous aussi.
Hey, Oyuki.
Hé, Oyuki.
Oyuki, are you worrying?
Oyuki, tu n'en fais pas un peu trop?
" Oyuki!
" Oyuki!
It's me, Oyuki.
Moi, Oyuki.
Oyuki, the country girl whom you met.
Oyuki, la fille de la campagne que vous avez rencontrée.
Your name is Yuki?
Tu t'appelles Oyuki?
Yuki bore him three beautiful, fair-skinned children and the villagers thought her a good wife.
Bientôt, Oyuki lui donna de beaux enfants à la peau claire. Elle fut une épouse parfaite.
It was Yuki.
C'était moi, Oyuki.
Oyuki, throw some salt to clean the air!
Oyuki, purifie l'entrée!
Your name is Oyuki, right?
Oyuki, c'est bien ton nom?
Oyuki, do you have a grudge against me or something?
Oyuki! Quel grief as-tu contre moi pour dire ça?
Oyuki, how can you be a good waitress when you pick on your customers? Watch your tongue!
Mais Oyuki, surveille ta langue quand tu parles de tes clients!
Wait for me at the Ikari bar.
Attends-moi chez Oyuki.
- C'est Oyuki.
Now, let's, er...
Allons-y, Oyuki.
Oyuki, let us get going now... My, what pretty hands you have!
Tes mains sont si douces.
Sir, would you like some Amazake? Or Oyuki-Mochi?
Ou bien du yukimochi?
Huh? What's this "Oyuki" thing?
Qu'est-ce que le "yuki" quelque chose?
That's why it's called "Oyuki-Mochi..." " It doesn't mean it's a cold Mochi!
D'où le nom de "yuki-mochi". Mais ce n'est pas du "mochi" froid.
Oh? Oyuki, he looks like your type : a master gambler!
Oyuki, il a l'air d'être ton genre, un chef yakuza!
Oyuki... We'll meet again, if luck brings us together.
Oyuki, si le destin le permet, on se reverra.
Oyuki... Another round of sake!
Oyuki, encore du saké!
Gee, you're puttin'me in the spot! Oyuki...
Vous me mettez dans une situation difficile.
Oyuki is my very, very precious granddaughter.
Oyuki est ma précieuse petite-fille.
Hey, Oyuki, some food!
Oyuki, donnez-moi à manger.
Oyuki thank you!
Oyuki. Merci.
Please, Oyuki believe me!
Je vous en prie, Oyuki, vous devez me croire.
Oyuki... here...
Oyuki, tenez.
Oyuki we'll meet again!
Oyuki, on se reverra!
Oyuki! Oh, Oyuki!
Please, kill Oyuki.
S'il vous plait, tuez Oyuki
I won't let a hired Assassin kill Oyuki.
Je ne laisserai pas un tueur à gages tuer Oyuki.
You're trying to find Oyuki to kill her?
Vous cherchez Oyuki pour la tuer?
Oyuki was one of us.
Oyuki était l'une des notres.
So he made Oyuki.
Ainsi est née Oyuki.
Oyuki is my daughter.
Oyuki est ma fille.
So you are telling me, he killed Oyuki andd Enki?
Tu es en train de me dire qu'il a tué Oyuki et Enki?
Me, Oyukis father has killed, his fallen daughter, in in his name.
Moi, le père d'Oyuki, j'ai tué, ma fille réniée, en mon nom.
As if Oyuki were calling me. I have to...
Comme si Oyuki m'appelait..
Oyuki left your clan, because was terribly harmed by him.
Oyuki a abandonné votre clan, car elle a été terriblement blessée par lui.
Said her name is "Oyuki..." Is she hot or what?
Son nom serait "Oyuki". N'est-elle pas désirable?
Oyuki... killed my dad...
Oyuki a tué mon père...
Misaka Tanaka as Oyuki
Oyuki : Misaka Tanaka
Kuniko Miyake as his wife Haruko Kato as Oyuki's nurse
Sa femme : Kuniko Miyake La nourrice : Haruko Kato
Mlle Oyuki!

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