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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ P ] / Plummer

Plummer Çeviri Fransızca

159 parallel translation
My guess, the Kid's aiming'to get even with them Plummer boys.
A mon avis, il veut descendre les frères Plummer.
Well all I got to say is he better stay away from that there Luke Plummer.
Il ferait mieux de se tenir au large de Luke Plummer.
- You seen Luke Plummer in Lordsburg?
- Tu as vu Luke à Lordsburg?
- Luke Plummer and the Kid.
- Plummer et Ringo.
There'd be a lot more peace in this territory if that Luke Plummer was so full of lead he couldn't hold his liquor!
On serait plus tranquilles par ici si Plummer était transformé en écumoire!
- You mean Luke Plummer?
- Luke Plummer?
My father and brother were shot down by the Plummer boys.
Mon père et mon frère ont été tués par les Plummer.
It was three against one when the Plummers swore that you killed their foreman, and got you sent up.
Les Plummer étaient trois contre un quand ils vous ont accusé d'assassinat.
Would it make us any happier if Luke Plummer was dead?
La mort de Luke Plummer nous rendrait-elle plus heureux?
Forget Lordsburg. Forget the Plummers!
Oubliez Lordsburg et les Plummer!
Mr Giffin from Texas, General Finney, General McAndrew, Colonel Plummer.
M. Griffin du Texas, les généraux Finney et McAndrew, le colonel Plummer.
General Finney, General McAndrew and Colonel Plummer.
Les généraux Finney et McAndrew et le colonel Plummer.
Colonel Plummer, in your eloquent speech, which I'm sure you've made 50 times, you used the phrase "Some of our boys may get out of line sometimes."
Colonel, dans votre discours éloquent, que vous faites sûrement pour la 50e fois, vous dites qu'il arrive que nos hommes fassent quelques écarts.
Colonel Plummer, I didn't go for the blinkers. Now, don't try a muzzle.
Les œillères n'ont pas marché sur moi, alors n'essayez pas de me museler.
- That Colonel Plummer.
- Ce colonel Plummer.
- Rufus J Plummer.
- Rufus J Plummer.
- But not Plummer, ma'am, I swear.
- Mais pas Plummer, je le jure.
But I hardly think you're in a position to cast a stone, Colonel Plummer.
Mais vous êtes mal placé pour jeter la pierre, colonel Plummer.
Really, Colonel Plummer, you should have your brakes relined.
Vraiment, colonel Plummer, faites vérifier vos freins.
- Colonel Plummer.
- Le colonel.
No report at all, Colonel Plummer.
Il n'y aura pas de rapport, colonel.
Colonel Plummer, it's clearing.
Ça s'éclaircit.
Tell me, Colonel, are you that wonderful Colonel Plummer?
Est-ce vous, le merveilleux colonel Plummer?
You tell him Lola Plummer will give him the key to the city.
Lola Plummer lui donnera les clefs de la ville.
It wasn't me, Rose. It was Mrs. Plummer.
C'est Mme Plummer.
And you can tell her when you get back, that Ed Plummer might take a ride out to see her, one of these moonshine nights. What's he talking about, Arch?
Tu peux lui dire qu'Ed Plummer viendra la voir un de ces soirs!
Plummer, Sentenza!
Plummer, Sentenza!
They went to Plummer Park.
ils sont allés au parc Plummer.
We have a 2 : 30 sitting this afternoon with Charles Plummer.
Vous avez rendez-vous avec Charles Plumer.
Then you assume it's going to be Plummer.
Alors ce sera Plummer?
Hirschfeld will want Plummer.
Hirshfeld va vouloir Plummer.
Plummer's too close to him, he wouldn't make a move without consulting with the old man first.
C'est son esclave, il ne fera rien sans consulter d'abord le vieux.
Plummer's next in line.
Plummer est tout désigné.
Plummer is too old...
- Il est trop vieux. - Il est...
I'll not bypass Plummer for him.
Il n'en est pas question.
Glover, get me a rubber dinghy from the emergency stores.
Plummer! - Vite, un canot pneumatique. - D'accord.
I'm Eve plummer, mr Gerard's assistant.
Eve Plummer, l'assistante de M. Gérard.
I'd say it doesn't do you justice, miss plummer.
Ça ne vous rend pas justice.
The bank, miss plummer.
Oui, Mlle Plummer.
Eve plummer's been grounded lm tenente Columbo and this is my friend Mario.
Eve Plummer a eu des ennuis. Je suis le Lieutenant Columbo. Voici mon ami, Mario.
Philip Anglim, Christopher Plummer, Bryan Brown, Barbara Stanwyck...
Philip Anglim, Christopher Plummer, Bryan Brown, Barbara Stanwyck,
Philip Anglim, Christopher Plummer, Bryan Brown...
Philip Anglim, Christopher Plummer, Bryan Brown,
Christopher Plummer, Piper Laurie, Earl Holliman...
Christopher Plummer, Piper Laurie, EarlHolliman,
Featuring Christopher Plummer, Piper Laurie...
A vec Christopher Plummer, Piper Laurie,
Plummer, Idaho.
Plummer dans l'Idaho.
Remember when we were kids in that shelter on Plummer Street?
Tu te souviens quand on était gosses, de notre refuge à Plummer Street?
I called a plummer cause I can't turn off the shit, I mean it's every where.
J'appelle le plombier pour arrêter ce bordel.
So the plummer gets there, swept them all... the place is fixed. Hand me the bill...
Il arrive, ferme l'arrivée d'eau, change le robinet, me tend la note.
The car is registered to a Mrs. Nancy Plummer.
La vo ¡ ture est au nom de Mme Nancy Plummer.
"Plummer game" is inaccurate.
"I refer to"

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