Porta Çeviri Fransızca
318 parallel translation
Excuse me but the baggage belonging to a Mrs Frye was marked for delivery here.
Les bagages d " une certa ¡ ne Mme Frye porta ¡ ent votre adresse.
When Fox planned to film the noel Coward play, they sent for Una, and merle Tottenham, who had played the maid of Cavalcade, and reprises that role in this film.
La Fox porta la pièce de Noël Coward à l'écran avec una et Merle Tottenham, qui avait joué la bonne dans Cavalcade et reprit ce rôle dans le film.
As a war-weary public transferred its interest... to peacetime activities... the airplane again had to struggle for existence.
Le public, lassé par la guerre, porta son intérêt sur d'autres activités. L'avion devait à nouveau se battre pour exister. L'avion "Fly with Me"
"She wore them as she played one of her little songs For us before dinner."
Elle le porta pour chanter quelques chansons avant de diner.
I've been thinking about taking him by the one at Port San Sebastian.
Je pensais au type de la Porta San Sebastiano.
Antonio, take him to Porta Portese.
Il va t'accompagner à Porta Portese.
There are lots of young men under the arches.
Il y en a des jeunes à Porta Portese, sous l'arcade!
We'll go to the Porta Portese every day. We'll find those guys there.
Il faut aller à Porta Portese tous les jours... pour retrouver ces types.
Charles Bovary took little notice of the farm. It was rude, substantial, lonely, in a way, miserable.
Charles Bovary porta peu d'attention à cette ferme solide, fruste et solitaire.
She was carried around the bridegroom to tie the knot for life.
On la porta autour de son fiancé afin de les unir pour la vie.
He took one look at the king, turned a little pale and said,
Il porta son regard sur le roi, devint tout pâle, puis il s'écria :
So the frog was convinced and allowed the scorpion on his back.
Et la grenouille porta le scorpion.
For one whole day and night, it sustained me on that soft and dirge-like main.
Pendant un jour et une nuit, il me porta sur la mer molle et funèbre.
And it carried me... where man can never reach alone.
Et il me porta... là où l'homme ne peut aller par lui-même.
And she wore it when she was invited with her grandparents to Buckingham Palace.
Et elle la porta quand on invita ses grands-parents et elle au palais de Buckingham.
At Porta Portese they have all the cameras you need.
Tu en trouveras au marché aux puces.
The guy from Porta Portese?
Le type du marché aux puces.
- Where? Near Porta San Giovanni.
- Vers Porta San Giovanni.
Your beat is that section of the beltway going from Porta Maggiore to Porta Romana.
Votre secteur va de la Porta Maggiore à la Porta Romana.
Excuse me, commander, on his first day, you assign that officer to the Porta Romana intersection.
vous affectez ce policier... au carrefour de la Porta Romana. Avez-vous vu ce qu'il a fait?
You go to Porta Romana.
Porta Romana. Km 17.
Porta Latina.
Porta Latina.
- There's that Porta Maggiore place...
Je connais un endroit près de Salsomaggiore. Oui, allons-y, allons-y!
In Pious Door I lost the house because of the piedmontese.
J'ai perdu ma maison de Porta Pia à cause des Piémontais.
He majestically carried me to his bed, where he put me down, like in a novel.
Il me porta majestueusement vers son lit, sur lequel il me deposa comme dans les romans d'autrefois.
When the officer asked him a lot of questions... if anyone knew him... I said I did. I don't know why.
Et à la Porta del Popolo, quand les gardes nous ont interrogés, voir si quelqu'un le connaissait, j'ai dit oui, je ne sais pourquoi.
Tada Soji finally volunteered.
Tada Soji se porta finalement volontaire.
It's Porta Susa, Turin.
Porta Susa, Turín.
Porta Susa?
Porta Susa. Merci.
The scene between Bixio and La Masa, at which I just happened to be present. And I was briefly at the taking of Termini.
J'ai assisté, par hasard, à la scène entre Bixio et La Massa... et, pour un instant, à la prise de Porta Termini.
- I've come from Porta Capuana. - So? - I've come from Porta Capuana.
Je viens de loin, de Porta Capuana.
If the danger becomes... What does the miller from Porta Capuana say?
Et d'ici que ça finisse comme à Porta Capuana...
He helped Lampião.
Il porta secours à Lampião.
As a matter of fact, she caught the bridal bouquet and ate it.
Elle porta mon bouquet de mariée et le mangea.
- He marched them up the hill...
- Il les porta sur la colline...
a warm current broke this little colony of penguins off of the glaciers of the south and carried them here on huge rafts of ice that then melted in the sun. they have for centuries been strangers in a strange land
A la fin de l'âge glaciaire, un courant chaud sépara cette petite colonie de pingouins des glaciers du sud et les porta sur des radeaux de glace géants qui fondirent au Soleil.
But there was another emperor who was given that title :
Pourtant un autre porta ce même titre de "Premier souverain à la tête du pays".
Sadly, war had a gruesome fate for him.
Hélas, la guerre lui porta un coup funeste.
My Porta Pinciana fief accounts for the third of my fortune!
Le fief de Porta Pinciana représente le tiers de mes biens!
The land of Porta Pinciana will be handed to the Treasury.
Le fief de Porta Pinciana ira au Trésor,
If he takes her home, I'll kill them both!
Se la porta a casa sua li ammazzo tutti due!
He raised it to his lips with a sneer.
Il porta la bouteille à ses lêvres, en me regardant du coin de l'oeil.
# Vo'andare in Porta Rossa
Vo'andare in Porta Rossa
Howard took his igneous rocks into the cockpit, selected two of them with a particularly high magnetic content and set up an electrically-induced field pattern on the...
Howard porta ses pierres magmatiques chez les pilotes, en choisit deux à taux de magnétisme spécialement élevé et créa un champ par induction électrique sur le...
Of the ancient Roman tradition we must teach virtue to the young Which made Rome great And not sensuality, which lead it to ruin
Dans l'ancienne tradition romaine, on enseigne aux jeunes la vertu, qui rendit Rome prospère, et non la sensualité qui la porta à la ruine.
He waited for his inattention and gave a push to the Porta Salaria
Il a attendu qu'il se distraie et a abattu la porte Salaria.
On a clear morning the flames Rose towards the sky Close to Porta Salaria
Un matin ensoleillé, on vit des flammes gigantesques près de la porte Salaria.
From Porta Salaria the barbarians had entered Rome
Les barbares étaient entrés à Rome.
But the blow was brought to the wrist severing his hand.
Mais le coup porta à la hauteur du poignet lui sectionnant la main.
It's too late for Porta Portese.
À Porta Portese, il faut y être tôt.
As you come out from Porta Ticinese, follow the Naviglio.
Quelle question stupide.