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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ P ] / Prima

Prima Çeviri Fransızca

351 parallel translation
Anything that's good enough for a prima donna is good enough for this prima donna!
Ce qui est assez bon pour une prima donna l'est assez pour celle-ci!
Got a case on our prima donna.
Il en pince pour notre chanteuse.
You know I don't like to be critical, Dancer, but... you know, it doesn't look quite right when you and your partner... and your prima donna and your best customer... all go out at the same time.
Je ne suis pas du genre à critiquer mais c'est étrange que vous, votre associé, votre chanteuse et votre meilleur client sortiez tous en même temps.
Well, that big, stupid-looking man represents the law... and he's got a piece of paper in his pocket... that's going to stop your prima donna... right in the middle of her first cantata.
Ce gros bêta représente la loi, et il a un papier qui va arrêter votre prima donna pendant sa première cantate.
- Another prima donna.
- Une prima donna.
A prima donna is born!
Une prima donna est née!
I'm telling you, I don't know any Miller. I know nothing about any murder and stop upsetting my prima donna.
Je n'ai jamais entendu parler de Miller ni de meurtre.
- Don't be a prima donna.
Tu fais ta prima donna.
- I'm a prima donna.
Je suis une prima donna.
All right, get on-stage, you prima donnas.
Allez, les prima donna.
I am the prima donna of the Royal Theatre, not a barmaid in a cheap beer hall.
Je suis la prima donna du Théâtre Royal, pas une serveuse dans un lupanar.
For 20 years, the baritone embraces the prima donna at that particular moment. - Now she's trying to tell —
Depuis 20 ans, le baryton embrasse la prima donna à ce moment-là.
Roselli, you're as temperamental as a prima donna.
Roselli, vous êtes aussi difficile qu'une prima donna.
Whoever heard of a good prima donna who wasn't fat?
Qui a déjà entendu parler d'une bonne prima donna maigre?
Whoever heard of a prima donna walking to the theater?
Certainement. Qui a déjà entendu parler d'une prima donna qui marche au théâtre?
Few prima donnas would confess so openly they had anything to learn.
Peu de prima donnas avoueraient qu'elles en ont encore à apprendre.
As a prima donna's corset.
- Je suis noire?
Papa, you're joking. Well, I guess I'll let you get away with it this time, Prima Donna.
Je te laisse gagner pour cette fois-ci.
And you know something, Prima Donna?
J'espère qu'ils seront généreux.
That I could, Prima Donna, and that I will.
C'est ce que je vais faire.
You wait till Spring, Prima Donna and you'll see.
Attends le printemps, et tu verras.
You want to go along, Prima Donna?
Tu viens?
Well, now, whoa now, whoa. Sometime soon, as soon as our ship comes in, Prima Donna, you'll see.
Il faut attendre que je gagne de l'argent.
Or, ah, look Prima Donna, after all, you know, this ain't exactly according to the rules.
Tu sais... c'est une fameuse entorse à la vérité!
Yeah, you better show me the piano, Prima Donna.
Voyons ce piano.
Oh, it is now, Prima Donna. imagine, us, having a tree like that. And the nicest kids in the world.
Avec un arbre pareil... et les meilleurs enfants du monde.
Tha  s the nicest present I ever did get, Prima Donna.
C'est un très beau cadeau.
Oh, I thought you'd be asleep, Prima Donna.
Je croyais que tu dormais.
You better stick out your tongue, Prima Donna.
Tire la langue.
I'm not interested in Boronskaja's form anymore, nor any other prima ballerina who's imbecile enough to get married.
Elle ne m'intéresse plus... Comme toute danseuse assez imbécile pour se marier.
This may sound like awful prima donna stuff... but I can't stand that girl.
Je joue peut-être les monstres sacrés, mais cette fille m'agace.
Don't act like a prima donna.
Alors, arrête de faire la star!
Our lady protests too much.
Notre prima donna proteste un peu trop.
Allow me to congratulate the next prima ballerina.
Je félicite la nouvelle danseuse, étoile de l'Empire.
I'll explain to our little prima donna that a mother is entitled to a life of her own.
J'expliquerai à notre étoile que sa mère a le droit de vivre de temps en temps.
And now you can make me Prima Ballerina.
Tu vas enfin me nommer première danseuse étoile.
But you promised me that as soon as you would become Commissar... you would make me Prima Ballerina and throw out this horrible Kranilovska.
Tu avais juré que dès que tu serais commissaire, tu me nommerais première danseuse étoile et que tu chasserais l'horrible KraniIovska!
- Then stop acting like a prima donna.
- Alors cessez de faire la prima donna.
What is he, a prima donna? All of a sudden he's sensitive?
Il deviendrait susceptible, tout à coup?
705, first!
- 705, prima!
- "The Odyssey", 702, first.
- "Odissea" 14702, prima!
Everybody is a prima donna round here.
Chacun ici est une prima donna.
My dear, there's no doubt in my mind that we have here an absolutely clear-cut prima facie open-and-shut case.
Ma chère, il ne fait aucun doute que nous avons ici un dossier absolument béton.
Either you quit acting like a prima donna, or we call the whole thing off. Alright.
Si tu n'arrêtes pas tes caprices, on laisse tomber.
Prima donnas, that's what they are.
Ce sont deux arrogants.
Those "prima donnas" hold more departmental citations for heroism and excellent service than...
Ces "arrogants" se sont vus décernés plus de citations pour leur héroïsme que...
She is the prima ballerina.
elle est prima ballerina.
- "Come prima"?
- "Come prima"?
Hey, you know something, Prima Donna? You're going to make somebody a mighty fine wife, some day.
Tu feras une bonne épouse.
No, not tonight, Prima Donna.
Pas ce soir, ma chérie.
Il congressa non finisce prima della 5.

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