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Queered Çeviri Fransızca

16 parallel translation
But you sure queered that beautifully.
Vous avez tout fait échoué en beauté.
- I was about to put up my brooch for security... when some smart aleck came along and queered the deal.
J'allais laisser ma broche en consigne... quand un espèce d'intelligent est arrivé et à gâché l'entente.
You queered it!
Vous avez tout fait foirer!
You queered it.
Vous avez tout fait foirer.
You see, gentlemen, not only have your own efforts failed but you've queered the pitch for others.
Voyez-vous, vos propres efforts ont non seulement échoué, mais ils ont rendu la tâche encore plus dure.
Have I queered your pitch? Caught you in the act? I have worked hard for this and I won't give it up!
Je dérange peut-être ton travail?
Telling you would only have queered things if...
Te le dire n'aurait fait qu'envenimer les choses si...
- Are you saying I queered his tire?
Vous croyez vraiment que j'ai enfoncé ces clous?
Thought he had that deal sewed up. He said you queered his pitch.
Il croyait avoir bouclé l'affaire, et tu l'as doublé.
I've queered my pitch enough.
Je me suis déjà assez grillée.
You queered my pitch.
Tu m'as complètement grillée.
His throw got queered by Con's chatter.
Son lancer a été biaisé par le bavardage de Con.
Littlefair had queered a business deal on Jack Reda and Sonny Boy was letting the whole world know.
- Il avait fait capoter un chantier de Reda. Son fils allait dévoiler des choses.
Because the last girl who was in here almost queered the deal for us.
La dernière fille a failli nous entuber. Je ne...
You saying I queered his tire?
Vous ne me croyez pas?
If you would've queered that interview with Bic... and you had Kowalski's name... Crack wise all you want.
Rigole si tu veux.

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