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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Q ] / Questioner's

Questioner's Çeviri Fransızca

6 parallel translation
I think the questioner is making a valid point, and that a nation's foreign policy... - should not be determined by narrow commercial interests.
La politique extérieure d'une nation ne devrait pas être assujettie au commerce.
It's a classic thought experiment called the chinese room, in which there's a computer inside a room receiving questions written in chinese characters that it answers back in chinese, its program so perfect that the questioner thinks he's talking to an actual person,
Tu disais? C'est une théorie classique : la chambre chinoise.
Tonight's questioner is :
Ce soir, cette personne est Obama Girl.
The worst thing you can do is match your questioner's intensity.
Le pire, c'est d'avoir la même intensité que le questionneur.
Anything that puts the subject off balance works to the questioner's advantage.
Tout ce qui pourrait faire sortir le sujet de ses gonds donne un avantage à celui qui pose les questions.
Look, your little brother is a questioner.
Ton petit frère s'interroge.

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