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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ R ] / Rahim

Rahim Çeviri Fransızca

130 parallel translation
- Rasjad, Hussein, even Rahim.
Rasjad, Hussain, et même Rahim.
Hussein, Rasjad and Rahim fighting together.
Hussain, Rasjad et Rahim, tous alliés.
He's gone away, on indefinite leave.
Nous avons le Dr Rahim, détaché de Bombay.
- Mm-hmm. Oh, yes, Rahim, what is it? Oh, what's the lowest possible angle of the telescope?
Mais on a la position de la comête grâce aux calculs de Fuller.
It usually works out quite well. I see Professor Rahim is using the telescope.
Les visiteurs sont rares ici, mais soyez la bienvenue.
I'm afraid you'll find we're a little preoccupied just at the moment.
Le télescope est neuf. Je suis sûr que Rahim sera très content de vous voir.
I'm sure Rahim will be delighted to see you. It's just possible, of course, he won't remember me.
Ne butez pas sur quelque chose.
Professor Rahim was killed last night. - Who? - Rahim.
J'ai eu l'observatoire à l'instant.
He was from the University of Bombay.
Rahim a été tué la nuit passée.
I'm certain of it.
Rahim était-il vraiment après la naine blanche?
I can't tell you how shocked I am about Rahim's death.
Je suis bouleversé par la mort de Rahim.
Surely you must inform Bombay about Rahim's death.
Il faudrait au moins informer Bombay de sa mort.
Well, this Professor Larsen has told the American Science Foundation he's been tracking a white dwarf for six months which is now dangerously close to us.
Vous y croyez? Je l'aurais cru si Richter et Rahim n'étaient pas morts. - Où allez-vous?
Dr. Richter, I murdered your father and Professor Rahim.
Dr Richter, c'est moi qui ai tué votre père.
And my share, I believe, was to be a million pounds, wasn't it?
Et le Professeur Rahim. Tout ça pour 1 million de livres.
Sheikh Abdul Rahim.
Le Cheik Abdul Rahim.
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem ( In the name of God, most Gracious and Most Merciful )
( Au nom de Dieu clément et miséricordieux ) Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Rahim, Mohammed, Larry.
Rahim, Mohammed, Larry.
RAHIM : Hey, how you doing?
- Comment ça va?
Mr. Rahim's wife suffered from slipped disc.
La femme de M. Rahim s'est déplacé une vertebre.
I'm taking him to Dr Rahim.
Je vais emmener Madi chez le Dr Rahim.
Mr Rahim!
Monsieur Rahim!
Hello, Mr Rahim.
Bonjour, M. Rahim.
Mr Rahim, please help me save my mule!
M. Rahim! Je t'en supplie, viens sauver mon mulet!
Rahim, please don't leave me by myself!
Ne me laisse pas tout seul.
Rahim, I must get Madi to Iraq!
Je dois emmener Madi en Irak! Aidez-moi!
Abdur Rahim?
Abdur Rahim?
You know Rahim?
Tu connais Rahim?
Rahim who?
Rahim qui?
He wants to bring about "Yamin Rahim."
Il veut provoquer le "Yamin Rahim."
He called it "Yamin Rahim."
Il l'a appelé "Yamin Rahim."
Bismillahir rahmanir rahim.
Bismillahir rahmanir rahim.
I'm Khalid Abd el-Rihim I'm in the third year
Je m'appelle Khaled Abd el-Rahim, je suis en troisième année
- Nazar Rahim of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.
- Nazar Rahim de Bay Ridge à Brooklyn.
I started to call the pawn shops. First Rate Collectibles purchased the vase from a Nazar Rahim for 800 bucks two days ago.
Un prêteur sur gages a acheté le sosie du vase à un Nazar Rahim pour 800 $, il y a 2 jours.
Mr. Rahim.
Monsieur Rahim.
Rahim Khan?
Rahim Khan?
- Rahim Khan left it for you.
- Rahim Khan l'a laissée pour toi.
Rahim Khan is very sick.
Rahim Khan est très malade.
There wouldn't be any books if not for Rahim Khan.
Sans Rahim Khan, il n'y aurait pas de livres.
" For Rahim Khan, who listened to my stories
" À Rahim Khan, qui a écouté mes histoires
Rahim Khan and I taught him how to read and write, so he doesn't grow up stupid like his father.
"Rahim Khan et moi lui avons appris à lire " et à écrire, pour qu'il ne soit pas stupide comme son père.
Rahim Khan left this for you.
Rahim Khan a laissé ça pour vous.
Well, Dewey Rahim, I'll tell you. I was young and stupid then.
Eh bien, Dewey Rahim... j'étais jeune et stupide.
Sir, Agent Rahim is calling for you.
Monsieur, l'agent Rahim vous demande.
Yes, of course.
Le Prof. Rahim utilise le télescope!
- Well, that could mean police investigation.
Was Professor Rahim really after the white dwarf?
Le Prof.
I'm Uncle Rahim..
Fils je suis Rahim.
You are a religious man.
Je suis oncle Rahim.
Thanks, Rahim.

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