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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ R ] / Rawlings

Rawlings Çeviri Fransızca

181 parallel translation
Mr. Rawlings.
- M. Rawlings.
Mr. Rawlings, how are you?
- M. Rawlings.
Mr. Rawlings, my private secretary. Come aboard, Mr. Rawlings.
- Mon secrétaire particulier.
What do you think, Rawlings?
Votre avis, Rawlings?
I had Rawlings check your record, Martin.
Rawlings a épluché votre CV.
Let me see that list, Rawlings.
La liste, Rawlings.
As you can gather from Rawlings, the board thinks I was a little off for even coming down to meet you.
Vous l'aurez compris, le conseil trouve que cette visite est une folie.
You've never been one, have you, Rawlings?
Vous n'avez jamais été comme eux.
More Indian than the Indians in all but blood.
Franchère et Sublette, Linus Rawlings, plus indiens que les propres Indiens.
Mr. Rawlings.
Je n'ai jamais vu de peaux de castor.
Ms. RawIings.
Bonjour, Mme Rawlings!
Mrs. Rawlings.
C'est un uniforme, Mme Rawlings.
I got it from the captain himself that we ain't gonna be gone no time at all.
Mme Rawlings, le capitaine m'a dit que ça sera fini en un clin d'œil.
this here is Captain Rawlings.
C'est le capitaine Rawlings!
- Captain Linus Rawlings.
Le capitaine Linus Rawlings.
could it?
Votre père ne serait pas Linus Rawlings?
- Mrs. Rawlings?
C'est madame Rawlings?
It's Rawlings.
C'est Rawlings!
Ah, yes, here we are, sir. The shirt was made for Colonel Rawlings, 17 Battalion Fusiliers, dispatched to him by steamship.
Rawlings, 11ème Bataillon de Fusiliers livrée par bateau.
- Actually, there are very few. Three or four work in restaurants and the rest are servants in the Kalayan Ex-Servicemen's Club.
Quelques employés du Club des militaires retraités dirigé par un certain Rawlings.
A Colonel Rawlings?
- Oui, pourquoi?
That was bought in 1929 by a Colonel Rawlings.
Rawlings. Il doit être mort.
Colonel Rawlings'file. Fortunately, he overlooked my cucumber sandwiches.
Par bonheur il a épargné mes sandwiches.
To infiltrate the Kalayan Ex-Servicemen's Association and meet Colonel Rawlings.
Pour infiltrer le Club des vétérans du Kalaya. - Vous avez l'adresse?
That's the Willows, the home of Colonel Rawlings and the headquarters of the Kalayan Ex-Servicemen's Association.
C'est la résidence de Rawlings et le QG du Club des vétérans.
No, the family name was Stallings or Rawlings.
Non, son nom de famille était Stallings ou Rawlings.
Have you gotten through to Earth yet, Rawlings?
Tu as communiqué avec la Terre, Rawlings?
Rawlings... the radio officer, was the first to go.
Rawlings... l'officier de radio a été le premier.
Rawlings denied any knowledge of what he had done.
Rawlings niait se rappeler de ce qu'il avait fait.
We found Rawlings'body the next day.
Nous avons trouvé le corps de Rawlings le lendemain.
It wasn't Rawlings who destroyed the radio equipment... and the ship's tapes.
Ce n'est pas Rawlings qui a détruit l'équipement de radio... et les bandes sonores du vaisseau.
Of what nature, Ms. Rawlings?
De quelle nature, Mlle Rawlings?
Rawlings is listed as a defense witness.
Rawlings va témoigner pour la défense.
Ms. Rawlings, this session... was this a therapy session?
Mlle Rawlings, cette séance, c'était une séance de thérapie?
He said it would help me get in touch with... with what, Ms. Rawlings?
Ca devait m'aider à retrouver...
With "the child within"?
L'enfant qui est en vous, Mlle Rawlings?
Ms. Rawlings, yes or no, please.
Mlle Rawlings, oui ou non?
Major Rawlings will head up the reds.
Et le major Rawlings commandera les rouges.
And heading to the VIP box, behind Senator Rawlings, the Honorable Nigel Worthington, British Ambassador, who with dignitaries from all over the world are now taking their seats for the formal opening of the Jerico Games and the dramatic lighting of the Friendship Torch.
Allant vers les loges VIP, derrière le sénateur Rawlings, l'ambassadeur anglais Nigel Worthington, qui, avec les dignitaires du monde entier, s'installent pour l'ouverture des Jeux de Jerico et pour l'allumage de la Torche de l'amitié.
His name is Rawlings, 51 years old.
Rawlings, 51 ans.
Meet Martin Rawlings.
Voici Martin Rawlings.
Judge Rawlings'clerk needs your filing.
Le greffier, au sujet de votre dépôt.
Yeah, this is Ms. Rawlings.
Mme Rawlings à l'appareil.
Excuse me, ma'am. I'm looking for Ms. Rawlings.
Excusez-moi, je cherche Mme Rawlings.
Linus Rawlings.
Des hommes comme Jim Bridger,
Name's Linus Rawlings.
Linus Rawlings.
It's a weird sort of organization run by a man called Rawlings. Rawlings?
Colonel Rawlings?
What's missing?
- Le dossier Rawlings.
Mmm. What about Colonel Rawlings?
Et le dossier?
Colonel Rawlings, a visitor for you, sir.
Vous avez un visiteur.

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