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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ S ] / Sascha

Sascha Çeviri Fransızca

72 parallel translation
of my brother Sascha... "
mon frère Sascha... "
- Sascha, she's had enough.
- Elle a assez bu.
- Sascha, call a cab.
- Sacha, un taxi!
Sascha will be happy to hear it.
Sacha va être content.
- But Sascha always puts out that light.
Sacha le fait toujours.
abdul, Carl and Sascha stay with the place or I don't sell.
Abdul, Carl et Sacha restent, ou je ne vends pas.
I think I can get Sascha to play and Ethel to sing. Stick around.
Je crois que Sascha et Ethel joueront, restez.
Run for it, Sasha!
Va-t-en, Sascha!
- Go now, Sasha! - No!
- J'y vais maintenant, Sascha.
- Will we make it, Sasha? - Yes, you'll see.
On y arrivera, Sascha?
- We'll go dancing, Sasha.
- Nous irons danser, Sascha?
- I'll go, Sasha.
- J'y vais moi, Sascha.
What are they doing, Sasha? Are they standing for me?
Que font-ils, Sascha, ils se lèvent pour moi?
Can I have a word with you?
Ecoute, Sascha...
You mustn't tell her anything. Swear you won't.
Tu ne dois rien lui dire, Sascha, jure-le-moi!
- Swear, Sasha.
- Jure-le, Sascha!
No, Sasha, it's not us.
Non, Sascha, ce n'est pas nous.
- You'll wait for me, Sasha?
- Tu m'attendras, Sascha?
Yes, Sasha.
Oui, Sascha.
I don't understand.
- Oui, Sascha? Je ne comprends pas.
I'm off then, Sasha.
Alors, j'y vais, Sascha.
- What is it, Sasha?
- Quoi, Sascha?
They'll come and they'll kill you.
- Ils viendront et te tueront. - Sascha.
Mr. Cass, you are the father of the deceased girl, Sascha.
M.Cass. Vous êtes le père de la défunte Sascha?
I told Sascha to have nothing to do with him.
Je lui avais dit de l'éviter
He refers to " this terrible thing stalking amongst the people of Vandorf.
Il a écrit "Ce monstre hideux qui rôde autour de Vandorf a pétrifié Sascha et d'autres avant elle..."
If your story is true, the girl, Sascha must have looked directly at the Gorgon and so did your father.
Si vous dites vrai Sacha a dû regarder la Gorgone en face tout comme votre père.
Sascha Petrie stole them first.
- Sascha Petrie l'a volé.
Sascha, I'm not putting up with it anymore.
Sascha, je ne marche plus.
I can't do that to Sascha.
Je ne peux pas faire ça à Sascha.
Sascha, send them all home.
Renvoie tout le monde.
Sascha, darling.
Sascha chéri.
Sascha, I can't take any more of this.
Je ne tiendrai pas le coup.
Do you understand, Sascha?
Tu as compris, Sascha?
Sascha, get me something to drink.
Sascha, donne-moi à boire.
Don't cry, Sascha
Indépendant et prêt à tout abandonner.
I'm from a very, very bad place, Sascha.
Je viens d'un endroit affreux, Sascha.
Hello, Sascha.
Bonjour, Sascha.
Sascha Petrosevitch.
Sascha Petrosevitch.
Welcome to my family, Sascha.
Bienvenue dans ma famille, Sascha.
- You believe in God, Sascha?
- Tu crois en Dieu, Sascha?
Sascha, is that you?
Sascha, c'est toi?
- This is heavy, Sascha.
- C'est du sérieux, Sascha.
Sascha said, we get for 20 marks!
Sacha a dit qu'on allait recevoir 20 Marks pour ça!
- Tom Burton and Sasha Gordon.
- Tom Burton et Sascha Gordon.
- Sasha...
- Sascha...
It turned Sascha to stone and others before her the conspiracy of silence and the fear. "
"la conspiration du silence, la peur."
Qu'il revoie la scène avec Eddie.
The world as will and idea Did you know that, Sascha?
Ça ne te dit rien?

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