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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ S ] / Satterfield

Satterfield Çeviri Fransızca

72 parallel translation
Grogan, Satterfield.
Grogan, Satterfield.
- Why not, Satterfield?
- Pourquoi, Satterfield?
Satterfield's bright.
- Satterfield est douée.
Hailey, Satterfield!
Hailey, Satterfield.
We're not here on the tour, Satterfield.
On n'est pas là en touristes.
- Lieutenant, Satterfield.
- Lieutenant.
- Check the major for weapons.
- Satterfield, fouille-la.
Return Satterfield's weapon, please, Major.
Veuillez rendre son arme à Satterfield, mon commandant.
Marge Satterfield, bus driver of a gamblers'special, 50 altered at the scene.
Marge Satterfield, conductrice transportant des joueurs. 50 ans, inconsciente sur les lieux.
Charles, 32 years old, Satterfield, 30.
Charles, 32 ans, Satterfield, 30.
189 for Charles, 180 for Satterfield.
189 pour Charles et 180 pour Satterfield.
Satterfield has surprised all tonight with his right.
Satterfield nous a surpris avec son crochet droit.
And Satterfield is down!
Satterfield est au tapis!
Battlin'Bob Satterfield. Number three in the world.
Battlin'Bob Satterfield, 3e mondial!
Battlin'Bob Satterfield.
Battlin'Bob Satterfield.
- Bob Satterfield?
- Bob Satterfield?
Uh, well, I'm doing a story on a heavyweight fighter... from the 1950s named Bob Satterfield.
J'écris un papier sur un boxeur des années 50, Bob Satterfield.
Battlin'Bob Satterfield, number three in the world.
Bob Satterfield, 3e mondial.
Bob Satterfield, number three in the world.
Exact, 3e mondial.
And in this corner, weighing a lean, mean 185 pounds... from Chicago, Illinois, Battlin'Bob Satterfield!
Dans ce coin, affichant 92 méchants kilos, venu de Chicago, Illinois, Battlin'Bob Satterfield!
Did you find the contact information on Satterfield Jr.?
- Désolée. Rien sur Satterfield junior?
That... is Battlin'Bob Satterfield. Fightin'Joe Blow. Joe Blow.
Ça... c'est Bob Satterfield affrontant Joe Machin.
Satterfield versus Kincaid.
Satterfield contre Kinkaid.
He's the only one Satterfield fought that I could find. Most of them are dead.
C'est le seul adversaire vivant que j'ai trouvé.
Satterfield Jr. Of Chicago. Only living relative.
Et Satterfield junior, de Chicago, seul parent vivant.
Now, Bing tells me about your Satterfield story.
Bing m'a parlé de ton histoire sur Satterfield.
You said you wanted to talk about Bob Satterfield.
Vous vouliez parler de Bob Satterfield.
Besides Bob Satterfield, the only ones who ever hurt me were my ex-wives. Is that right?
A part Bob Satterfield, les seules à m'en avoir fait baver, ce sont mes ex-femmes.
You write that article about Satterfield?
L'article sur Satterfield, c'est vous?
But Satterfield's dead. Twenty years.
Mais Satterfield est mort il y a 20 ans.
Bob Satterfield died in, uh...'82,'83.
Bob SatterfieId est mort en... 82, 83.
Yeah, Satterfield.
Si, Satterfield.
Did you talk to, uh... Satterfield's trainers?
Avez-vous parlé à... ses entraîneurs?
Ernie, you remember Bob Satterfield...
Tu te souviens de Bob Satterfield?
Listen. You remember Bob Satterfield?
Ecoute... tu te souviens de Bob Satterfield?
No, seriously though. I just - I need something, uh... that I can prove that you're Bob Satterfield with.
Sérieux, j'ai besoin de quelque chose qui prouve que tu es Bob Satterfield.
Satterfield / Kincaid. I was there.
Satterfield-Kinkaid, j'y étais.
I went to all the Satterfield fights.
J'ai vu tous ses combats.
- Satterfield's the other one.
Non. Satterfield, c'est l'autre.
I'd like you to meet my client, Robert Satterfield.
Mon client, Robert Satterfield...
The man you've been interviewing - Tommy Kincaid - has been impersonating Bob Satterfield for years... fraudulently fought under his name for years.
L'homme que vous avez vu, Tommy Kinkaid, se fait passer pour son père. Il a combattu sous son nom.
Bob Satterfield?
I'm gonna go find Satterfield.
Je vais voir le boxeur.
Your last name is Satterfield? Yeah.
Which one's Satterfield?
Satterfield est où?
- Mr. Satterfield? - Yes?
M. Satterfield?
Not Satterfield.
Pas Satterfield.
Like Satterfield.
Comme Satterfield.
Oui, Bob Satterfield.

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