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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ S ] / Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever Çeviri Fransızca

95 parallel translation
- Okay, just a touch of scarlet fever.
- Ça va. J'ai un début de scarlatine.
The doctor said it was scarlet fever.
Il a parlé de scarlatine!
I advise you to go, Amy. Scarlet fever's no joke.
Amy, la scarlatine n'est pas une plaisanterie!
I'd rather get scarlet fever and die than go to Aunt March's.
Plutôt la scarlatine que d'aller chez Tante March!
You woke me each night. I was your slave. Your teething, your whooping cough, your homework, your scarlet fever, your exams.
Tu m'as réveillée chaque nuit et tu m'as tenue en esclavage pourta 1re dent, pourta coqueluche, pourton certificat d'études, ta scarlatine, ton baccalauréat.
My grandfather was very sorry about your children having the scarlet fever.
Mon grand-père était désolé pour la scarlatine de vos enfants.
It was diphtheria or scarlet fever.
C'était la diphtérie, ou la scarlatine.
Let's see, whooping cough or maybe scarlet fever. - It's a better color for Christmas.
La coqueluche ou bien... la scarlatine, c'est mieux.
And the doctor came, and he said it was scarlet fever.
Le docteur est venu et il a dit que c'était la scarlatine.
Scarlet fever.
De la scarlatine.
The poor dear's just getting over scarlet fever.
Le pauvre vient d'avoir scarlatine.
Scarlet fever, poor little thing.
La scarlatine, pauvre petit
I was 11 and I had scarlet fever.
J'avais 11 ans et j'avais la scarlatine.
You say that as if I was asking about scarlet fever!
On dirait que vous parlez de la scarlatine.
One time, when she was about 4 years old she had a rough spell with that scarlet fever, but thank goodness, she got well.
À quatre ans... elle a eu la scarlatine. Mais elle en a réchappé.
Deaf and dumb from that scarlet fever, and I had been treating her so.
À cause de cette scarlatine. Et je l'avais battue!
First the scarlet fever epidemic then the town plan scandal now the Tiber floods!
D'abord la scarlatine. Puis le scandale du plan régulateur. Maintenant les inondations du Tibre!
- Could be as simple as scarlet fever.
Il s'agit peut-être tout simplement de la scarlatine.
Your wife was sure it was scarlet fever, but it's just a minor skin irritation. No problem.
Votre femme pensait à la scarlatine, mais ce n'est qu'une simple irritation.
scarlet fever, and diphtheria, and measles, and whooping cough, and mumps.
Et la scarlatine, et la diphtérie, et la rougeolle, et la coqueluche, et les oreillons.
I'm sorry to be late, but half Rome seems to have scarlet fever.
Désolée d'arriver si tard, mais tout Rome semble atteint de scarlatine.
By the way, my little girl has had the mumps, scarlet fever, and German measles.
- À ce propos, ma petite a eu les oreillons, la scarlatine et la rubéole.
- She died, monsieur. Of grief at the death of our only daughter. From scarlet fever.
Elle est morte monsieur, de chagrin, après que notre fille unique mourut de la scarlatine.
Your daughter, Paulette, never died of scarlet fever, did she?
Votre fille Paulette n'était pas morte de la scarlatine.
Scarlet fever, whooping cough and measles!
La scarlatine, la variole et la méningite.
He had scarlet fever.
Il a eu la scarlatine.
And typhus and anemia and scarlet fever.
Et le typhus, de l'anémie, la fièvre.
I'm retained in the case of the Ferrers Documents, and Doctor Watson tells me that he's run off his feet by this recent epidemic of this Scarlet Fever.
Je suis retenu par l'affaire des documents Ferrers et le docteur est débordé en raison de l'épidémie de scarlatine.
I got scarlet fever in high school.
J'ai eu la scarlatine au lycée.
Scarlet fever hit Richmond last winter, right at Christmastime.
La scarlatine a frappé Richmond l'hiver dernier, juste au moment de Noël.
Bella was born with scarlet fever and until she was 5 years old she didn't talk, and I didn't cry.
Bella est née avec la scarlatine... elle n'a pas parlé avant ses cinq ans et je n'ai pas pleuré.
My momma died of scarlet fever when I was 11.
Ma mère est morte quand j'avais 11 ans.
She's lost both her mother and father... to the scarlet fever, Victor.
Elle a perdu sa mère et son père... ils ont été emportés par la scarlatine, Victor.
Two children are dead from scarlet fever.
Deux enfants morts de la scarlatine.
If I die of scarlet fever, give Meg my box with the green doves on it.
Si j'attrape la scarlatine et que je meurs, donne ma boîte à Meg.
I nursed the miners in Deadwood through scarlet fever.
J'ai soigné les mineurs de Deadwood quand il y avait la scarlatine.
He may dress like a crow, but he once infected himself with scarlet fever, the better to study the disease.
Il a une allure de croque-mort mais... il s'est inoculé la scarlatine pour en faire l'étude.
" There is no sex appeal in a gal who appears to be in the last stages of scarlet fever.
L'un a écrit : " Il n'y a rien d'attirant chez une femme... qui semble avoir la scarlatine..
Anyway, one day... I got very sick with scarlet fever... and she stayed by my side.
Un jour, je suis tombé trés malade, j'avais la scarlatine, et elle est restée à mes côtés.
Scarlet fever.
La scarlatine
It was scarlet fever.
C'était la scarlatine.
When you were very young, you came down with scarlet fever.
Quand tu étais petit tu as eu la scarlatine.
Ln fact, aside from some bouts with chicken pox and scarlet fever as a child, his medical record is unblemished.
En fait, à part quelques blennoragies, et plus jeune, la scarlatine, son dossier est sans tâche.
Just out of curiosity, what are the long-term effects of scarlet fever?
Juste par curiosité, quels sont les effets à long terme de la scarlatine?
At the end of the week the agreeable Agnes gets scarlet fever. They had to send her home Ireland.
À la fin de la semaine, la douce Agnès, atteinte de la scarlatine, rentrait en Irlande.
Armelle has scarlet fever and can't attend.
* Armelle souffre d'une scarlatine et sera absente.
I said she had scarlet fever. I couldn't give a royal fu...
J'ai dit qu'elle avait la scarlatine, je me fous royalement des on-dit.
She doesn't have scarlet fever.
Elle n'a pas du tout la scarlatine.
Her son, the one she gave birth to, died of scarlet fever when he was seven months old.
Son fils, celui à qui elle a donné naissance, et mort de la scarlatine à l'age de 7 mois.
562 children died of diphtheria, 123 of scarlet fever, 93 of measles.
123 de scarlatine, 93 de la rougeole, ainsi que 3.640 nourrissons.
- We didn't mean to tell you so suddenly, Anne. He took scarlet fever in mid-term.

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