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Shelley Çeviri Fransızca

1,244 parallel translation
Miss Shelley wrote the book when she was only 19 years old while living with Byron and Shelley at the Villa Diodati presently some 200 yards north-northeast.
Mlle Shelley a écrit le livre quand elle avait à peine 19 ans... et vivait avec Byron et Shelley à la villa Diodati... actuellement à 200 mètres au nord nord-est.
Oh, no. What will Shelley say?
Que dira Shelley?
Meet Percy Shelley, my fellow reprobate in exile.
Je vous présente Percy Shelley, mon compagnon d'exil.
- This says Mary Shelley.
- Cela dit Mary Shelley.
And Shelley - Do we die young?
Et Shelley- - Allons-nous mourir jeunes?
What is this?
My name is Vanessa Shelley.
Je m'appelle Vanessa Shelley.
Even SheIIey Winters turned me down.
Même Shelley Winters n'en a pas voulu.
Gazing at you, reciting the verse of Shelly, you looked very much...
Vous regarder... Citant les vers de Shelley. Vous ressemblez à une reine.
Steve Shelley?
Steve Shelley?
Shelley, how am I supposed to?
Comment dois-je...
Going out tonight, Shelley?
Tu sors vendre ce soir, Shelly?
- Shelley... - What was that, John, huh?
Qu'est-ce que c'était?
Let me tell you something, Shelley.
Je vais te dire, Shelly.
I can't do it, Shelley.
Je ne peux pas, Shelly.
"Hey, Murray, the kid is burning my ass." "Shelley, he's gone."
"Murray, le gosse me les brise." "Shelly, il est congédié."
- Just call me Shelley.
- Appelez-moi Shelly.
- Shelley! - Ah, big deal.
La fin d'une mauvaise passe.
I broke a bad streak. Shelley "The Machine" Levene!
Shelly "La Machine" Levene.
Shelley... Shelley, get in the office.
- Shelly, dans le bureau.
Well, I'm saying this, Shelley...
Voilà ce que je veux dire, Shelly :
- I want to tell you something, Shelley.
Je vais te dire une chose, Shelly.
Want to call the bank, Shelley?
Tu veux appeler la banque? Je l'ai fait.
- This is Shelley "The Machine" Levene.
C'est Shelly "La Machine" Levene.
Shelley Long has dropped out.
Shelley Long a abandonné.
Shelley, it's me.
Shelley? Salut.
Like Shelley Winters older or Shirley MacLaine older?
Genre Shelley Winters ou Shirley MacLaine?
They say Shelley used to sail paper boats here.
Shelley y lançait des bateaux en papier
Shelley Winters.
Shelley Winters.
Remember, one Wordsworth one Keats or one Shelley
Lisez Wordsworth, Keats ou Shelley.
Now, Shelley Winters has not auditioned for a part in 15, 20 years, but Buddy can convince a flea it needs ticks.
Shelley Winters n'a pas auditionné pour un rôle depuis 15 ou 20 ans. Il convaincrait un pou de squatter un chauve.
That's why the man is my guy. Who's Shelley Winters?
- Qui c'est Shelley Winters?
Older, right? Shelley comes rolling into the office, plops down in a chair.
Shelley déboule dans le bureau.
"Got a project, new project. Wonderful project." Shelley's not buyin'it.
"C'est un projet magnifique..."
Shelley, not phased, again reaches down into her bag. Pulls out another Oscar. 2 Oscars.
Shelley, tranquille, replonge la main dans son sac, et sort un autre Oscar et de deux!
You know, I can't really picture her. Who's Shelley Winters?
Je vois pas qui c'est Shelley Winters.
Shelley and Mitch.
Shelley et Mitch.
Shelley and Mitch learn to prolong their pleasure... by lingering over the basics...
Shelley et Mitch apprennent à prolonger le plaisir... s'attardant sur l'essentiel...
Shelley and Mitch talk Intimately of their secret hopes, their fears... their dreams, every moment of their lives bringing them closer together.
Shelley et Mitch évoquent intimement leurs désirs cachés, leurs craintes... leurs rêves, chaque instant de leur vie les rapproche.
- This is Shelly. - Hi, Shelly.
- Ça, c'est Shelley.
How are you?
- Bonsoir, Shelley.
Ozymandias, Percy Bysshe Shelley.
Ozymandias. Percy Bysse Shelley.
Some chick named Shelley.
A une nana qui s'appelle Shelley.
Shelley's the only one that didn't get out. Good.
- Shelley n'a pas filé.
I'll go tend to Shelley.
- Je m'occupe d'elle.
Hello, Shelley. How are you today, my little powder puff?
Coucou, Shelley. ça va, ma choupinette?
I can't do it, Shelley.
- Je ne peux pas, Shelly.
Great sale, Shelley.
Jolie vente, Shelly.
She's just sitting there.
Shelley n'en croit pas un mot.
Shelley Winters.
Shelley Winters :

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