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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ S ] / Shepard

Shepard Çeviri Fransızca

811 parallel translation
Do something for him, Cary!
- Faites quelque chose, Cary. Oh, Shepard.
Oh, Shepard, Shepard, darling.
Oh, Shepard! Shepard chéri.
Oh, Shepard, Shepard, darling.
Oh, Shepard. Shepard chéri.
Dr. Baker. 165 Goldhawk Road, Shepherd's Bush.
Dr Baker, 165 Goldhawk Road, à Shepard's Bush.
The recipe is being held in the safe of this bozo, Shepard Wong.
La recette est dans le coffre de ce jojo, Pou-Lai.
This is Shepard Wong's home.
Voici la maison de Pou-Lai.
That's Shepard Wong's gambling ship. Oh, I hate him so very much! He's one of the seven worst people in the world.
C'est le casino de Pou-Lai, ce sadique sodomite nécrophile.
You interrupt Shepard Wong? That's a thing to do?
Déranger papa Pou-Lai vous osez?
We shall see, Shepard Wong!
Qui vivra verra Pou-Lai!
Shepard Wong has really got us now. Not Wong!
Pou-Lai nous a à sa merci.
This is agent 5... I'm aboard Shepard Wong's ship. Have located safe below.
Ici agent 5... suis à bord bateau Pou-Lai.
If I know Shepard Wong, he'll try to stop us. And we've got to decode this recipe.
Il faut décoder cette recette avant que Pou-Lai nous déniche.
Shepard Wong's ship - it's supposed to leave tomorrow.
Le bateau de Pou-Lai doit partir demain.
Shepard Wong's ship is not leaving tomorrow.
Le bateau de Pou-Lai ne part pas demain.
Shepard Wong wants a meeting.
Il veut nous voir.
Now I have Shepard Wong right where I wanted.
Pou-Lai a mordu à l'hameçon.
Shepard Wong will pay me a cool million.
Mais j'aime plus le million de Pou-Lai.
A turnout of Bostonians unsurpassed in numbers and enthusiasm roars its welcome for Al Shepard followed by Gus Grissom sharing the popular tribute with their fellow astronauts of Project Mercury.
Une foule de Bostoniens enthousiastes... se presse autour de Shepard et Grisson... pour rendre hommage aux astronautes du Projet Mercury.
At the Hilton, where the luncheon in honor of Glenn and his astronaut associates will be held a thousand notables are seated to supplement the public tribute as Boston toasts another "well done" for Al Shepard and Johnny Glenn.
Après un déjeuner au Hilton... en l'honneur de l'équipage du Mercury... une centaine de notables se joignent à la foule en liesse... pour acclamer Shepard et Glenn.
Remember the day the astronaut, Alan Shepard, came to town? They had a big parade for him.
Vous rappelez-vous le jour du défilé en l'honneur de l'astronaute?
Mr Shepard, there's nothing to be gained by our playing games.
M. Shepard, inutile de jouer à ce jeu.
- Shepard, wait.
- Shepard, attends.
Shepard's ready.
Shepard est prêt.
- Let's get Shepard and the plane.
- Allons chercher Shepard et l'avion.
I got in a fight with Shepard tonight.
Je me suis châtaigné avec Tim Shepard.
Tim Shepard's gang and our gang are going to fight the Socs tomorrow night.
Les socs de Tim et nous, rencard au terrain vague demain soir.
Tim Shepard dropped by.
Tim Shepard est venu.
Yeah, Shepard, I forgot.
OK, Shepard, j'avais oublié.
Gentlemen, I'd like you to meet Alan Shepard.
Je vous présente Alan Shepard.
I'd like you to meet Alan Shepard.
Je vous présente Alan Shepard!
Alan B. Shepard, Junior!
Alan B. Shepard, Junior!
We are here live at the house of Louise Shepard wife of Astronaut Al Shepard, who is about to go into space.
Nous sommes ici chez Louise Shepard... l'épouse d'AI Shepard, qui sera bientôt propulsé dans l'espace.
Wanted to keep you informed, Mrs. Shepard.
Je voulais vous tenir au courant, Mme Shepard.
And Alan Shepard sits there patiently waiting.
Et Alan Shepard, assis, attend patiemment.
I think we'll be able to talk to one of the astronaut wives if not to Louise Shepard herself.
Nous allons pouvoir parler à... une des épouses, si ce n'est avec Louise Shepard.
Mr. Shepard, sign here.
M. Shepard, un autographe.
- The Anderson case in'65. The documentation here is much greater.
- Comparé au cas Anderson en 1965, le cas Shepard est plus probant.
He happens to be a very rare Flatbush pound collie-shepard dog.
C'est un rare spécimen de colley croisé d'un berger.
This is Officer Gene Shepard of the Los Angeles Police Department.
Ici l'agent de police Gene Shepard.
This is the actual launch vehicle that will be taking Alan Shepard... and his crew on the first leg of the Apollo 13 mission.
C'est ce lanceur spatial qui emmènera Alan Shepard et son équipage pour la première étape de la mission Apollo 13.
Al Shepard's ear infection has flared up... and we've all been bumped up to the prime crew of Apollo 13.
L'otite de Shepard s'est infectée et on a été bombardé équipage principal d'Apollo 13.
I wouldn't want to be around Al Shepard tonight.
AI Shepard doit être furax!
- Just of your jokes, Shepard.
- Non, tes blagues m'endorment.
Shepard, you gotta move your rig.
Shepard, bougez votre engin.
If I were driving, we would've been there by now, Paramedic Shepard.
Si je conduisais, on y serait déjà, auxiliaire Shepard.
Lieutenant Shepard will be attached to his hip.
Shepard sera à ses basques.
- Shepard can talk to control.
Shepard peut communiquer... C'est le grand jour.
Shepard Wong...
Shepard's pie!
Hachis parmentier, maman!
- Amanda Shepard.
- Amanda Shepard.

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