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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ S ] / Soapy

Soapy Çeviri Fransızca

226 parallel translation
She's rather plump, a little soapy.
Elle est plutôt bien en chair, un peu onctueuse.
Oh, you're barmy, soapy.
Oh, t'as un grain, M. le Saint.
Yes, you know, I was blowing away on it and my hands were soapy and I...
Je soufflais dedans, mes mains étaient pleines de savon et...
- It's only Soapy and the gang. - That's good.
C'est Soapy et sa bande.
Hi, Soapy! - Soapy, look what we got.
Hé, regarde c'qu'on a!
- How much you got there, Soapy?
De l'air!
- Soapy's the name.
Moi, Soapy.
Hey, these beans taste soapy.
Elles sentent le savon.
- Hey, how much you got there, Soapy?
- Combien tu as?
The boys had a return game today, and they haven't shown up.
La bande de Soapy n'est pas revenue au gymnase.
- Murphy's poolroom. - What? - Yeah, Soapy and the gang.
Ils sont chez Murphy.
Hey, Soapy, you promised us another round of beers if you won.
T'avais promis une tournée si tu gagnais.
Soapy and those kids, give them a break, will you?
Laisse une chance aux enfants.
Look, Rocky, just before I came up here, the boys saw me off on the train. Soapy and several of the others.
Les enfants m'ont accompagné à la gare.
Soapy, Hogan, give him a hand with his chute.
Aide-le à mettre son parachute.
- Soapy Higgins from Flatbush.
Higgins, de Flatbush.
Soapy, see if I know tonight's menu.
Devinons quel est le menu.
And that perfume she uses, that's like a little girl's too so clean and soapy.
Et son parfum est celui d'une petite fille aussi, si propre et savonneux.
It's Soapy n me, n Bert n Curley.
C'est nous.
I say, Soapy, keep me a leg of it if there's one thing my boyfriend likes, it's mutton.
Soapy, garde-moi une patte. Mon chéri adore le mouton.
Whatcha you gonna do? Borrow another couple of bits from Soapy?
Tu vas encore demander du blé à Soapy?
Soapy, tell Curley the stuffs here and to pick it up right away.
Soapy, avertis Curley qu'on va livrer.
What's your opinion of Clem, Soapy?
Que penses-tu de Clem?
What a nasty mind you have sometimes, Soapy.
Ce que tu es tordu, quelquefois!
You in good shape tonight Soapy?
- T'es en forme?
Soapy sends his regards by the way.
Vous avez le bonjour de Soapy.
I might be able to persuade Soapy to turn King's evidence.
Je peux l'amener à témoigner en votre faveur.
Yes, you and Soapy.
Toi et Soapy.
If Soapy turns King's evidence, there'd be nothing they could do about it.
S'il témoigne, le tour est joué.
I want you to bring Soapy'round to my flat one night this week.
Fais venir Soapy chez moi.
I'm not frightened of Narcy like you and Soapy are.
Je n'ai pas peur de lui comme vous.
Whatch you been doing, listening to Soapy?
C'est Soapy que tu as écouté?
I won't let them find you. Don't worry Soapy. They won't get you as long as I'm looking after you.
Avec moi, ils ne te trouveront pas.
- Where's Soapy hiding?
- Où se cache Soapy?
I don't know anything about Soapy or Narcy.
Je ne sais plus rien de Soapy et Narcy.
Where's Soapy?
- Où est Soapy?
Push it under the door will you? My hands are all soapy.
Glissez-le sous la porte, j'ai les mains savonneuses.
Where's Soapy?
Où est Soapy?
She's gotta pay the rent if she's hiding Soapy.
Payer un loyer pour Soapy.
And I ain't gonna be too choosy about whether Soapy's still warm or cold, if you follow me. Just so long as we find him before Clem does.
Peu importe que Soapy soit chaud ou froid, tu me suis? Il suffit de le trouver avant Clem.
I'm sorry I don't know where Soapy is.
Je ne sais pas où est Soapy.
You're a fool to go out looking for Soapy.
C'est de la folie de chercher Soapy.
How's Soapy by the way?
Comment va Soapy?
And Soapy's the only witness.
- Et Soapy a tout vu.
So you ain't set eyes on Soapy for a week.
Comme ça, tu ne vois pas Soapy depuis une semaine?
Sally! Tell him I don't know where Soapy is!
Dis-leur que je sais rien!
Soapy forgive me.
Soapy! Je te demande pardon.
Who do you think done it, Soapy?
Qui a fait ça, Soapy?
- Soapy, my room. - Got it.
Dans ma piaule!
Giving a party, Soapy?
Tu donnes une fête, Soapy?
- How's Soapy and the kids?
- Et les gamins?

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