Stupid thing Çeviri Fransızca
1,343 parallel translation
This whole thing... this whole stupid thing was that so Pilot could... chase after some fantasy girl.
- Tout ça... Ce voyage débile, pour que Pilot puisse retrouver une nana imaginaire.
Take that stupid thing off your head.
Enlève cette connerie de ta tête!
This is a very stupid thing.
C'est stupide. Je suis stupide!
That's a stupid thing to say.
C'est stupide de dire ça.
Oh! And I told everybody... I was taking this stupid thing!
Etj'ai dit à tout le monde que je passais cette connerie!
All I did was bang into a parked car... a little bit, and they take me to a hospital... and force me to wear this stupid thing?
J'accroche une voiture garée, presque rien, on m'amène à l'hosto et on me met ce machin débile!
I can't even sell the stupid thing.
Je peux même pas vendre la maudite invention.
No, no, it's okay, we can't wake up the cook for such a stupid thing.
Non, non, ça ira, on ne va pas réveiller le maître pour une chose si stupide - Non, ça ira, ça ira
That was a stupid thing to say, wasn't it?
C'est bête ce que j'ai dit, non?
How could you say such a stupid thing?
Je trouve ça vraiment stupide!
You know, this really, uh... this really stupid thing happened.
Ce truc stupide est arrivé.
Yoyo, I'll do any stupid thing for you.
Yoyo, je ferais n'importe quoi pour toi.
No, I'm not OK. I did a stupid thing and I'll take responsibility for it.
J'ai fait une erreur et j'en assume la responsabilité.
I'm tryin'to make myself an Irish coffee, but this stupid thing is on the fritz.
J'essaie de me faire un Irish coffee, mais la machine est foutue.
She was hurting and she did this really stupid thing.
Elle souffrait et elle a fait une grosse bêtise.
I knew I was going to have to put on this stupid thing sooner or later.
Je savais que j'allais devoir porter ce stupide truc tôt ou tard.
What kind of stupid thing is that to say?
! Mais t'es complêtement barge.
And this for whatever stupid thing you do next. - Kick her ass!
Et ça, c'est pour toutes tes futures conneries.
God, what a stupid thing to say.
Quelle phrase idiote!
Because of this stupid thing.
A cause de ce truc débile.
Good, the next time the roof in the diner's leaking... I'll just rip the stupid thing off.
Le jour où le toit de mon café ne sera plus étanche, je pourrai l'arracher.
- I saw the stupid thing once... flapping its wings like crazy, banging around... squawking the only two words it knows over and over :'Petey'and'gorgeous.'
- J'ai vu ce stupide oiseau un jour, il tremblait comme une feuille, en braillant les deux seuls mots de son répertoire : "Petey" et "Joli".
You're why I did this stupid thing in the first place.
C'est à cause de toi que j'ai fait ce truc stupide pour commencer Je sais
- Look, it's right at the beginning of your term. No one will even remember the first stupid thing that you passed.
Ecoute, on est au début de ton mandat, personne ne se souviendra de la première décision que tu prendras
This is the most stupid thing you've ever done. I told you, Lucas- -
C'est la chose la plus stupide que tu aies jamais faite.
This is just a perfect way to end this entire stupid thing, forget it.
C'est la parfaite façon de finir ce truc stupide, laisse tomber.
It's just some stupid thing to get a byline.
C'est une bêtise pour faire un article.
Because if you do, I guarantee it'll be the last stupid thing you ever do on God's green earth.
Car si c'est le cas, je te garantis que ce sera la dernière connerie que tu feras sur cette terre.
- Stupid thing won't start!
Il ne veut pas démarrer.
You're still upset about me buying this stupid thing.
Tu es toujours fâché parce que j'ai acheté ce truc idiot.
This is a stupid thing for your son to get hurt over.
C'est idiot que votre fils souffre pour un truc ridicule.
She did this really stupid thing. - She hurt herself.
En quittant l'université, elle s'est blessée bêtement.
No. I'm not playing this stupid thing anymore.
OUi. c'est trés classe.
- I just said a stupid thing.
- Je viens de dire une bêtise.
- What was the stupid thing you said?
- Quelle stupidité tu as dite?
This stupid thing's not working.
Ça marche pas, ce truc!
It was a stupid thing to do, OK?
C'était bête de ma part, je le reconnais.
At least we've got air conditioning, when the stupid thing gets going.
Au moins, on a la clim', quand ça marche.
And what stupid-ass Irish thing did you say to Karen Cahill that you now need me to apologize for at Ben and Sally's, like a little girl?
Karen Cahill. Qu'as-tu balancé comme imbécillité à cette Karen Cahill... pour que tu veuilles que j'aille implorer son pardon?
I already tried for the stupid editor thing!
J'ai déjà essayé d'avoir le poste de rédacteur.
This "Killer" thing's really stupid, Matt.
Ce truc de tueur, est un jeu vraiment bête.
The stupid, annoying thing is that, for years ever since I heard of the Rangers and the Alliance, I wanted to join up.
Cette stupide broutille va me poursuivre des années. Tout ce que j'ai entendu sur les Rangers... et l'Alliance Interstellaire m'a conduit à m'engager.
I get to move back into my house, if... the only thing that stinks is that stupid dog that I'm allergic to.
Je vais me réinstaller chez moi... Le seul truc qui m'embête, c'est ce chien qui me file des allergies.
But you know, this stupid Series 1 7 thing- -
- Sept. Peu importe.
Well, I'm sure someday you'll manage... to find the right guy and drag him out to this thing... make him buy your stupid basket, then you'll be sitting here with him.
Je suis sûr qu'un beau jour, tu finiras par te trouver un garçon qui acceptera de jouer le jeu. Il t'achètera ton stupide panier, et vous irez pique-niquer.
I'll stay for the party, but once we've done the whole stupid pretend-it's-midnight-at-10 : 30 thing, I'm out of here. Okay?
Je reste pour la fête mais quand le truc stupide de faire semblant qu'il est minuit à 10h30 est fini, je file.
Get the fudge out! This whole thing is stupid!
Les autres, dégagez!
Look, Kelso invented this stupid Prank Day thing... and he superglued us, so the oatmeal thing... was just to, you know, get him back.
Ecoutes, Kelso a inventé ce stupide truc du Jour des farces... et il nous a super-englués, alors le truc des flocons d'avoine... c'était juste, tu sais, pour se venger...
Yeah, and the sweet thing is, the stupid asshole didn't even charge me money for it!
- Ouais. Et le plus génial, c'est que ce con m'a aussi filé du fric.
Hey, buddy, this.... This whole splitting up thing's kind of stupid.
Dis donc, c'était pas vraiment une bonne idée de se séparer.
And now, this stupid hip hop thing!
Gynécologue pour étoiles ". Et maintenant, ce stupide hip-hop.
stupid things 18
things 422
thing 1205
thingy 49
things happen 87
things will get better 22
things change 215
things fall apart 17
things will change 18
things have changed 201
things 422
thing 1205
thingy 49
things happen 87
things will get better 22
things change 215
things fall apart 17
things will change 18
things have changed 201
things could be worse 16
things are different 35
things to do 42
things like 24
things are looking up 44
things are going well 18
things are changing 33
things are great 27
things are different now 78
things would be different 16
things are different 35
things to do 42
things like 24
things are looking up 44
things are going well 18
things are changing 33
things are great 27
things are different now 78
things would be different 16