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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ T ] / Tendo

Tendo Çeviri Fransızca

33 parallel translation
His name is Hogen Tendo.
Il s'appelle Hôgen Tendô.
My witness will be Hogen Tendo.
Mon témoin sera Hôgen Tendô.
Girls # 1 4 Tendo.
Fille n ° 14 : Tendo Mayumi.
Boys # 1 Akamatsu Dead Girls # 1 4 Tendo Dead 38 To Go.
Garçon # 1 Akamatsu : Mort Fille # 14 Tendo : Mort Encore 38 élèves en lice.
Girls # 1 4 Tendo.
Fille n ° 14 : Tendo,
You know Tendo-sensei, don't you?
Tu connais Tendo-sensei, non?
After commercial, we'll welcome Tendo-sensei, our resident Psychic Medium.
Apres la pause, nous accueuillerons Tendo-sensei, notre médium.
The stage is yours, Tendo Hakusui-Sensei.
La scene est a vous, maitre Tendo Haksui.
Tendo Hakusui Psychic Medium
Tendo Hakusui Médium
Jun Tendo.
Jun Tendo.
My name is Jun Tendo.
Je m'appelle Jun Tendo.
Boy, your name is Jun Tendo. Correct?
Tu t'appelles bien Jun Tendo?
High school teacher, Isao Tendo, 38
Isao Tendo, 38 ans, professeur
Jun Tendo!
Jun Tendo!
My name is Tendo, and I am a nature conservationist.
Je suis M. Tendô, moniteur d'observation de la nature.
- Tendo, what's happening, my man?
- Tendo! Ça roule, vieux?
Oi, Tendo. Tendo!
Tendo, I can't pilot Striker on my own, now, can I?
Je ne peux pas piloter Striker tout seul.
Just give him something.n-80 % Oxygen.
- Está tendo uma parada. - Oxigène à 80 %.
Tendo Guinta.
Tendo Guinta.
Tendo Guinta- - known gang leader for Los Pulpos, the Octopus.
Tendo Guinta... connu comme un chef de gang pour Los Pulpos, les Pieuvres.
If Tendo finds Felix, maybe the shooting happens at the cafe.
Si Tendo trouve Felix, peut-être que la fusillage a lieu au café.
No Felix, no Tendo.
Pas de Felix, pas de Tendo.
You want to tell me why you ran an eye-dent search on Tendo Guinta?
Tu peux me dire pourquoi tu as demandé une identification visuelle sur Tendo Guinta?
Why are you looking for Tendo?
Pourquoi tu cherches Tendo?
Maybe Felix stole product that he was supposed to deliver to Tendo.
Peut-être que Felix a volé le produit qu'il était censé livré à Tendo.
And tonight, he's gonna have a showdown with Tendo's men, killing two of them.
Et ce soir, il va se mesurer aux hommes de Tendo, tuant deux d'entre eux.
If I was looking for Tendo, that's where I'd be going.
Si je cherchais Tendo, c'est où j'irais.
I'm telling you that Tendo-Sensei's time to be moved up 30 minutes. Have him check the stage set.
Fait lui vérifier que le plateau est correct.
- Out of alignment. Code red : TENDO.
Tu te stabilises, mais pas Mako.

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