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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ T ] / There's something in here

There's something in here Çeviri Fransızca

276 parallel translation
There's something else here. It's in pencil.
Et ça, au crayon.
Well, there's something amiss here. I can feel it in my bones.
Je sens quelque chose de louche.
Oh, Lordy, there's something in here with us.
Oh, Sainte Marie. Nous ne sommes pas seuls.
Might be stupid to try and talk in here... but there's something I must tell you.
C'est peut-être stupide de parler ici, mais je dois vous dire une chose.
There's something in here.
Il y a quelque chose là dedans.
There's something in here.
Il y a quelque chose par ici.
There must be something in the water here that's very unhealthy.
L'eau doit être mauvaise pour la santé.
Because there's something funny going on here and I'm not in the mood for laughs.
Parce que j'ai une drôle d'impression et que je ne suis pas d'humeur à rire.
- There's something in here, all right. - You're a little off base.
Il y a quelque chose ici, c'est sûr.
Lieutenant Bixby, there's something funny going on in here.
Lieutenant, il se passe quelque chose.
Il doit y avoir quelque chose.
There's something in the air in here today.
? a sent pas bon, aujourd'hui.
There's something going on in this house or I wouldn't be here.
S'il ne se passait rien ici, je n'aurais rien à y faire.
There's something here in the ship and he doesn't want you to tell me.
Il y a quelque chose dans ce vaisseau et il ne veut pas que vous me le disiez.
But I'll tell you this there's something very big going on here, and if the Daleks are involved, you can bet your life our whole galaxy is in danger!
Je ne sais pas. Mais je vais te dire une chose. Il se passe quelque chose de très sérieux ici, et si les Daleks sont impliqués, tu peux parier ta vie que toute notre galaxie est en danger.
There's bound to be something in here to help him.
Il y a forcément de quoi l'aider là-dedans.
But if there's just one chance in a thousand that he has got something boy, I'd rather take it than just sit around here waiting to die.
Mais s'il y a une chance sur mille qu'il ait raison... je préférerais la tenter plutôt que d'attendre la mort.
Come in here, mate, there's something up!
À l'aide! Venez. Il y a un problème.
There's 2,500 men in here and they all want me to do something.
Il y a 2500 hommes ici et ils veulent tous que je les aide.
There's something bloody weird going on in here.
Contrôleur! - Monsieur?
Actually, there's something I'd like to request the Secretary in person. Oh, that's what you came here for today?
En fait, je suis venue présenter une requête au ministre.
There's something to eat in the kitchen. The booze is here.
Il y a de quoi manger et boire.
- There's something alive in here.
- Y a un truc qui gigote!
There's something in here.
Il y a quelque chose là-dedans.
Barbara! There's something in here!
Il y a quelque chose ici!
There's something in here!
Il y a quelque chose.
Also, there's something interesting in terms of the dialogue, which Frangois had a hand in much more here.
Pour une surprise, c'est une surprise. Mais une bonne surprise! Quelle bizarre journée.
In the interest of a fair trial, I'm going to suggest... there's something about our proceedings which seem to elude Mr. Horn here.
En toute impartialité, je pense que notre système légal échappe à M. Horn.
There's something moving in here. [Inaudible] The damn shit's alive!
Le bon dieu de poulet est vivant, aide-moi, aide-moi!
There's something in here.
Il y a quelque chose, là-bas.
God, there's something in here.
Mince, y a quelque chose là-dedans.
Uh, there's something in here about a cape that...
Il y a quelque chose ici à propos d'une cape...
When a punk like Bollo comes in here and challenges the Vigils, there's something wrong!
Quand un voyou comme Bollo vient ici pour défier les Vigils, c'est que quelque chose ne va pas!
Here's one guy who spreads himself out in seven rooms and has forty pairs of pants,... and there's another who hangs around garbage cans looking for something to eat.
Pourquoi? - Pour le chat et le robinet! - Philip Philipovich!
Father, there's something in here.
Papa! Il y a quelque chose ici.
There's something going on in here.
Quelque chose se passe là dedans.
I know you don't know what I'm talking about. But there's something I've gotta take care of, and I can't do it by vegetating here in this store. Sorry about that.
Tu n'y comprends rien mais moi, j'en ai assez de végéter dans cette boutique.
There's something in the middle here.
Il y a quelque chose par là.
There's something in Here for everyone.
" ce qu'un nuage apparaisse.
there's something wrong here in Derry, and you know it.
Il y a quelque chose qui cloche à Derry, et tu le sais.
There's something in here.
J'ai quelque chose.
There's something else in here. You know what it is?
- Tu sais ce que c'est?
There's definitely something in here with us.
Il y a quelque chose avec nous, ici, c'est sûr.
There's something in here I need.
J'ai besoin d'une chose qui est là.
And there's something wrong with the air in here.
Quelque chose ne va pas avec la climatisation.
You guys, we gotta get out. There's something evil in here.
On doit partir, Il y a quelque chose de maléfique ici.
There's this one guy who comes in here every other night or something and he... spends a few hours with her.
Comme ce type qui vient ici un soir sur deux, et passe plusieurs heures avec elle.
Dr. Jennings? Rick we got to get out, there's something deadly in here!
Rick nous devons sortir d'ici, il y a quelque chose de dangereux.
It'd be good for Angela but maybe there's something in here I can copy.
Elle irait pour Angela. Je pourrais peut-être en copier une partie.
There's also something in here.
Et ici il y a autre chose :
If she is in with the rebels, there's got to be something in here that will prove it.
Si elle est avec les rebelles, il y a quelque chose qui l'attestera. J'espère.

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