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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ T ] / Tish

Tish Çeviri Fransızca

222 parallel translation
I feel so guilty running out on you, Tish.
Je culpabilise de te laisser ici, Tish.
Thoughtful of you, Tish.
Très judicieux de ta part.
Tish, I think you've been feeding them altogether too much hamburger.
Tish, je crois que tu leur donnes trop de hamburgers.
How do you know she's scheming and grasping, Tish?
Comment sais-tu que c'est une intrigante cupide?
Tish, when you pat my cheek that way it drives me wild.
Tish, ça me rend dingue quand tu me touches la joue.
That was a wonderful thing you did, Tish.
Ce que tu as fait était merveilleux, Tish.
You can sprinkle later, Tish.
Tu humecteras plus tard, Tish.
Tish, let's go down to the cave.
Tish, descendons à la grotte.
Watch it, Tish.
Regarde, Tish.
Tish, would you like to see me blow up three trains?
Tish, veux-tu me voir faire exploser trois trains?
There's old Charlie Carlisle the accountant.
Qu'y a-t-il, Tish? Un malaise? C'est étrange.
You did, Tish. You did.
Oui, Tish.
- Tish.
- Tish.
You're so romantic, Tish.
Tu es si romantique, Tish.
What is it, Tish?
Quoi donc, Tish?
Tish, what about Goomba in Nairobi?
Tish, et Goomba à Nairobi?
Do them now, Tish.
Fais-les maintenant, Tish.
Now the bullfrog, Tish.
Et maintenant la grenouille.
Let's not play cards tonight, Tish.
Ne jouons pas aux cartes, ce soir.
Do the bullfrog for me, Tish.
Fais la grenouille pour moi, Tish.
If Mrs. Lurch thinks that Lurch is a very important, big man and owns this house and everything, why don't we just let her continue to think so?
Tish, quand tu parles français, ça me rend fou. - Mon ami. - Oui.
Tish, when you speak French, you know how it affects me.
Le cousin Machin. - Dites-lui qu'on est sortis.
Later, mon cher, later, not now.
Allez Tish. Encore un peu de français.
Get it back in that box, nail the lid down.
Ce safari était merveilleux avec toi, Tish.
- M. Swain.
Oh, Tish, that French.
Oh, Tish.
Thank you, Tish.
Merci, Tish.
- Oh, tish-tosh.
- Oh, c'est absurde.
Madelyn and Tish?
Madelyn et Tish?
Well, Madelyn's in Europe, and the girl's skiing in Jackson, Wyoming.
Madelyn est en Europe et Tish fait du ski à Jackson, au Wyoming.
- Tish!
- Dieu!
- All right. Comin'right up. Tish?
A votre service.
Scotch rocks, now that you don't look like you want to slip me a mickey.
Tish? Scotch sur glace, puisqu il semble que vous n'allez pas me faire marcher.
Tish, it's been a day for you.
Tish, t'as eu une dure journée.
- Good night, Tish.
- Bonne nuit, Tish.
Sorry, Tish.
Désolé, Tish.
Tish, what the hell are you doin'here?
Tish, qu'est-ce que tu fais ici?
Tish, they know you're Chance's daughter.
Tish, ils savent que tu es la fille de Chance.
I'd like to talk to Tish alone.
J'aimerais parler à Tish en privé.
- Tish, I...
- Tish, je...
And I wish you everything wonderful, Tish.
Et mes meilleurs voeux, Tish.
Tish is meeting her plane about now.
Tish l'accueille à l'aéroport.
Well, Tish told me how this all came about.
Eh bien, Tish m'a dit comment c'est arrivé.
You never saw anybody as enthused as that Tish.
Personne n'est plus enthousiaste que Tish.
- ls different.
Absolument personne ne sait saisir l'expression malicieuse d'une hyène aussi bien que vous, chérie. Tish?
Tish, when you bow that way you drive me wild. You mad Castilian.
Il est écrit que Rocky a rejoint la société de son père.
What's the matter, Tish? Something wrong? That's strange.
J'essaierai même de la retrouver mardi, ne me donnez pas d'échéance, je vous prie.
Look, fellows, I know where there's a dandy little bar downtown with beautiful dancing girls. You'll have a ball there.
- Alors, Tish?
Uncle Fester, are you sure this'll help you get rid of your headache? Keep going.
Tish, Consolidated Plus a atteint les 100.
- Swain, content de te voir.
It really keeps you on your toes.
Tish, quand tu te penches comme ça, tu me rends fou.

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