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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ T ] / Towne

Towne Çeviri Fransızca

135 parallel translation
Well, if it ain't Langdon Towne, my educated friend.
Langdon Towne! Mon ami, le lettré!
Langdon Towne is my guest.
If you're here to say something to him, say it to me also.
Langdon Towne est mon hôte. Si vous devez parler, parlez devant moi.
Ever since I've been a little boy, I... " Langdon Towne.
J'aime les cartes depuis que je suis tout gosse.
Harvard College. " Hmm. Quite an eye for detail.
"Langdon Towne, Harvard"...
Towne. Major wants you.
Towne, le major te demande.
Come on, Towne, get up.
Towne, debout!
Keep a report of this, Towne.
Prends en note, Towne.
Where's Towne?
Où est Towne?
Have you seen Towne?
Quelqu'un l'a vu?
He's lying there, Sir.
Towne est blessé. Il est couché là.
Well? I'd like to go and look after Langdon Towne.
Je voudrais pouvoir m'occuper de Towne.
You can help Towne more by fighting off the French than by trying to look after him when he can look after himself.
Aide-le en combattant les Français. Il peut s'occuper de lui-même.
I'm sorry, Major. We'll meet Towne and everybody at Eagle Mountain.
On retrouvera Towne et les autres au mont.
See anything of Dunbar's men or Farrington or Towne?
Et les hommes de Dunbar, de Farrington? Towne?
He's a friend of mine and Langdon Towne's.
C'est un ami à Towne et moi.
You want to look for Towne, your duty's done here.
Tu voulais veiller sur Towne. C'est le moment.
Ranger Towne!
Le Ranger Towne!
Towne, you can take over the orderly book again.
Tu reprendras le livre de route.
Towne... Towne's an educated man.
Il a de l'éducation.
Do you hear what Towne says?
Vous avez entendu Towne?
He didn't have a single bite, did he, Towne?
Rien. Pas une bouchée. Pas vrai?
You remember a student you had named Gregory Towne?
Vous souvenez-vous d'un étudiant nommé Gregory Towne?
Towne, yes.
Towne, oui.
Gregory Towne.
Gregory Towne.
You tried to get that old thesis by Gregory Towne from the library so you could prove Millard stole it to write his book.
Vous avez essayé de sortir cette vieille thèse de Gregory Towne pour prouver que Millard l'avait volée pour écrire son livre.
Well I'm Jack Towne the first and the last thing I want to think is kids, so here's to...
Et bien, je suis Jack Towne 1er, et dernier. Et je n'aurai pas de gosses, donc...
I'd rather drink with those snail pellets from Gary's Old Towne Tavern.
Je préfère boire avec les guignols de chez Gary's Old Towne Tavern.
Old Towne Tavern! Old Towne Tavern!
Old Towne Tavern!
Old Towne Tavern!
Old Towne Tavern!
- Old Towne Tavern!
- Old Towne Tavern!
charlene towne. she called from her car, and she said that she got your message.
Charlene Towne a appelé pour dire qu'elle avait eu votre message.
Mm-hmm. If you'd like to learn more about colonial times... we could take a field trip to Olde Springfield Towne.
Si tu veux en savoir plus sur l'époque coloniale, on peut visiter le village historique de Springfield.
Out comes the phone, in flies Bobby Towne... and six drafts later, I had myself a party.
On sort le téléphone. On amène Bobby Towne. Six réécritures plus tard, c'était le jackpot.
Bates and Towne opened the door from the inside.
Bates et Towne ont ouvert la porte de l'intérieur.
Two seconds later, 3-1 Charlie Officers Towne and Bates... call and say they're responding. Okay.
2 secondes après, Towne et Bates répondent pour dire qu'ils y vont.
Bates and Towne said that they were on meal break in their sector... when they got the call.
Selon Bates et Towne, ils étaient en pause quand ils ont eu l'appel.
Bates and Towne?
Bates et Towne?
We couldn't nail him until we found out that Bates, Towne, and Murray... have been guarding his shipments for the past year and a half.
On a pu le coincer en voyant que Bates, Towne et Murray bossaient pour lui.
We gave him immunity in exchange for his testimony against... Bates, Towne, and Farnsworth.
Il a l'immunité pour son témoignage contre Bates, Towne et Farnsworth.
You may have flipped Murray, but I still have Bates and Towne. I'm not giving them up.
Vous avez sauvé Murray, mais j'ai toujours Bates et Towne.
Bates and Towne came to me, said Karen was onto us... and we got to shut her up.
Bates et Towne m'ont dit qu'il fallait faire taire Karen, qu'elle savait.
A friend of Towne's saw her talking to a known member of the rat squad.
Un pote de Towne l'avait vue parler à un membre connu de l'IGS.
Said Murray, Bates, Towne tried to kill me.
Ils m'ont dit qu'ils avaient voulu me tuer.
A hundred years the Townes have rigged-out ships.
Depuis un siècle, les Towne fournissent du cordage.
How about you, Towne?
Tu es assez costaud pour être le premier?
Towne, you and Marriner go with me.
Towne et Marriner avec moi.
I want Towne to make a report.
Que Towne rédige le rapport.
Crofton, have you seen Langdon Towne? No!
tu as vu Towne?
Towne's wounded.
Ca pourrait être pire.
Picked up at Fifth and Towne asleep in the gutter.
" Ivresse. Ramassé endormi dans le caniveau.

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