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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ U ] / Uhtred

Uhtred Çeviri Fransızca

251 parallel translation
I am Uhtred, son of Uhtred.
Je suis Uhtred, fils d'Uhtred.
Uhtred. The King wishes to speak with you.
Le Roi souhaite te parler.
Exactly, Uhtred.
Exactement, Uhtred.
We are here to witness a battle between Uhtred, the Godless and Leofric of Winchester!
Nous sommes ici pour être témoin du combat entre Uhtred, l'hérétique et Leofric de Winchester!
Uhtred the Saxon.
Uhtred le Saxon.
Uhtred, do not fight them.
Uhtred, ne les combats pas.
He rides Uhtred's horse.
Il chevauche le cheval de Uhtred.
You are now called Uhtred.
Tu es désormais appelé Uhtred.
Uhtred, son of uhtred.
Uhtred, fils de Uhtred.
Well, if he arrives at heaven's gate as Uhtred, they might wonder what's happened to Osbert.
S'il arrive au paradis en tant qu'Uhtred, ils vont se demander ce qui est arrivé à Osbert.
- who killed Uhtred.
- qui a tué Uhtred.
- No, you are Uhtred!
- Non, tu es Uhtred!
Heavenly father, receive your servant Uhtred into the holy kind of saints and into the ranks of the most bright angels.
Dieu, recevez votre servant Uhtred parmi les plus généreux de vos saints et dans le rang de vos anges les plus vifs.
Uhtred, son of Uhtred of Bebbanburg... welcome to the Christian world.
Uhtred, fils d'Uhtred de Bebbanburg... Bienvenue dans le monde chrétien.
You have work to do, Uhtred.
Tu as du travail à faire, Uhtred.
That man is Uhtred, one of the three kings of Northumbria... a warrior king.
Cet homme est Uhtred, l'un des trois rois de Northumbria... un roi guerrier.
This Uhtred.
Ce Uhtred.
King Aella, yours and lord Uhtred's armies
Roi Aella, votre armée et celle de Lord Uhtred
Uhtred of Bebbanburg.
Uhtred de Bebbanburg.
Uhtred, wood needs to be chopped.
Uhtred, il faut couper le bois.
Will there be time for Uhtred to play?
Est-ce qu'Uhtred aura le temps de jouer?
I am the mistress and Uhtred is a warrior.
Je suis la maîtresse et Uhtred est un guerrier.
- Uhtred.
- Uhtred.
- Don't let the wolves get me, Uhtred!
- Ne laisse pas les loups me prendre!
- Uhtred, what is happening?
- Uhtred, que se passe-t-il?
- Uhtred!
- Uhtred!
- Uhtred, he's much bigger than you.
- Uhtred, il est plus grand que toi.
Uhtred, that's enough.
Uhtred, ça suffit.
You made me... Proud today, Uhtred.
J'ai été... fier de toi aujourd'hui, Uhtred.
Uhtred, lord.
Uhtred, seigneur.
- It means you're Uhtred Ragnar son.
- Que tu es le fils de Ragnar.
Uhtred, with me.
Uhtred, avec moi.
And with him, Uhtred... his Saxon pet... a pile of ashes.
Et avec lui, Uthred... son animal domestique Saxon... Un tas de cendres.
Uhtred, listen to me.
Uhtred, écoute-moi.
Uhtred, no.
Uhtred, non.
I am Uhtred of Bebbanburg, and I shall take what is mine.
Je suis Uhtred de Bebbanburg, et je dois prendre ce qui m'appartient.
Uhtred, son of Uhtred of Bebbanburg, welcome to the Christian world.
Uthred, fils d'Uthred de Bebbanburg, baptisé en tant que Chrétien.
But the nobleman responsible was Uhtred of Bebbanburg.
Mais le responsable était Uthred de Bebbanburg.
I'm Uhtred Ragnar's son.
Je suis Uhtred, fils de Ragnar.
Uhtred, he must have said something.
Uhtred, il doit avoir dit autre chose.
Uhtred, you should forget Bebbanburg.
Uhtred, oublie Bebbanburg.
- Uhtred, what are you doing?
- Uhtred, que fais-tu?
Uhtred, you're... you're fully grown.
Uhtred, tu... tu as grandi.
You are Uhtred.
Vous êtes Uhtred.
Father Beocca has talked much about you, Uhtred.
Le père Beocca a beaucoup parlé de toi.
We will need every advantage, and father Beocca considers you, Uhtred of Bebbanburg, to be an advantage.
Nous avons besoin de tous les atouts possibles, et Père Boecca te considère, Uthred de Bebbanburg, comme un atout.
I see Uhtred of nowhere who cares for no one but himself.
Je vois Uthred de nulle part qui ne se soucie que de lui.

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