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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ U ] / Uninhabitable

Uninhabitable Çeviri Fransızca

105 parallel translation
My flat's uninhabitable. I told you, it's in the hands of the decorators.
Je ne peux pas rentrer chez moi, les décorateurs ont tout cassé.
Aboveground, Paris, like most of the world, was uninhabitable, riddled with radioactivity.
La surface de Paris, et sans doute de la plus grande partie du monde était inhabitable, pourrie par la radioactivité.
We were all living then in Grandfather's studio, because our house was uninhabitable. There was a huge town-plan hanging on the wall in the studio.
Nous habitions alors tous dans l'atelier de grand-père, et au mur pendait un gigantesque plan de la ville.
And, if there were a war, at least 20 % of even the areas into which people had been evacuated would themselves be rendered totally uninhabitable by the resulting radioactive fail-out.
Et s'il y avait une guerre, au moins 20 % des régions d'accueil des évacués deviendraient inhabitables du fait des retombées radioactives.
The bridge is uninhabitable.
La passerelle est inhabitable.
Minara is now entering a critical period and the Enterprise has been ordered to evacuate the station before the planet becomes uninhabitable.
Minara entre dans une période critique et l'Enterprise a reçu l'ordre d'évacuer la station.
It threatens to destroy the vegetation on the entire planet, leaving it uninhabitable.
Ce fléau menace de détruire la végétation de la planète et de la rendre inhabitable.
I don't intend to bring God into my fly. He'd find it uninhabitable.
- Mais ma braguette est inhabitable pour Dieu!
That the California desert, arid and uninhabitable, would be developed into thriving model communities.
Le désert californien aride et inhabitable loge des communautés en pleine expansion.
- Noisy, garish and uninhabitable!
Bruyante, tapageuse et invivable!
The area could be uninhabitable for centuries.
La région pourrait être inhabitable pendant des siècles.
A vast area would be uninhabitable, with many cancer cases later.
Une vaste région devient inhabitable, plus le cancer...
- This place is uninhabitable.
- Cet endroit est invivable.
We have created such mess with this pituitary that the flat has become uninhabitable.
Nous sommes les responsables d'une sacrée pagaille. L'appartement est devenu inhabitable.
- Very good. Can I ask him to assuage my fears that he's contaminating the planet and making it uninhabitable?
Je pourrai lui demander d'apaiser ma crainte qu'il contamine la planète... au point de la rendre inhabitable?
Perhaps man might find the planet uninhabitable without spiders.
La planète serait peut-être inhabitable sans les araignées.
Rustic gods that live in this uninhabitable place. listen to the complaints of this poor lover, who a long absence makes unhappy.
Ô dieux rustiques qui demeurez dans ce lieu inhabitable, écoutez les plaintes de cet amant infortuné qu'une longue absence a conduit à se lamenter.
When the house proved suddenly uninhabitable, however...
Cependant, quand la maison se révéla soudain inhabitable,
If something isn't done, our planet will become uninhabitable.
Si des mesures ne sont pas prises, notre planète sera inhabitable.
Atrea will become uninhabitable in 13 months.
Atréa sera inhabitable dans 13 mois.
I estimate that the planet will be uninhabitable in less than 38 hours.
La planète sera inhabitable dans moins de 38 heures.
Main vessel declared uninhabitable.
Vaisseau principal déclaré inhabitable.
Yeah, but we can't just go to any world. A lot of them are uninhabitable.
Oui, mais beaucoup de mondes sont inhabitables.
"I thereby will make the planet uninhabitable " to all human life for the next 50 years.
" rendant la planète inhabitable pour les humains pour les 50 ans à venir.
Environmental controls continue to fail. Seven decks have been rendered uninhabitable and we've had to relocate the crew.
Le régulateur d'ambiance est en panne et 7 ponts sont inhabitables.
When it's over, the planet will be uninhabitable for generations.
Laquelle rendra la planète inhabitable.
The world outside is uninhabitable.
Le monde est inhospitalier.
The outside world is uninhabitable!
Le monde extérieur est inhospitalier!
Let's not get into a contest over rocks uninhabitable most of the year.
N'y renonçons pas pour des rochers inhabitables 8 mois sur 12.
In those days, Mars was just a dreary, uninhabitable wasteland.
En ce temps-là, Mars n'était qu'un désert aride et inhospitalier.
More than 80 percent of the ship is uninhabitable.
80 du vaisseau est inhabitable. La plupart de l'équipage est mort.
Oh, it's a blue-green gem of a world rendered uninhabitable.
Oh, c'est une gemme bleue verte d'un monde rendu inhabitable.
The planet is an uninhabitable gas giant, but it has a large moon on the far side.
Cette planète est une géante gazeuse inhabitable, avec un gros satellite lunaire de l'autre côté.
But it was Leonardo Leonardo himself... who led his now-legendary expedition... into the fabled Canadas, long thought to be uninhabitable by evolved man, and brought it to its knees.
Mais c'est Leonardo Leonardo lui-même... qui mena son expédition désormais légendaire... dans les contrées du Canada, considérées pendant longtemps comme inhabitables pour l'homme civilisé, et les a mises à sa botte.
Very distant, largely uninhabitable and with areas of great danger
Lointaine, quasi inhabitable avec des zones très dangeureuses.
This one was determined uninhabitable by a MALP probe three years ago.
Celle-ci a été classée inhabitable par le MALP il y a trois ans.
Our homeworld became uninhabitable 300 years ago.
Notre monde est impropre à la vie depuis 300 ans.
Arnessk is uninhabitable.
Arnessk est inhabitable.
- you're rendering the town uninhabitable.
- Les dommages causés à cette ville.
They do what I think they're going to do and Ireland's uninhabitable for 200 years, not to mention everything north of Bristol.
S'ils agissent, l'Irlande sera inhabitable pendant 200 ans. Et tout ce qui est au nord de Bristol. Mais ça, ça nous manquera pas.
We'd have to be - the surface is uninhabitable.
C'est évident. La surface est inhabitable.
The North Wing is entirely uninhabitable.
L'aile nord est inhabitable.
Your entire planet will be uninhabitable.
Votre planète sera inhabitable.
It's a blackrock. Uninhabitable.
C'est une roche noire inhabitable.
This set was fairly uninhabitable until they finally dug all that curdled milk product out from underneath.
Oe plateau était assez inhabitable jusqu'à ce qu'ils sortent enfin tout ce lait caillé de dessous.
30 miles in all directions of each plant will be uninhabitable for at least five years.
Un rayon de 30 km autour de chaque centrale sera inhabitable pendant au moins 5 ans.
Global warming could result in a rising sea level that could make a huge part of the world uninhabitable.
Le réchauffement de la planète pourrait augmenter le niveau de la mer, ce qui rendrait inhabitable une bonne partie du monde.
Reality beyond names is uninhabitable and reality within names is an everlasting breakdown
La réalité au-delà des noms est inhabitable et la réalité des noms s'effondre perpétuellement.
It was only a matter of time before the planet itself would become utterly uninhabitable and all life there would cease to exist.
Le temps était compté avant que la planète même devienne inhabitable et que toute vie disparaisse.
it stood guard over a forbidden storehouse.... and our underground village became uninhabitable.
Oui. On veillait depuis toujours sur un entrepôt secret. Jusqu'à ce qu'un gaz toxique s'en échappe et nous oblige à évacuer le sous-sol.
and it became uninhabitable. those Gunmen were waiting for us.
Nous avons dû le quitter suite à un accident. Et c'est en arrivant à la surface que nous avons découvert les Ganmen.

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