Vance Çeviri Fransızca
1,233 parallel translation
Leonard Vance.
Leonard Vance.
We're here to arrest Leonard Vance.
Nous sommes venus arrêter Leonard Vance.
Get your clothes on, Vance.
Habille-toi, Vance.
Rather than simply killing Samuel, Vance contrived to kill the ministry's faith in him.
Au lieu de simplement tuer Samuel, Vance a voulu tuer la foi du Temple en lui.
Vance's obsession outlived Samuel, however.
Toutefois, l'obsession de Vance a survécu à Samuel.
Vance, we got another one comin'in high over here!
Encore un qui se rapproche.
Shit! Vance, let's get this thing home!
Vance, on rentre à la base.
Come on, Vance. Who are they?
Vance, qui sont-ils?
Lance, if they was flyin'them planes, and that's a big "if" then what happened up there was a fluke.
Vance, s'ils pilotaient ces avions, ce qui est très peu probable, ce qui s'est passé était un coup de bol.
- Vance.
Claudia Vance, Rebecca Damsen and Patricia Viamonte.
Claudia Vance, Rebecca Damsen et Patricia Viamonte.
Vance has got the same kind of account and logged in about once a week.
Vance avait un compte similaire et se connectait 1 fois / semaine.
Now, in exactly 20 minutes Vance is going to deliver your mother here.
Dans exactement 20 minutes, Vance va livrer ta mère ici.
- I'm, uh- - I'm Eleanor Vance.
- Eleanor Vance. Je suis...
- Nell Vance.
- Nell Vance.
Miss Vance appears most susceptible to suggestive history, evincing a strongly sentimental reaction to the love-story component.
Mlle Vance semble la plus réceptive au récit évocateur, avec fortes réactions sentimentales à l'histoire d'amour.
Eleanor Vance continues... her alienation of the other subjects.
Eleanor Vance continue à se distancer des autres sujets.
Interview with Vance in greenhouse yesterday... to ascertain the extent of her self-delusion... was inconclusive, due to subject's... emotional instability.
L'entretien hier dans la serre pour évaluer la gravité de ses hallucinations fut peu concluant en raison de... son instabilité émotionnelle.
Tragedy in the world of technology today with the passing of Robert vance.
Le monde de la technologie est en emoi. Robert Vance est decede.
A pioneer in digital technology, vance had recently been suffering from a debilitating brain disorder.
L'un des pionniers du numerique, Vance souffrait d'une maladie degenerative du cerveau.
Realizing there was no cure, vance spent his final days creating a bold new computer program.
Sachant que ses jours etaient comptes, Vance les passa a concevoir un programme audacieux.
By digitizing his brain impulses, it was vance's dream to guide his company from beyond the grave.
En numerisant ses influx nerveux, Vance revait de controler sa societe depuis l'au-dela.
I'm the last of the family.
Je suis Ie dernier Vance.
Vance's program didn't cover its tracks.
Vance n'a pas couvert ses traces.
I had to shut down the computer when vance's program tried to get in.
J'ai tout eteint avant que Vance et son programme s'introduisent.
Vance : Stop shouting.
inutile d'hurler.
Robert vance is my name.
- Robert Vance.
Vance : Don't even try to resist. The suit's much stronger than you are.
Ne tente pas de te rebeller, ta combinaison est plus forte.
Vance : Whoever he is won't have a chance.
elle n'a aucune chance de me nuire.
You really think you're Robert vance, don't you?
Vous vous prenez vraiment pour Robert Vance?
To vance's lab to stop him.
Au labo de Vance, pour l'arreter.
You think you can go up against that?
Tu crois pouvoir vaincre Vance dans Ia combinaison?
And in local news, it's the end of a dynasty as young Bobby vance sells his family's computer company to a group of outside investors.
La nouvelle principale : La fin d'une dynastie. Bobby Vance a vendu la societe d'informatique familiale a un groupe d'investisseurs.
Asked how his grandfather would've reacted to the sale, the younger vance summed it up succinctly.
A la question : comment votre grand-pere y aurait reagi? Il a repondu de facon breve.
- That's Alex, and that's Vance.
Et Alex et Vance.
"And that, they say, is how Bagger Vance became Junuh's caddie."
Et ce serait ainsi que Bagger Vance devint le caddie de Junuh.
Bagger Vance or Miss Adele Invergordon.
Bagger Vance ou Mlle Adele Invergordon?
Mr. Bagger Vance.
Bonjour, M. Bagger Vance!
Mr. Vance, I think what the judge is trying to determine here... is what exactly your strategy is for helping poor Mr. Junuh find his game, because to the untrained observer it appears you know as much about being a caddie... as I do about driving a locomotive.
M. Vance, le juge tente de déterminer votre stratégie d'aide à M. Junuh, car vous semblez en savoir autant là-dessus que moi sur la conduite d'une locomotive.
For more we go to Jody Vance.
Pour plus de détails : Jody Vance.
Vivian vance called.
Vivian Vance a appelé.
Well, I was trying to watch The Legend of Bagger Vance again.
J'ai retenté de regarder La légende de Bagger Vance.
What? To gardner vance.
- A Gardner Vance.
And i'm going to make sure that vance knows all about that.
- Je Ie dirai à Vance. Ecoute, tu seras son homme.
Gardner vance.
- Brian Kinney.
Vance said,'yeah...
Vance a répondu : 'oui, Brown AthIetics.'" "
Vance : 500 megs.
Cinq cents megas.
Bagger Vance the name.
Je suis Bagger Vance.
The Hidden Persuaders, written by Vance Packard.
"La persuasion cachée" écrit par Vance Packard.
- Gardner Vance.
Find anything? Gardner vance, 41,
Gardner Vance, 41 ans.