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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ V ] / Varney

Varney Çeviri Fransızca

87 parallel translation
Serves me right, Varney.
Cela m'apprendra, Varney.
Give me that bird, Varney.
Donnez-moi cet oiseau, Varney.
What would I do with Varney?
Que ferais-je de Varney?
Thee has not strength enough for a mason, Varney.
Tu n'es pas assez fort pour la maçonnerie.
- Just the same, I'll give Varney work.
- Mais je peux lui trouver du travail.
What do you think about it, Varney?
Qu'en pensez-vous, Varney?
You see, Varney, now that he's mine... I've already taught him a new and original trick.
Vous voyez, maintenant qu'il est à moi, je lui ai déjà appris un nouveau tour.
It's enough that thee is an honest man, Varney.
Tu es un honnête homme, Varney, c'est déjà bien.
I'll call Bill Varney over at the Roaring 20's.
J'appelle Bill Varney au Roaring Twenties.
- This is Dr. Rachel Varney.
- Le docteur Rachel Varney.
Hey! - Farrah Fawcett-Majors - O'Neal-Varney...
Farrah Fawcett-Majors-O'Neal-Varney.
How are we, Varney?
Comment allez-vous, Varney?
Varney's the best bravo and guard in the Underside, everyone knows that.
Varney est le meilleurs garde du corps du Londres d'En-Bas, tout le monde le sait.
Mister Varney, if you could wait behind?
Monsieur Varney, si vous pouvez attendre derrière?
Varney's the finest bravo and guard in the Underside.
Varney est le meilleur garde du corps du Londres d'En-Bas.
Mister Varney told us so himself.
Monsieur Varney nous l'a dit lui-même.
Je joue "de Jim Nabors ou" Un acteur se prépare " de Jim Varney.
I assumed it was Mrs. Varney. It's her check.
Je croyais que c'était Mme Varney.
Check is issued out to Cash. Name on the check, Paula Varney.
C'est un chèque au nom de Paula Varney.
Mrs. Varney, is this your husband?
Madame Varney... C'est votre mari?
Judge signed the warrant, Munch and Fin are on their way to toss Varney's room.
Le juge a signé le mandat, Munch et Fin vont fouiller sa chambre.
And lead us not into temptation... but deliver us from evil. Daniel Varney. For thine is the kingdom... the power and the glory forever and ever.
Daniel Varney, vous êtes en état d'arrestation pour meurtre.
M.E. says Varney's knife matches the wounds on all four victims.
Le couteau de Varney correspond aux 4 victimes.
They're on their way to the lab with bloody clothes from Varney's room.
Ils vont au labo apporter ses vêtements pleins de sang.
Docket number 3-5-2-1-4... People vs. Daniel Stephen Varney.
Affaire 35214, le ministère public contre Daniel Varney.
Their blood was found on clothing in Mr. Varney's apartment.
Leur sang était sur ses vêtements. Bien.
Just an overworked judge, Mr. Varney, and I ask the questions, not you.
Juste un juge surmené, M. Varney, et c'est moi qui pose les questions.
He's sick. Mrs. Varney, a terrible thing happened to you and your family and I am sympathetic...
Il est arrivé un drame terrible à votre famille, je compatis.
D.A. just signed the papers to seek the death penalty against Varney.
Le procureur a signé la demande de peine de mort.
Daniel Varney may appear to be psychotic... but his loss of memory suggests something else is going on.
Il peut sembler psychotique, mais sa perte de mémoire suggère autre chose. Quoi?
Mrs. Varney, please, understand that... we are not trying to make this any worse than it already is...
Sachez qu'on ne veut pas faire empirer les choses.
Varney's medical history ends three years ago... which is about the time that his wife says his bizarre behavior began.
Le passé médical de Varney s'arrête il y a 3 ans, quand son attitude bizarre a commencé.
You were right, Mrs. Varney.
Vous aviez raison, madame Varney.
Mrs. Varney, your husband has syphilis.
Votre mari a la syphilis.
Mrs. Varney, if you ask the insurance company... why your husband was rejected, they have to tell you.
Si vous demandez à la compagnie pourquoi votre mari a été refusé, ils doivent le dire.
And health department would have notified Varney if they'd known.
Qui auraient prévenu Varney s'ils l'avaient su.
You never reported Daniel Varney's syphilis as required by law...
Vous n'avez jamais signalé la syphilis de Varney. Sûrement un oubli.
$ 1.50 worth of penicillin would have cured Daniel Varney... and prevented the carnage he caused.
Une piqûre de pénicilline à 1 $ aurait guéri Varney et empêché le carnage qu'il a fait.
And when the families of the murder victims and Daniel Varney's wife sue... you'll settle.
Quand les familles des victimes et Mme Varney vous attaqueront, vous paierez.
Then I rule the defendant Daniel Stephen Varney... not competent to assist in his own defense... therefore unfit to proceed to trial.
Alors je déclare l'accusé, Daniel Varney, incapable d'aider à sa défense, donc inapte à être jugé.
Liz Varney from tennis.
Liz Varney, du tennis.
41571 is the zip code for Varney, Kentucky.
4-15-71 est aussi le code postal de Varney au Kentucky.
No, it's Jim Varney.
Non, c'est Jim Varney.
After some days at the hotel I was brought to meet Varney Sherman who is, as they say in Liberia, The Man.
Aaprès quelques jours à l'hôtel, j'étais amené à rencontrer Varney Sherman - qui est, comme on dit au Libéria, l'Homme.
Lark Varney!
Lark Varney!
Now, what we got here is Lark Varney,
Ce que nous avons là c'est Lark Varney,
Justin Varney, but no one ever knew, because the body was found in the woods back near her cabin.
Parce que le corps avait été trouvé dans les bois près de sa cabine.
Hey, Justin Varney has an alibi.
Hey, Justin Varney a un alibi.
Mrs. Varney, please.
Je vous en prie...
Paula Varney got an answer from All-Atlantic Life.
Paula a eu une réponse de l'assurance.
Ouais, Justin Varney, mais personne n'a jamais su,

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