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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / Was i talking to you

Was i talking to you Çeviri Fransızca

870 parallel translation
No, I was no talking to you.
Non, je ne vous parlais pas.
I was just talking to alice and I can see where maybe you were forced into this thing by circumstances.
J'ai parlé à Alice et je comprends que vous y avez peut-être été forcé par les circonstances.
You know, when this man Randolph started talking to me, I thought he was nutty.
Au début, j'ai pris Randolph pour un fou. Mais j'ai quand même essayé.
Well, when I was a little girl, I heard you talking to Mr. Metsinger, and he was arguing with you.
Quand j'étais jeune, je t'ai entendu parler avec M. Metsinger, et vous vous disputiez.
And here's that vacuum cleaner I was talking to you about.
Et l'aspirateur dont je t'ai parlé.
Because the locals were talking... I was afraid to tell you...
Dans le pays, on commençait à jaser.
If they wanna know what we were talking about, say I was asking you if you were going to identify that shiv.
Si on vous interroge, dites que je vous demandais si vous identifieriez le surin.
I was talking to our Mr. Duffy about you this afternoon.
Je parlais de vous cet après-midi, avec M. Duffy.
When I spotted him, he was talking to his sister Joan. - Why didn't you get him?
Je l'ai vu parler à Joan.
I was admitted to the BAR, if that's what you're talking about.
J'ai été admis au barreau, si c'est ce que vous voulez dire.
Only a few days ago we were working together and I was talking with him... - You were talking to him about this? - Sure.
Il y a quelques jours à peine, tout en travaillant, on discutait...
I was talking to her. She said you did fine.
Je lui ai parlé et elle a dit que tu t'étais très bien débrouillée.
You know, just the other day I was talking to myself about you, and we were wondering what it became of you.
Tiens, encore hier, je me causais tranquillement et nous nous demandions ce que tu étais devenu.
I was listening in on the phone downstairs while you were talking to Sam.
J'écoutais, en bas, la conversation.
When you were talking to the Monster, I was afraid you meant what you said.
Quand vous parliez avec le monstre... j'ai craint que vous ne soyez sérieux.
Will you tell Mr. Strable I was talking to you?
Dites-lui que c'est à vous que je parle.
You were about to say you thought it was a younger man, and you stopped talking because it suddenly occurred to you... that I might be that younger man.
Vous alliez dire que vous pensiez que c'était un jeune homme... et vous avez arrêté de parler parce que tout à coup vous vous êtes aperçue... que je pourrais être ce jeune homme.
- Heartless! I wasn't talking to you! I was talking to Elvira!
C'est à Elvira que je parle!
I was talking to a few of the reporters, out in the hall... They asked me how you felt.
Des journalistes demandent comment tu te sens.
I don't think they can. I was talking to them last night, Robbie, and I told them that if anybody could lick this case, it would be you.
J'ai réussi à les convaincre que tu étais le seul à pouvoir mener à bien cette enquête.
Oh. You know the boy I was talking to outside the school?
Tu sais, le garçon devant l'école?
Just watching the little girl I was talking to you about.
Je regardais juste la fillette dont je vous ai parlé.
That's the doctor I was talking to you about the other day.
C'est un des médecins.
She's the one I was talking to you about.
Regarde-moi faire.
When I first came to the hospital, I was just like you. I guess I'd still be the same way if it hadn't been for... someone who kept talking to me and made me feel I wasn't alone.
Quand je suis arrivée j'étais comme toi, et je le serais encore si personne ne m'avait parlé.
You remember what I was talking to you about?
Tu te rappelles ce que je disais?
I'm talking to you. It ain't polite to get up when... I thought there was something funny about that shirt.
C'est impoli de se lever quand...
Why, if any man was to talk to him the way I'm talking to you... he'd poke both fists right in their whiskers.
Si un homme lui parlait comme je te parle... il lui mettrait ses deux poings dans la figure.
If you wanna know, I was talking to the vicar.
Si tu veux le savoir... Je suis allé voir le Vicaire.
- Of course he is. - I was talking to Georges, not you.
C " est à Georges que je parle.
That little trip I was talking to you about....
Ce petit voyage dont je t'ai parlé....
No, but one thing I learned in the army was to be positive, especially when you don't know what you're talking about.
Non, mais on est toujours optimiste dans l'armee. Meme... quand on ignore ce dont on parle!
Oh, I ran into Jake last week - he was on his way to South America and we got to talking about you.
Oh, j'ai rencontré Jake la semaine dernière - il était en train de partir pour l'Amérique du Sud et on s'est mis à parler de toi.
Every hour that you kept me in a bloodbath... putting my brain through a wringer... I was talking to Baby, here.
Chaque heure où vous m'avez torturé, où vous m'avez trituré le cerveau, je parlais à Bébé.
Yes, I did tell you that, and I might have told 10 others the same thing, but I was talking to Marie!
Oui. Je te l'ai peut-être dit, à toi ou à une autre. Ou à dix autres!
I understand the supermarkets problem, but I was talking to this girl and - will you see that my mother is comfortable?
Je comprends le problème des supermarchés, mais hier soir, j'en parlais avec une fille... Tu t'occuperas de ma mère, hein?
I had to get so close to you it was like two sides of the same man talking to each other.
Nous étions si proches que nous ne faisions qu'un... parlant à soi-même.
I was sure that you will end up talking. If I give you the opportunity to say something unpleasant.
J'étais sûr que vous finiriez par parler si je vous donnais l'occasion de dire quelque chose de désagréable.
You know, I was talking to Hilda on the phone Sunday, and she said that there was no chance of us...
J'ai parler a Hilda, Elle dit qu'il n'y avait aucune chance d'entre nous...
Listen, I did something else too, I hope you don't mind. - You know, this foreman, Wallace... he owes me a couple of favors,... and I was talking to him this morning. - What?
J'ai fait une chose, j'espère que tu m'en voudras pas.
I was talking to some people just the other night about you only I understood you were in Mexico.
Je parlais de vous hier. Je vous croyais au Mexique.
When I was outside I thought I heard you talking to someone.
C'est qu'avant d'entrer, j'ai cru entendre monsieur parler à quelqu'un.
If I was you, I'd watch out who I was talking to.
A votre place, je ne parlerais pas à n'importe qui.
Sergeant, don't I have to take them tests you was talking about yesterday and get myself classified?
Sergent, il ne faut pas que je passe les examens pour me faire classifier?
You'll never guess who I was talking to today.
Tu ne devineras jamais à qui je parlais aujourd'hui.
The kind of p itch I was talking to you about.
La vente dont je vous parlais!
- Did you think I was talking to you?
- Vous croyez que je vous parle?
Well I was talking to a fellow not too long ago, said there was a lot of trouble with you boys over there.
Un gars m'a raconté qu'il y a eu du grabuge avec vous.
You see, I was kind of annoyed that you went to the police without talking to me first.
Vous voyez, j'étais plutôt agacé parce que vous êtes allé à la police sans me parler en premier.
It was as if you were both talking to me. As if you were saying I couldn't really leave. Sooner or later, I would be back for good.
C'était comme si vous me parliez, Richard et toi, comme si vous me disiez que je pouvais pas partir pour de bon et qu'un jour ou l'autre, je reviendrais pour toujours.
I-I-I was calling to 2-4-3-2, sorry. Hey girl, who're you talking to?
avec qui tu parles?

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