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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / We'll be careful

We'll be careful Çeviri Fransızca

158 parallel translation
Well, I was just going to say, we'll have to be a bit careful...
Eh bien, je voulais juste dire que nous devrions faire attention.
And we'll have to be very careful.
Et il va falloir être très prudents.
- Right, but if he doesn't wear it... Now we'll have to be careful. Don't let's arouse any suspicion.
- Mais s'il ne la porte pas, nous devons être prudents.
We'll get some real food. Be careful, now, men.
Faites attention.
We'll have to be careful with our money.
Il faudra faire attention à notre argent.
- Oh, we'll be careful.
- On fera attention.
We'll just have to be more careful next time, all of us.
Il faudra que nous fassions plus attention la prochaine fois.
We'll be more careful than we used to be.
II faudra qu'on soit plus prudents qu'avant.
But you know, you're none too bright, either, so we'll have to be careful.
Tu n'es pas trop brillante non plus, il faudra faire attention.
Sorry, Sheik.. we're searching for a fugitive we fear is hiding here No worries.. there are many thieves these days You can't be too careful
Pardon, nous cherchons un fugitif ll faut être prudent, les voleurs sont nombreux ll faut être soupçonneux
We'll be really careful from now on.
Si tu savais comme je suis content!
But we'll be careful.
Mais on se méfie. On y va? .
"Mama, we'll be careful."
Je disais : "On fera attention!"
We'll be careful, come on up.
Si tu veux, tu peux monter.
You have to ask him hard hard questions. but be careful because he's diabolically cunning. fine. we'll ask you a question that we've already put to your colleague Singuzzi.
Faites-lui des questions très difficiles. Il doit tomber! Certaines questions pièges...
We'll need those panels again. You must be more careful.
Ces tôles resserviront.
We'll have to be careful what we say in front of him. He's as sharp as a needle.
Faudra faire gaffe à ce qu'on dit devant lui.
Anyway, we'll all have to be more careful.
Il faudra faire plus attention.
All right, Miss Marwood. I promise you we'll be careful. But the Judge does have to catch a plane.
D'accord, Mlle Marwood, je serai prudent, mais le juge a un avion à prendre.
We'll just have to be extremely careful.
Nous devons juste être très prudents.
Oh, then we'll try to be more careful.
Ah, alors nous essayerons de faire attention.
And if we're not careful, we'll be getting it from both sides.
Alors attention à ne pas écoper des deux côtés!
Tomorrow we'll leave separately Be careful
Demain matin, chacun partira de son côté.
- Don't wanna go fooling around... other folk's property. - We'll be careful.
On fera attention.
There'll probably be servants which means we gotta sweep the place careful so none get left behind to set off an alarm.
Il y aura sûrement des employés... ce qui veut dire qu'il faudra être prudents... pour que personne ne déclenche l'alarme.
We'll be careful that it never becomes a duty.
Nous veillerons à ce que cela ne devienne pas un devoir.
And we'll not budge from here, but be awful careful.
Nous ne bougerons pas d'ici, mais soyez très prudents.
So we'll have to be much more careful from now on
A l'avenir, il faut prendre plus de précautions.
I'll see, but we have to be careful of that reef.
Je vais voir, mais il faut faire attention á ce récif.
But we'll have to be very careful how we do it.
Mais nous devrons être très prudents.
And if we're not careful, it'll be the last real thing we do.
Et il faudra faire très attention.
All right. So we'll be more careful. But he can't get away with it.
Très bien, on fera plus attention, mais il ne peut pas s'en tirer comme ça.
Come to think of it... we'll have to be careful.
Tiens, justement, il faudra faire attention.
We`ll be careful
On va se calmer.
Yeah, we'll be careful, Jack.
Oui, nous serons prudents, Jack.
Okay, guys. We got to be careful of one thing. Some of the stuff is very fragile We'll have to handle it like a baby.
Que ce soit bien entendu, certains trucs sont très fragiles.
But we'll be careful and ration what we have.
Il faut se rationner.
Unless we're careful, it'll be sold and never seen again.
Il faut être prudents sinon on ne le reverra jamais.
We'll be very careful.
On restera sur nos gardes.
We have to be careful or he'll contaminate the whole place.
qu'il pourrait tout contaminer.
We'll just have to be very careful how we handle this.
Il va simplement falloir faire très attention.
- We'll be very careful, Jerry.
On fera très attention, Jerry.
We'll be careful this time
Ça va aller?
We'll have to be careful, but it can be done.
Nous devrons être prudents, mais on peut le faire.
We'll be careful of that.
Nous ferons très attention.
We'll be careful.
On sera prudents.
We'll be careful.
On fera attention.
We'll be more careful.
On tâchera de faire plus attention.
We'll be careful.
Je ferai gaffe.
- We'll be careful.
On sera prudents.
Dad, I don't know how long this thing is gonna keep workin'. Or if we'll be able to talk again. Just be careful.
J'ignore combien de temps cette radio va marcher, ou si on pourra se reparler, mais sois prudent.

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