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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / We'll be quick

We'll be quick Çeviri Fransızca

113 parallel translation
We won't. We'll be as quick as we can.
Non, nous ferons aussi vite que possible.
- But don't worry. - Well, you'd better be quick about it... because if I find him first, you're gonna have another murder on your hands. We'll find him.
- Mais on va le trouver.
We'll be quick.
On va faire vite.
- OK, we'll be quick!
- On fera vite.
Quick, or we'll be late for the movies!
Vite ou nous serons en retard au cinéma.
Keep everybody freshened up, will you? We'll be quick.
On est presque prêts.
Your second target is his deck gun, but be quick,'cause he'll start shooting when we do.
Visez ensuite son canon, mais soyez rapides, car il se mettra à tirer aussi.
- We'll be quick, just two kisses!
- On va faire vite, juste deux petits baisers.
Oh, look, if we're quick, we'll be all right.
Si l'on se dépêche, cela ira!
Quick, or we'll all be sucked out!
Vite, ou nous allons être aspirés!
We've got to get out of here quick or we'll be cut off!
On doit partir tant qu'on le peut. DOCTEUR :
Change the horses, quick. If the blizzard catches us we'll be stuck here.
Dételle les chevaux et remplace-les.
Always the way when we're in a hurry. I'll be as quick as I can.
C'est toujours comme ça quand on est pressé.
We'll have a quick drink and you'll be on your way.
C'est assez pour prendre un verre avant que tu te sauves.
All right, Sammy. Just one quick stop to change clothes and we'll be all set.
Bon, on fait juste une petite halte pour se changer et on est prêts.
- We'll be quick.
- Vite fait.
We'll take a quick shower and be back down.
Le temps de prendre une douche, et nous arrivons.
"This'll be a quick meal. I'll order two empty plates and we can leave."
"Je commande deux assiettes vides et on s'en va."
Come on. We'll be as quick as possible. But we've a psychological mess to unravel.
- Nous avons tout de même un gros nœud psychologique à dénouer.
- Certainly. But we'll have to be quick.
Bien sûr, mais faites vite.
With a quick answer from the board, we'll be okay.
Si le conseil répond rapidement, tout ira bien.
We'll have to be quick because I'm going out.
vite, parce que je sors.
Better make it quick, or else we'll be here all day listening to his crap.
Mieux vaut se dépêcher, ou on va devoir écouter ses conneries toute la journée.
Quick tootle around the old house hold and we'll be right on back.
On fait une petite visite des lieux et on rapplique.
If you get this over quick, we'll both be a lot happier.
Si on en finit vite, ce sera mieux pour nous deux.
We'll be quick, OK?
On se dépêche, tu veux?
- Yes, but we'll have to be quick.
- Oui, mais vite.
All right, but it'll have to be a quick one - we've got guests.
Très bien, mais je vais devoir m'éclipser - nous avons des clients.
Go on inside, grab some coffee We'll be back pretty quick
- Entre boire un café.
We'll be quick.
On sera rapide.
If you break through, we'll be dead real quick, instead of real slow, which is what's gonna happen now.
Si vous brisez ca, on mourra tres vite, au lieu de tres lentement, ce qui va nous arriver maintenant.
Then we'll be suing Quick Stop and Dante Hicks for ten million dollars.
Alors nous poursuivrons le Quick Stop et Dante Hicks pour dix millions de dollars.
We gotta do it quick or they'll be able to find me.
On doit faire vite, sinon ils vont me repérer.
- We'll be right quick.
- On arrive.
I'm sorry, Rosario but we'll try to be as quick as we can
Ah? On aurait dit que tu cherchais à m'éviter.
We'll be quick.
Nous ferons vite.
We'll be quick.
- Ce sera rapide
We'll just take a quick look and be on the way home, okay?
On la regarde de l'extérieur, et on rentre à la maison. D'accord?
We'll be quick.
On se dépêche.
We gotta go now, be quick! He'll come back for you!
Il faut partir, vite!
It will be quick, we're skipping the contrast and we'll have a picture of the liver and one of the loft.
Ça sera vite fait, on saute le contraste. On aura une photo du pâté et une de la mansarde.
We'll be as quick as possible, Chief.
On fera au plus vite, Chef.
Guaranteed. But we'll have to be quick.
Sans risque, sans bruit.
Let's take a quick commercial break and we'll be right back.
Et voici un petit message publicitaire.
Just a quick hunting excursion, we'll be back straightaway.
Je rentrerai sitôt après la chasse.
They'll just take a quick look around, then we'll be on our way.
Ils vont simplement jeter un rapide coup d'oeil, puis on partira.
I'll just take a quick peek around and then we'll be on our way.
Je fais un tour rapidement et nous partons.
We're gonna take a quick break. We'll be right back with high stakes litigator, Patty Hewes. And we're out!
Après une courte pause nous retrouverons l'avocate des grands procès financiers, Patty Hewes.
We'll have to be quick.
Faut faire vite.
We'll be hacked to pieces quick as Pan.
On sera taillé en pièces aussi vite que Pan.
Okay, yeah. No, we'll be quick.
Il n'y a que nous deux, assis au fond, qui bavardons et jacassons.

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