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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / We'll do that

We'll do that Çeviri Fransızca

1,630 parallel translation
Alors quand tu dis que nous serons ensemble quoi qu'il arrive, comment on est sensé y arriver, exactement?
Eh bien, c'est ce que nous serons de toutes façons, quoique tu fasses et s'il ne nous le disent pas en face ils le diront derrière notre dos
Say things like "We'll do what we can" or "We'll get back to you on that"
Dites "On fera de notre mieux" ou "Je vais me renseigner à ce propos".
Okay, we'll do that.
Bonne idée.
We'll need to went, but we can do that.
Il faudra une aération, mais on peut le faire. Excellent.
We'll do it ourselves, if that's OK?
On le fera, nous.
- l thought we couldn't do that.
- ll n'est pas hors d'usage?
We'll do this little barbecue of yours, but that's as far as I go.
On va faire votre petit barbecue, mais pas plus.
I'll bet you 50 bucks that if we do it, I'll be into it.
Je parie que si on le fait, je serai concentré.
They haven't put anything together, but we'll do a joint press conference in probably two hours, and in that time, you will receive your briefings...
Ils ne sont pas prêts, mais on fera une conférence de presse dans 2 heures au cours desquelles vous serez briefé.
No problem, we'll do something after that.
On fera un truc après.
We'll put out teletypes in case that has anything to do with anything.
On demande des télétypes, au cas où ça aurait un rapport.
We want you to understand that we'll do everything we can...
Comprenez que nous ferons tout ce que nous pourrons
Um, we'll do that.
Ah... On va s'en occuper.
Okay, we'll run face panel tests next. You know how to do that, right?
On va tester l'écran facial, tu sais faire?
We'll need them for the séance, but for the story... I think they know more about the story that I'm gonna tell you than I do.
J'ai besoin d'eux pour la séance, mais pour l'histoire, je crois qu'ils en savent plus que moi...
Do you think that we'll be together forever?
Tu crois qu'on sera toujours ensemble?
That'll have to do. We've got company.
Prends, y a du monde!
Why would we want to do that? He'll be company for Roger.
- Roger aurait de la compagnie.
That's what we'll do. Come on!
On fait ça, allez!
We can do that, too Then I'll be outta your hair
- On pourra divorcer, nous aussi.
We'll find someone else to do that last thing.
On trouvera quelqu'un d'autre pour faire ça.
Yeah, we'll do that.
Faisons ça.
Do they think that it makes them more deserving? That we'll forgive them their bounty?
Croient-elles être plus méritantes et se faire pardonner leur beauté?
All we gotta do is jump up over that 100-foot waterfall, swim upstream 20 miles, get the sheriff on the phone... He liked us, I remember. And he'll send out a rescue boat.
On n'a plus qu'à remonter cette chute de 30 m de haut, nager sur 30 Km, avoir le shérif au téléphone, il nous aimait bien, rappelle-toi.
That's what we'll do, that's what we'll do.
Faisons ça, oui, on va faire ça.
What you're going to want to do is go to Gate One- - that's Terminal X--and we'll send your luggage on down for you.
Allez à la porte numéro un... C'est au Terminal X... Et on fera descendre vos bagages.
Hey, surface roads is what you want, that's what we'll do.
Si vous préférez les rues à l'autoroute, on prendra les petites rues.
We'll have to do something about that.
Il faut faire quelque chose.
Then that's what we'll do.
- Bien. On va faire ça.
I feel if I do that, we'll meet again.
J'ai la sensation que si nous faisons cela, nous devrions pouvoir nous rencontrer à nouveau.
That's what we'll do. Forget it.
On va oublier.
That's what we'll do, Lolo.
Écoute, Lolo. On fait comme ça.
We'll see what we can do about that.
Il faut qu'on envisage les choses dans ce sens, alors.
- Well, yes. Just wondering, how do you think you'll cope - on your own. - We'll see that then.
- Je voulais te demander comment tu - allais t'en sortir toute seule?
We've agreed that they'll send us the raw material, we'll forge it, deliver it to them, and begin to do business like this,
ils nous envoient les matières premières, nous forgeons les pièces, les livrons et leur fournissons
We're slowly getting there but if we can't reach and maintain that goal we can't guarantee production, so we'll have to do what we can.
Maintenant c'est mieux, mais l'équilibre n'est pas encore assuré et on fait ce qu'on peut!
Because if it is Knox, then it means we've got a 4400 serial killer on our hands, and if that's not a worst-case scenario, it'll sure as hell do for one.
Sinon, ça veut dire qu'on a un serial-killer parmi les 4400. Si c'est pas un scénario catastrophe, ça y ressemble vachement.
That's what we'll do!
Allez, on fait ça, on y va!
We'll do that.
On le fera.
And when we do, we'll make sure that the sisters forget everything.
Et nous nous assurerons que les sœurs oublient tout.
What's the matter with you? But with all the powers that we'll get from the demons who sign up, we'll have more than enough to kill him when the time comes. Why do you trust him?
Pourquoi lui fais-tu confiance?
- Then that's what we'll do.
- Alors, c'est ce qu'on va faire.
The fact that our counterparts married doesn't mean we'll do the same.
Que nos contreparties se soient mariées ne signifie pas que nous ferons de même.
I played Beethoven until I could sing the words to Ode to Joy in German and I'll get it on again if that's what you tell me to do, but first we need to talk.
J'ai joué Beethoven jusqu'à ce que j'ai pu chanter l'Ode à Joy en allemand et je le rejouerai si c'est ce que vous me dites de faire, mais d'abord il faut qu'on parle.
We know they'll be coming in, nothing we can do about that.
On sait qu'ils entreront, on ne peut rien y faire.
So, what do you say we go see this guy, partner, see if we've got some cuffs that'll fit him?
Alors, qu'est-ce que vous en dîtes, on va arrêter ce gars partenaire? Pour voir si il y a des menottes qui lui iront?
Do you think we'll ever find love like that, or will we just end up like aunt Olive?
Tu penses qu'ils retrouveront un amour comme celui là, ou qu'ils ont finir comme tante Olive?
I'll calm him down. We're having a family dinner like we always do at our reunion, and that's that.
On a un repas de famille comme à chaque réunion.
We'll do that.
On s'en charge.
Now, we'll never know Christina Nerrit's pain, but what we do know is that many depressed people who attempt suicide are later thankful they lived through it.
Nous ne connaîtrons jamais la souffrance de Christina Nerrit, mais nous savons que de nombreux dépressifs qui font une tentative de suicide sont ensuite reconnaissants d'avoir survécu.

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