We don't have it Çeviri Fransızca
3,009 parallel translation
- We don't have to literally recap it.
- On n'a pas besoin de tes commentaires.
I don't think it's a good idea for all humans to live forever, because then we'd never have anybody new, or any new ideas on Earth.
Je ne pense pas que ce soit une bonne idée pour tous les êtres humains de vivre éternellement, car alors nous n'aurions jamais personne nouveau, ni de nouvelles idées sur la Terre.
We don't have it.
On ne l'a pas.
I brought it up with my sergeant, and he agreed with me that we still don't have enough to charge this guy, so there's not a lot more we can do at this point.
J'en ai parlé à mon supérieur, et il est d'accord avec moi qu'on n'a pas de quoi l'inculper, donc on ne peut pas faire grand-chose de plus.
It's a big problem, sir. We don't seem to have it in stock.
C'est un souci, on est en rupture.
Even if we don't have the money to buy it... you should still have a conscience.
Même si nous n'avions pas d'argent pour l'acheter, tu devrais avoir une conscience.
I'll loan it to you. Get back to me at a later date of your choosing, and we'll have a... I don't know, a bottle of chilled white zin.
Vous me le rendrez quand vous voudrez et on boira, disons, une bonne bouteille de zinfandel.
- We don't have to talk about it.
- On n'a pas à en parler.
It's not ready yet, and we don't have the move yet.
Il n'est pas prêt et nous ne l'avons encore jamais réussi.
We don't almost have it, all right?
Nous ne sommes pas sur le point de l'avoir.
I don't think we could have done it without Marion.
Je ne pense pas que nous aurions pu le faire sans Marion.
We don't have to worry about what it means.
Pas besoin de se demander si c'est sérieux.
Why are you telling us this if we don't have any time to stop it?
Pourquoi tu le dis, si c'est trop tard?
Goddamn it, Evan, we don't have time for this shit.
Faut se bouger!
I don't get it why we don't have this in Antwerp.
- On devrait avoir ça à Anvers.
And even if I had a user's manual and six weeks to go through it all, we still don't have enough crew to fire it up.
Même avec un manuel et 6 semaines pour le lire, on manque d'hommes pour les démarrer.
Gee, I don't think we have much time, so I hope it's not a long story.
Il nous reste peu de temps, j'espère que ce ne sera pas long.
If they discover that the Semtex was being monitored by us and that we could have stopped it... I don't need to tell you the repercussions for this government, especially with the election looming.
S'ils découvrent que nous surveillions le Semtex et que nous aurions pu l'empêcher... je n'ai pas besoin de vous dire les répercussions pour ce gouvernement, en particulier avec les élections imminentes.
We don't even have it anymore.
- On ne l'a même plus.
It'll be easy since we don't have to guard Shira anymore.
Ne t'inquiète pas, ça va être facile, comme on n'a plus à garder Shira.
Well, it doesn't matter anyway. You don't have that authority. We've been deputized.
C'est pas toi qui décides, et nous, on est mandatés.
We don't have any money. It's fine.
- On n'a pas assez d'argent.
But we don't have to do it again.
Mais on n'est pas obligés de le refaire.
We don't have to watch it all, but for the value, it makes sense.
Pas besoin de le regarder, mais c'est plus logique comme ça.
It has returned, year-to-date, 15.4 %. Approximately $ 583 million from an operation that you don't have and we both know you need.
Elle a rapporté en une année 15,4 %, ce qui nous fait à peu près 583 millions de dollars pour un portefeuille que vous n'avez pas, mais dont vous avez besoin.
Because just a matter of time... some other fresh bastard's gonna think of this... and then it's gonna be gone, we don't have the money.
Sinon un autre connard va y penser, l'occasion sera passée et on n'aura rien.
We don't pass it to our children in the bloodstream, we have to fight for it and protect it, and then hand it to them so that they shall do the same.
Elle ne se transmet pas à nos enfants par voie sanguine. On doit se battre pour l'acquérir et la protéger... et leur passer le flambeau pour qu'ils fassent de même.
We don't have it.
On ne les a pas.
Yeah, I mean, you don't have to sign it, but we can't process the checks until you do, so... it's fine.
Oui, je veux dire, tu n'es pas obligée de signer, mais tu pourras pas avoir ton chèque si tu le fais pas, donc... C'est bon
It sucks that we don't have more time together. But you know I love you more than anything, right? Right?
Dommage qu'on ait pas plus de temps mais tu sais que je t'aime, hein?
It's our best defence, we don't have a choice.
C'est notre meilleure défense, nous n'avons pas le choix.
It feels... it seems like we have all this time to just, you know, lead these lives, these days just stretching out, but I swear to you, Stevie, we don't.
C'est comme si nous avions tout ce temps pour juste mener notre barque C'est comme... Ces jours ci nous épuisent
We don't have to worry about it.
On ne doit plus s'en préoccuper.
What I mean is it looks like we're either gonna have to go down to the jail- - we don't have much of a choice- - or, you know, I can do it here, which I think is really much, much easier for you.
On a guère le choix. Soit tu vas en prison, soit je te fouille ici. À mon avis, c'est beaucoup plus simple pour toi, non?
I don't care what it costs or where we have to go.
Je me moque du prix que ça coûtera ou de l'endroit où nous irons.
Whatever this thing is, we have to stop it before it spreads beyond the school, because if we don't it could quite literally infect- -
Quoi que ce soit, on doit l'arrêter avant que ça sorte de l'école, ça pourrait infecter...
So you're saying that we have influence so long as we don't expect to use it?
Vous êtes en train de me dire que nous avons de l'influence... tant que nous n'essayons pas de l'utiliser?
Actually, it's best to grind the flaxseed and then throw it in, but we don't seem to have a spice mill, so what are you gonna do?
Wow, c'est partout. Ces stupides blogs d'amateur de théâtre. Je déteste tout ceux qui écrivent des blogs sur Théâtre.
Don't worry, we'll have it back by the end of the week.
Ne t'inquiètes pas, nous le retrouverons à la fin de la semaine.
- It's okay. - We don't have an anchor.
On n'a pas d'ancre.
Why don't we just have your insurance pay for it, and we'll just call it a day?
Pourquoi vous ne faites pas intervenir votre assurance qu'on en finisse?
What is it that they have and we don't?
Qu'ont-ils de plus que nous?
Well, turns out they don't really have anywhere to store car doors. Knew it. Fine, we're just gonna have to take turns carrying it then.
Eh bien, il se trouve qu'ils n'ont pas d'endroit où stocker des portières.
Greg, in case we don't make it, there's something I have to tell you.
Au cas où on ne survit pas, je veux te dire une chose.
Sometimes you just have to step aside for the greater good. We realize Andrew's given you your first taste of power, and we pray you don't gag on it.
On voit bien qu'Andrew t'a donné le goût du pouvoir, on prie pour que tu ne t'étouffes pas avec.
I don't wanna do it either, but we don't have a lot of options here.
Je n'en pas non plus envie, mais on n'a pas d'autres options.
It's better than a postcard because we don't have to share it with anybody else.
C'est mieux qu'une carte postale, Tu ne doit pas partager avec quelqu'un d'autre.
- We don't have it. - Please don't shoot us.
- Ne nous tirez pas dessus.
But we don't know where the fox found it, so we don't have a crime scene.
Je suis devenu obsédé par ce qu'il manque aux archives.
And if you don't like it, we can have the conversation you thought we were having.
Et si ça ne te plaît pas on peut avoir cette conversation que tu croyais que nous avions.
It's that we don't have a leader.
On n'a pas de chef.
we don't know each other 51
we don't have much time 440
we don't have 70
we don't have one 55
we don't have any 57
we don't 1406
we don't have time for that 61
we don't have anything 45
we don't know anything 72
we don't care 92
we don't have much time 440
we don't have 70
we don't have one 55
we don't have any 57
we don't 1406
we don't have time for that 61
we don't have anything 45
we don't know anything 72
we don't care 92