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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / We had a few drinks

We had a few drinks Çeviri Fransızca

58 parallel translation
Maybe I met Mr. Buyrite, owner of Buyrite Markets. Maybe we had a few drinks.
J'ai rencontré M. Buyrite des supermarchés Buyrite.
We had a few drinks and I bet I could teach him to behave... Quark, I mean.
On avait un peu bu, et j'ai parié que je lui apprendrai à se tenir correctement...
We had a few drinks.
Nous avons pris quelques verres.
Look, I met some guys, we had a few drinks... one thing led to another... and next thing I knew... I woke up out of town.
Je suis allé boire un pot avec des copains... et une chose après l'autre... quand je me suis réveillé, j'étais dans une autre ville.
Well, we had a few drinks, danced a little and you know.
On a un peu bu, un peu dansé, et vous voyez.
I mean, we had a few drinks.
On a pris quelques verres.
We had a few drinks... and danced...
On a pris quelques verres... et dansé...
Well, we talked and we had a few drinks.
Nous avons parlé, nous avons bu quelques verres.
We had a few drinks, went to a hotel. Then she asked for money for her sick relatives. I said I couldn't help her.
On a pris quelques verres, on est montés dans une chambre et puis elle m'a demandé de l'argent pour sa famille.
- We had a few drinks... - I don't even know you.
- On s'est soûlés ensemble.
And at some point i, I called Alona and we went out for a drink. We had a few drinks.
Plus tard, j'ai appelé Ilona, on est allées boire un verre, et... on a bu quelques verres.
We had a few drinks.
{ \ pos ( 192,220 ) } On a bu quelques verres.
We had a few drinks.
On a bu un peu.
I paid him, we had a few drinks, we had a few laughs, and he left.
Je l'ai payé, il a bu quelques verres et il est parti.
We had a few drinks and some weed, and played Drummer God on this giant plasma TV.
On a bu, fumé de l'herbe, et on a joué à Drummer God.
Yeah, we had a few drinks, got chatting and before long, we found ourselves back here, one thing led to another and, er, here she is...
Yeah, on s'est rencontré au Jockey hier soir. Yeah, on a pris quelques verres, discuté et peu après, on s'est retrouvé ici, de fil en aiguille, euh, la voilà...
Dolph gave mouth - to-mouth to a sheep. Yeah. And then we had a few drinks.
Dolph a fait du bouche-à-bouche à une brebis et on a bu quelques verres.
We had a few drinks, and- -
On avait pris quelques verres et...
We hit it off, we had a few drinks, and we went dancing.
Nous nous sommes bien entendus, nous avons pris quelques verres, et nous avons dansé.
One night, we went out, we had a few drinks, and we ended up kissing.
Un soir, on est sorti, on a bu et fini par s'embrasser.
We had a few drinks, and the next thing that I remember is waking up on the floor of my apartment covered in blood.
On a pris quelques verres, et puis je me souviens de m'être réveillée par terre chez moi, couverte de sang.
We had a few drinks.
Juste pour quelques verres.
We had a few drinks last night.
On a bu quelques verres hier soir.
We all of us pay too much for drinks once we've had a few.
On paie tous nos verres trop cher, quand on en a bu quelques-uns.
We went up to her place, had a few drinks.
On est allé chez elle... On a pris un verre...
We'd been to a party, and we'd had a few drinks.
Nous sommes allés à une fête et j'avais pris quelques verres.
We came here, saw your new flat, had a few drinks... We saw how moved you were at becoming a father...
Nous avons fait le tour de votre nouvel appartement, un peu bu, et vu combien vous avez pris à coeur cette naissance.
We had dinner a few times, drinks.
On a dîné plusieurs fois.
We had asked a few drinks for the interval, but when there we arrived there were other persons to drink them.
J'avais commandé deux verres pour l'entracte au théâtre. Les Robinson les ont bus à notre place.
We both had a few drinks.
On avait bu, c'est tout.
We got there about 10. Had a few drinks.
On est arrivés au bar vers 22 h. On a bu quelques verres.
We had drinks together a few times after court.
On a pris un pot ensemble plusieurs fois.
So off we go and had few drinks too.
Alors on a fait ça, on a bu.
We were in our prime, we ´ d had a few drinks.
Nous étions dans la fleur de l'âge, nous avions pris quelques verres.
Anyway, me and Eddie, we went and had a few drinks we had a lot of drinks then we went down to the tattoo parlour and I got a Desert Rat done and Eddie being Eddie wanted something with a bit more meaning.
Bref, moi et Eddie, on est allé s'en jeter quelques-uns... on les comptait même plus... puis on a titubé jusqu'à la boutique et je me suis fait tatouer "Rat du Désert" alors qu'Eddie, fidèle à lui-même, voulait un truc plus sérieux.
We had some downtime and a few of us went out for drinks.
On est tous allés boire un verre, un soir.
We just had a few drinks, and things just...
On avait un peu bu, et les choses se sont...
We've had a few drinks, nothing heavy.
Quelques verres, rien de sérieux.
We met at a bar, shot some pool, had a few drinks.
On s'est retrouvé dans un bar, on a joué au billard, on a bu quelques verres.
We paid our $ 25, went inside, did a lap around the place, had a few drinks.
On a payé les 25 $, on est entrés, on a fait un tour, bu quelques verres.
Yeah, we all had a few drinks.
Oui, quelques verres.
We had a few drinks.
Comme je l'aimais bien, on a bu quelques verres.
Yeah, you know, we both had a few drinks.
Oui, nous avions bu tous les deux.
We've already had a few drinks, so....
On a déjà bu quelques verres.
♪ We went back inside, sat down, had a few drinks ♪
♪ We went back inside, sat down, had a few drinks ♪
We'd had a few drinks and we ran into the kid at the gas station near the club.
Nous avions bu quelques verres et on s'est heurté à l'enfant. à la station-service près du club.
We had, uh, a few drinks.
On a bu quelques verres.
We had drinks after work a few times, but I never slept with him.
Nous avons pris un verre quelques fois après le travail mais je n'ai jamais couché avec lui.
We were talking, had a few drinks.
On a parlé et bu quelques verres.
We met at a hotel bar where she was staying, had a few drinks, and we clicked.
On s'est rencontré au bar de son hôtel, bu quelques verres, et voilà.
- After the presentation, we stopped at the hotel bar, had a few drinks.
- Après la présentation, nous nous sommes arrêtés au bar de l'hôtel pour boire quelques verres.

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