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We have to stick together Çeviri Fransızca

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We have to stick together.
Unissons-nous... j'ai besoin de toi.
Do we have to stick together?
Pas besoin de rester collés!
We have to stick together. Come on!
Yasaku, restons ensemble.
But we have to stick together.
Mais il faut rester ensemble.
That's for sure. That's why we have to stick together.
Voilà pourquoi on doit se serrer les coudes.
We have to stick together.
Si nous restons unis, il se démasquera.
When things get tough, we have to stick together.
En un tel moment, personne ne nous séparera.
We have to stick together.
Nous devons rester ensemble.
We have to stick together.
Il faut s'entraider.
We'll figure something out, but we have to stick together. How, Quinn?
Cette planète est déjà bizarre.
We have to stick together.
On doit se serrer les coudes.
You said yourself we have to stick together!
C'est pas sympa. Tu disais toi-même qu'il fallait qu'on reste solidaires!
We have to stick together.
Il faut qu'on reste ensemble.
- Don't. We have to stick together.
- Arrête, on doit s'épauler.
No! We have to stick together.
On doit rester solidaires.
Michael, we have to stick together now more than ever before.
Maintenant il faut rester unis, plus que jamais.
But that's why we have to stick together!
Peut-être que non.
- We have to stick together.
- Il faut se serrer les coudes.
We have to stick together and save our energy to fight Kroehner.
On doit se serrer les coudes et se battre contre Kroehner.
We have to stick together, us Washington blondes.
Nous devons nous entraider, nous, les blondes de Washington.
We have to stick together, Danny.
Nous devons restons ensemble, Danny.
We have to stick together, now that Mama and Otto are dead.
II faut se serrer les coudes,
I'm afraid we'll have to stick it out together some way.
On va devoir faire face ensemble.
We just have to hold on now and not go soft inside... stick close together the way we started out.
Il faut tenir le coup, ne pas mollir, se serrer les coudes, toi et moi.
We've got to stick together, though. We've got to have faith in each other.
Nous devons nous serrer les coudes et rester confiants.
I guess we boys have to stick together, don't we.
Entre hommes, il faut se serrer les coudes.
After all, we Hoosiers have to kind of stick together, don't we?
On est de l'Indiana, faut se tenir les coudes.
Dear Kathy : Ten weeks have passed, and tomorrow we finish boot camp. We hope we can stick together and go to radio school from here.
Chère Kathy... dix semaines ont passé.
Sir, as long as we stick together, we don't have to worry, and the good name of the service is gonna be preserved.
Monsieur, si on se serre les coudes, aucune raison de s'inquiéter, et la réputation du service sera préservée.
We Warsovians have to stick together.
Entre Varsoviens, il faut se serrer les coudes.
Besides us Southern boys have to stick together, now don't we?
Et puis... nous autres, gars du Sud, devons nous épauler.
All we have to do is stick together.
Ce qu'il faut, c'est rester unis.
We Potrero Hill boys have to stick together.
Entre gars de Potrero hill, iI faut s'aider.
We Americans have got to stick together.
On est américains, on doit se serrer les coudes.
I see he's an Italian, and we Italians have got to stick together.
Entre Italiens, on doit être solidaires.
I only wish that all youngsters, all workers, be friends, and realise that they have to stick together. That all of them stick together, together with the military forces, so that we can all deal with these fellows.
Ce que je veux, c'est que tous les jeunes, tous les travailleurs soient amis, et qu'ils sachent qu'ils doivent rester tous unis avec les militaires pour aller de lavant.
We women have to stick together.
Les femmes doivent être solidaires.
This is true. We need to stick together, otherwise we have no security.
Oui, si on se serre pas les coudes, on a rien.
We just have to stick together.
Il faut juste nous serrer les coudes.
We all gotta stick together... if we're gonna have any hope of bringing that awful Homer to justice.
Il faut qu'on reste soudés, si on veut que cet affreux Homer soit traduit en justice.
Remember, this is only a bear! All we have to do is stick together and we can spend the rest of the night making bear sandwiches!
Ce n'est qu'un ours, il suffit de rester groupés et on pourra se faire des sandwichs au grizzli.
We just have to stick together and keep our stories straight... and take the offensive.
On doit rester unis, avoir des versions consistantes... et passer à l'offensive.
We're gonna have to stick together on this.
Nous devons nous serrer les coudes.
Ernie, we Argylls have got to stick together.
Ernie... Nous, les Argyll, devons rester soudés.
We just have to stick together.
Il faut qu'on se soutienne.
I have a plan, but we've got to stick together.
J'ai un plan, mais je vais avoir besoin de vous.
considering... Now we have got... to stick together. We have got to support each other in our grief.
finalement... maintenant nous devons... rester ensemble. nous devons nous soutenir moralement.
If we just stick together long enough for her to have her baby...
Si on se serre les coudes jusqu'à la naissance...
Right now, we're just going to have to stick together on this one.
On doit se serrer les coudes, tous les trois ensemble!
We have to stick together.
On doit rester ensemble.
- Well, if we stick together... neither one of us will have to worry.
Si on se serre les coudes, aucun de nous n'aura d'ennuis.

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