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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / What's his problem

What's his problem Çeviri Fransızca

279 parallel translation
- What's his problem?
Qu'est-ce qu'il a votre ami?
What's his problem? Fallen arches.
Quel est son problème?
What's his problem?
Qu'est-ce qu'il a?
- What's his problem?
Tiens et toi mon gros!
What's been his problem for the past eight days?
Qu'est-ce qu'il a depuis huit jours?
So, what's his problem? .
Quel est son problème?
What's his problem, do you know?
Nous n'en avons pas parlé en détail au téléphone. Le voilà.
What's his problem?
Quel est son problème?
- What's his problem?
- Qu'a-t-il? Le coeur?
I don't know what his problem is, but whatever it is, it's a beaut.
J'ignore quel est son problème. Quoi qu'il en soit, c'est une énigme.
- What's his problem?
- Qu'est-ce qu'il a?
See, it's his problem. - What do you mean?
- Comment ça?
- What's his problem?
- Pourquoi?
Getting inside his defense work- - That's what the problem is.
Percer sa défense, c'est ça le problème.
What's his problem?
C'est quoi son problème?
Nice guy. What's his problem, Harry?
- Il n'as pas l'air content.
What's his problem?
- Qu'est-ce qu'il a?
Well, I don't know what the hell his problem is, but he'll tell us when he's ready.
Ouais, je sais pas quel est le problème de ce mec... mais il nous le dira quand il sera prêt.
What's his problem?
Mais pourquoi?
- What's his problem?
Qu'est-ce qu'il a encore?
- What's his problem?
- C'est quoi, son problème?
- What's his problem?
Un problème?
What's your problem? He had a leech on his balls.
Il avait une sangsue sur les couilles.
( guy on phone ) The guy that turned into a dog, what's his problem? He's really weird.
So what's his problem?
Qu'est-ce qu'il a?
- What's his problem?
- Quel est son problème?
What the fuck's his problem?
Mais qu'est-ce qu'il a, merde?
I want to talk to you about my problem, my report on exactly what happened when Mr. Dyson lost his head, so to speak.
En fait, j'aimerais vous parler de mon problème. Sur ce qui s'est exactement passé quand M. Dyson a perdu la tête, si je puis dire.
If the necklace was in his pocket, it could've fallen out. That's what seems obvious. The problem is, it wasn't on the floor of the closet.
Le collier a pu tomber de la poche.
What's his problem? Do you mind?
- Aucune idée.
Then what's his problem?
Alors, quel est son problème?
- What's his fuckin'problem?
- C'est quoi le putain de problème?
- What's his problem? - It's been too...
- C'est quoi son problème?
Anyway, what's his problem?
Et puis, où est le problème?
We gotta go now! What's his problem?
- On le laisse.
- I did. What's his problem? This.
- C'est quoi son probléme?
What's the problem if he speaks to his mother sometimes?
Est-ce un problème s'il parle parfois à sa mère?
- What's his problem?
Qui est son fils?
Now, what's his problem?
Et lui, qu'est-ce qu'il a?
He didn't even look over. What's his fucking problem?
Il fait comme s'il ne nous voyait pas!
- What's his problem?
- II a un problème?
- What's his problem?
Qu'est-ce qu'il a?
- What's his problem now? .
Qu'est-ce qu'il a encore?
said he'd call. - what's his big problem?
- C'est ce qu'il a dit.
What Mr. Dalton here doesn't realize... is that if Elliot Blair gets the idea there is some kind of problem here, he's gonna take his $ 18 million, his 800 jobs, and he's gonna evacuate.
M. Dalton ne comprend pas que si Elliot Blair a vent d'un problème, il prendra ses 18 millions, ses 800 emplois et il évacuera!
- What's his problem?
- Il est lourd, lui!
What's his problem?
Quel est le problème?
Really? What's his problem?
Quel est son problème?
- What's his problem?
- C'est qui, ce mec?
What's his problem? If I didn't know better...
- Il a un problème?
- What's his problem? - He's drinking glory. He wants bagels.
Il savoure sa gloire et réclame les meilleurs bagels du pays.

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