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What are you saying to me Çeviri Fransızca

137 parallel translation
What are you saying to me?
Vous me dites quoi?
What are you saying to me?
Hé là!
What are you saying to me?
Qu'est-ce que vous me dites?
- What are you saying to me?
Qu'es-tu en train de me dire, Rimmer?
So, what are you saying to me?
Qu'est-ce que tu dis?
What are you saying to me?
Qu'est ce que tu veux dire?
- What are you saying to me, Kryten?
Qu'est-que tu dis, Kryten?
So... So what are you saying to me?
Donc... donc qu'est-ce que vous me dites?
What are you saying to me?
Qu'est-ce que vous dites?
What are you saying to me?
Qu'est-ce que tu essaies de me dire?
What are you saying to me? It's going to be one big deal I'm making?
Ma vie, un grand marchandage?
Do you realize what are you saying to me?
Realise tu ce que tu est en train de me dire?
What are you saying to me?
Qu'est-ce que tu racontes?
What are you saying to me, huh?
Qu'essaies-tu de me dire?
- What are you saying to me?
- Où voulez-vous en venir?
What are you saying to me?
Où tu veux en venir?
What are you saying to me, Brad?
Qu'es-tu en train de me dire?
- What are you saying to me, Ellie?
- Vous voulez me dire quelque chose, Ellie?
What are you saying to me, child?
Que me dis-tu, mon enfant?
What do you mean? What are you saying to me, Nick?
Tu veux dire quoi, Nick?
What are you saying to me?
Qu'est-ce que vous voulez me dire?
We'll put you at a bench first, see how things are talk to the men, see what they're saying, and then you can let me know.
On va vous tester d'abord, pour voir comment ça va, parlez aux gars, voyez ce qu'ils disent et faites-le-moi savoir.
Um, as I was saying, from what you tell me... there are enough suspects to take care of a massacre.
Comme je disais, d'après ce que vous me dites... il y a assez de suspects pour faire tout un massacre.
Stavros, what are you saying to me?
Qu'alliez-vous me dire?
- What are you saying? Want me to take you in my arms?
- Tu veux que je te porte dans mes bras?
What are you saying to me?
Que dis-tu?
So what are you saying? You're not coming back to New York with me?
Es-tu en train de me dire que tu ne reviens pas à New-York York avec moi?
Priest. What are you saying? What is it all to me?
M. Le bonze, qu'est-ce que cette boîte représente pour Heizaburo?
But if that's not the kind of man you are... and if what I'm saying doesn't make any sense to you... well, then, go ahead and kill me.
Mais si vous n'êtes pas ce genre d'homme, ou si ce que je dis n'a aucun sens pour vous, alors, allez-y. Tuez-moi.
Will you kindly explain to me what you are saying?
Voulez-vous m'expliquer... ce que vous voulez dire par là?
Are you saying that no matter what I tell you to do, you will do?
Vous me dites que vous ferez tout ce que je vous demanderai?
What are you telling me? Are you saying you want to dance again?
Es-tu en train de me dire que tu veux danser à nouveau?
Qu'est-ce que vous essayez de me dire?
What do you want me to say, some of the things you're saying are true?
Que veux-tu que je dise? "Oui, il y a du vrai dans tes propos"?
So what are you saying? You think they want me to lose?
Ils veulent me voir perdre?
And pretty soon everyone's asking questions... and writing down what I'm saying, and suddenly this woman says... you know, you are so much easier to follow than Stephan Dieter... you should teach this class.
Et rapidement, tout le monde me pose des questions... et note mes réponses, et soudain elle s'exclame : "Vous êtes bien plus facile à suivre que Stephan Dieter... " vous devriez diriger le cours. "
And what of your debt to me? Are you saying you owe me nothing?
Oublierais-tu ce que tu me dois?
My teacher said that when we tell a story, we're saying who we are and what we like... Why did you want to come here with me?
mon prof dit que quand nous disons une histoire on dit qui on est et ce qu'on aime... pourquoi t'as voulu venir ici avec moi?
What are you saying? That you lied to me?
T'es en train de me dire que tu m'as menti?
What are you saying? Aren't you happy to see me here?
Vous n'êtes pas heureux de me voir ici?
What circumstances? ! Are you saying that the, the Tuvok I know is gone- - that I should stop trying to help him?
Etes-vous en train de me dire que le Tuvok que je connais a disparu?
What are you saying? You were... trying to snort me? What?
Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire?
- What are you saying? - I'm just saying... Thanks and all that, thanks for thinking of me, but I've got to turn this opportunity down.
Merci, et tout ça, d'avoir pensé à moi... mais je suis obligé de refuser
So difficult to find an honest person in this town, but I really appreciate what you are saying to me.
C'est si rare de trouver quelqu'un de sincère dans cette ville, je vous remercie de tout ce que vous me dites.
- What are you saying, that Raymond is lying to me when he tells me he feels droopy?
- Qu'est-ce que tu insinues? Que Raymond me ment quand il me dit qu'il se sent faible?
If they would have asked for the father what would have I said? He came to get a blanket, instead gave me a child. What are you saying?
Si vous aviez glissé un peu plus, ma réputation... aurait été corrompu.
Are you saying, "or what?" to me?
Vous me dites "Sinon quoi?" à moi?
What are you saying that to me for?
Comment pouvez-vous vous permettre?
- What are you saying that to me for?
- Pourquoi me dis-tu ça?
You know, it's like me and your paths are meant to cross. Feel what I'm saying?
Ça implique qu'on était forcés de se croiser.
- What things are you saying to me?
- Qu'est-ce que tu me dis?

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