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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / What have we got here

What have we got here Çeviri Fransızca

355 parallel translation
Well, what have we got here?
Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
Well, well. what have we got here?
Tiens, tiens. Qu'est-ce donc que ça?
What have we got here?
Qu'est-ce qu'on a là?
What have we got here?
Qu'est-ce qu'on a?
What have we got here? Found a Jap overlay.
Les fusées sont près de la maison.
What have we got here? Not too shabby.
Eh ben, mes filles, vous vous embêtez pas!
What have we got here?
Qui nous amènes-tu?
What have we got here?
Voyons voir.
Now, what have we got here?
Qu'avons-nous là?
Jeff, what have we got here?
Jeff, on a quoi, là?
What have we got here?
- Qu'avons-nous là?
What have we got here?
Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
What have we got here?
Cette fille est un phénomène!
Now, what have we got here?
- Dernier cri.
What have we got here? The...
A présent, quelques questions :
- What have we got here?
- Qu'est-ce que vous avez trouvé là?
Well, what have we got here?
Tiens, c'est quoi, ça?
What have we got here?
Qu'est-ce que c'est?
What have we got here?
Qu'avons-nous là?
- What have we got here?
- Qu'est-ce que tu m'apportes?
What have we got here?
Quel est le problème?
What have we got here?
Il y a quoi, ici?
After all, what have we got here?
Après tout, qu'avons-nous, ici?
What have we got here?
Qu'est ce quon a là?
Now, what have we got here?
Voyons un peu ça.
Well, what have we got here?
Qu'avons-nous là?
What have we got here?
- Qu'avez-vous là?
So, what have we got here?
Donc c'est quoi?
What have we got here?
Que se passe-t-il?
Hmm. Well, what have we got here?
Que vois-je donc là?
What have we got here?
Qu'avons-nous donc là?
What have we got here?
Mais, qu'est-ce que c'est?
What have we got here?
Regardez-moi ça!
- What have we got here?
- Quel est le problème?
What have we got here?
Qu'est-ce que vous avez là?
What have we got here?
Qu'est-ce qu'on a ici?
What have we got here?
Vas-y! Qu'a-t-on là-dedans?
Well, what chance have we got here all alone in the North Atlantic?
Quelle chance on a, seul ici?
Now that I'm here, Pop, what type of murder have we got?
Maintenant qu'on est là, papa, à quel genre de crime a-t-on affaire?
What kind of a big thumb have we got here, Tiger?
Tu appelles ça une pointure?
What have we got around here - a bunch of necrophiles?
Ce sont des nécrophiles, nos enfants!
Do you know what the villagers have been eating since we got here?
Vous savez ce que les villageois mangent depuis qu'on est ici?
Now, Goodchild got it from Peckham. What else have we got here?
1847, rouge, "Post Office".
You've been here a couple of days and what have we got?
- J'ai faim.
Here, what have we got?
Jung-Lu, dites aux étrangers que la paix est un bienfait.
Now, what have we got around here?
Alors, qu'est-ce qu'on a ici?
- What have we got for supper here?
Y a quoi de bon?
What the hell have we got here?
Il se croit où, lui?
Captain, what kind of security have we got around here anyway? When a guy can walk into this garage, plant a bomb on a car, and walk out of here without being seen?
Vous appelez ça de la sécurité, quand un type peut entrer, poser une bombe et ressortir sans être vu?
What have we got here?
Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça?
Let's see what we have got here.
Voyons un peu ça...

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